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Why Gold?

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Just caught the tail end of a program on gold (its history, manufacture etc...). I'm wondering why every civilization, from Europe, to South America, to Africa, to Asia, India etc... all have valued gold. Its a nice shiny metal. But there is no real purpose for it (in the past, now it is used in electronics). So why have all these completely diverse cultures taken to gold? Are there any scriptural verses that would indicate the value of gold and could explain this cross cultural phenomenon?

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Gold glittered and outwitted the diamonds (in abundance).

But gold got it's 'intrinsic' value increased to the present day standards from the time it became a legal tender(coins/money).Everything-man andmaterial- could be exchanged for gold.


'Kali Yuga' became gold's golden era



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Last time I was at the Moundsville Palace of Gold it looks like they were scraping the gold from some of the structures.

I remember someone saying on a tour once there was 15 pounds of gold on one of the domes.


If you have not been there it is pretty amazing. You drive down this bumpy country road, turn a bend and it is like you stumbled into India.

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It is precious.

It does not get old or fade away.

It is rare, not abundent like dirt.

So, everyone wants it, why?

Because it is money, Lakshmi.


Every one wants to please women.

And women like gold.

Gold is security for future.

One could buy food, and other things,

and freedom with gold.


No one gets gold free.

No one can keep gold if he is not strong/able to keep it.

Only the sadhus and yogis, sanyasis, swamis of India stay away from gold. Some, like Prabhupada use gold (if they get it) for Krishna.


Why Columbus wanted to go to India? Gold.


Gold is Lakshni.

Lakshmi serves Narayan.


OM namo narayanNaya.


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One of the signs of Kali Yuga is that the politicians will heavily tax the population and cheat its citizenry. One way to prevent this is to return to the gold standard and have every dollar printed backed by a certain quantity of gold. This greatly ties the hands of politicians in manipulating our economy. I believe it was Richard Nixon who first took us off the gold standard and had a floating currency. Now all we have is paper. Am I wrong in thinking that a satvik monetary policy would be based on a gold standard?

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I hope I’m not turning this into a World Review thread, but anyways, here is a quick statement (from a larger report) by Alan Greenspan on the Gold Standard.



The increasingly numerous proponents of a GOLD STANDARD persuasively argue that budget deficits and large federal borrowings would be difficult to finance under such a standard. Heavy claims against paper dollars cause few technical problems, for the Treasury can legally borrow as many dollars as Congress authorizes.


But with unlimited dollar conversion into gold, the ability to issue dollar claims would be severely limited. Obviously if you cannot finance federal deficits, you cannot create them. Either taxes would then have to be raised and expenditures lowered. The restrictions of gold convertibility would therefore profoundly alter the politics of fiscal policy that have prevailed for half a century.



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Prabhupad called it 'yellow stool'

The saint sees stool and gold with equal vision.

Mahaprabhus' Gaura-rupa is the only gold Gaudiyas desire.

There's real Gold in them tharrr heeels.

Prabhupad also told his disciples to give it (wealth=gold) all to him, which was actually the fifth regulative principle, and he would use it wisely in the service of the Lord.

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