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Krsna Conciousness

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At what point does one receive Krsna Conciousness? It would seem that since we are in the material world, we would be constantly be creating bad karma. Does one receive a vision of Krsna?

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Krishna consciousness begins when we finish desiring our own sense gratification, when Krishna sends His pure devotee our way, and when we wholeheartedly surrender to Krishna through His representative.


The one way I know to make this happen is to start chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, and keep chanting without stopping.

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Just wondering about the vision of Krishna. I had a dream a couple days ago (I know its not a "vision") that was interesting. I was chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Hare Rama... faster and faster until finally I saw Lord Chaitanya's face. His face then transformed to Krsna's face. After that I got a shock throughout my whole body...as if someone punched me in my stomach really hard. That "pain" was the best feeling I have ever experienced. It's kind like that saying, you love something so much it hurts.

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The difference seems to be in the definition of Krishna Consciousness.


One may say that everyone who thinks a little about Krishna, has some vague conception of Krishna, chants His names while thinking of something else, etc., is conscious of Him. Like, if someone tells another that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they just made them Krishna Conscious. I was really surprised when I first heard devotees talking about Krishna consciousness so casually.


My feeling is that being conscious of Krishna is more than that. The way I think of Krishna consciousness is that it immediately gives Krishna prema. It's not to say that I'm there now (far from it), but Krishna gave me a taste, and having done so, put me back to where I was (ignorant of Him) so that I could gradually remember Him. He left me with two primary instructions as He departed, "Always chant My names, and get some association of devotees."


I've often wanted to share what details I can remember of that night, but I've found that devotees have sometimes not appreciated hearing stories about Krishna told by a fool like me.


Hare Krishna

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I can only infer that because Srila Prabhupada gave me my brief vision through Bhagavad-gita As It Is, that he is a pure devotee and that he could see Krishna. Personally, I am just trying to gradually purify myself so that I can see Krishna again.


Your question is a bit tricky because I received a vision of Krishna, but I am not a pure devotee. Actually mine was nothing but mercy because I was sincerely trying to find out the truth but I had been deceived by mayavadi philosophy. My answer is that pure devotees have a fully conscious eternal relationship with Krishna, sometimes seeing Him, and sometimes not, but never forgetting Him.


Hare Krishna

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The best way I know to get Krishna's mercy is to seek out His devotees and try to serve them. They will help you. Grammar and spelling aren't that important, but eating meat can be a real obstacle. It's been said that meat eating destroys mercy. I understand that to mean that it prevents the meat-eater from showing mercy, and also prevents the meat-eater from receiving mercy.


I'm also struggling to reform my character. It is very difficult, but it has to be done. Everyone has to do it, but most people don't try. What a waste to live like animals. We must remember Krishna. Every step you take trying to please Krishna is for your absolute benefit. Old habits are hard to break, with determination it can be done. Krishna will help, as will His devotees, but you have to make sufficient effort so that failure is impossible. If you succumb to weakness, stop yourself, and double your conviction. Remember Krishna. Always keep Krishna's name on your tongue, and you will lose your taste not only for flesh, but all things material. It may take time, but your determination to please Krishna _is_ Krishna's mercy. I'm praying for you.


Hare Krishna

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"O, Lord of fire and death, wind, moon and waters

Creator, grandsire, and great grandsire of the world

Hail, hail to Thee, a thousand salutations!

We bow before thee, over and over again.


Accept our homage, from every quarter,

O, infionite prowess, boundless glory incarnate,

O, all-in-all, pervading the universe!


Whatever in flippant jest, I may have said

Unknowing Thy divinity,calling in love:

'Come Krishna, Yadava, my darling friend!'

Whatever I may have said to Thee alone

Or before the others, whatever disrespect

I may have shown Thee on the seat or couch

In play or banquet,or lying side by side,

I pray, forgive it all, O Fathomless Ruth!


Thou art the Father of this universe

Of the moving and unmoving, the Guru of all

And greater than the Guru. In the worlds three

None can rival or out rival Thee.

O, Lord,whose power none can plumb on earth.


I bow before Thee and prostrate my body,

Demanding grace of Thee, Adorable Master!

Bear with me as a fatherbears with his son,

A friend with friend, a lover with sweetheart

(11:39 to 11:45)


So have mercy on me, O God of gods and Refuge of the world."



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Try to find yourself in Krsnas' Consciouness then you won't want to be anywhere else. He is the super subjective reality we are the object of Him, try to attract His attention, His Grace. Thru pleasing His devotee, more grace will come.

KC means just that... being conscious of Krsna 24/7 eternally, unbroken smaranam. Go there, don't delay, the hour is getting late.

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Krsna Consciousness means always being conscious of Krsna.


When we try to enjoy without Him, we live a lie, a lower, shadow self. When we see all as it relates to Him, then we see things as they are.


The three basic axioms can lead us to this true perception of reality: God is the Supreme Proprietor, God is the Supreme Enjoyer, and God is everyone's Best Friend. That is to say: everything is owned by Krsna, everything (including all living entities) was created for His enjoyment, and He is indeed our best friend.


Therefore, since my fingers are the property of Sri Krsna, meant for His enjoyment, then they should type only to please Him. I guess that the extent to which this message is Krsna's mercy will be a measure of how much material attachments are forcing me to steal a keystroke or two from Krsna or to begrudge Him some keystrokes here and there, and whether I am sincerely loving Him completely or whether I am also still partially loving all these so many things that I have loved in this material wonderland for eons and eons, day in and day out, again and again, moment to moment, lifetime to lifetime.



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