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Three Year Old Can Recite 4,000 Sanskrit Verses

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ler learns 4,000 verses of ancient language by heart


A three-year old girl in India has become famous for her ability to recite thousands of verses in a dead language.


Shraddha Vajapeyee can recite up to 4,000 verses called sutras from the Ashta adhyayi even though she cannot read the ancient language Sanskrit.


The text is a monumental Sanskrit treatise on grammar and linguistics, authored by Acharya Panini, a scholar who lived in the sixth century BC.


Her father, Ravi Shankar, an insurance agent at Janakipur near Lucknow, says his daughter learnt the entire tome by heart when she was two-and-a-half years old.


Since then she has been displaying her talent in various public functions across the country.


At a recent conference on the ancient text the child surprised Sanskrit scholars with a "flawless" rendering of the text.


Professor Ramakrishnacharya of the Sanskrit University in Tirupati told the Newindpress website: "It is a great thing to happen. I have never seen such an exhibition of talent.''


Her mother Aparna said: ''I would like to see my daughter as a Sanskrit pundit.''



Story filed: 17:03 Wednesday 5th February 2003

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When I hear of such young children with these incredible talents - language, musical etc. I wonder if it is a holdover from a previous life. I mean how can a child know so much so early in this life!


But then - there is the flip side of the coin. I used to work at a facility for autistic children and many times a child with incredible talents such as this is autistic and they just has not shown that part yet. For example, there was one young man at the facility that when he was two years old could name and describe every flag of every country, state etc. Now he is barely able to feed himself.

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One thing for sure: our modern education is not open to unusual cases.

U either fit in as potential sudra or vaizya or u r labeled special ed.

How can teachers fathom/accomodate students much more learned than themselves?

NArada & VyAs could sit before Sukadev & listen. Could u? Would u?

Modern education means how to remain in darkness, ignorance, tamoguN.

We should call it "Ducation", not education.

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  • 9 months later...

This is the perfect example of reincarnation of a soul, which in the previous birth (or births) spent considerable time in learning Sanskrit Grammar and perfected it. That is why, the soul in the present rebirth is unable to control its desire to diplay its hidden talent. At least now, 'scientis' should wake up and take notice of the fact, rebirth.

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