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VedAnta-sUtra 1.3.1-43

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This is a code book. BhAgavatam is its explanation.

zabdAd eva pramitaH 1|3|24

from word, only, measured (by thumb), limited

88) Limited thumb-size person described in KathopaniSad is Brahman, due to word or epithet applied to it in that very same text.

He is none other than Lord ViSNu. Why?

He's referred to as Lord of past & future, unlike jIva who's past & future r both bound by karma-phalam.

Then y call Him limited? Thumb-size?


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tad upary api bAdarAyaNaH sambhavAt 1|3|26

that = Brahman meditation; above = superhumans = devas; too, sage BAdarAyaN opines; from, due to possibility

90) According to sage BAdarAyaN, such Brahman-dhyAn must also exist w.r.t. those above men in evolutionary scale; It's possible for them too, for they also have organised bodies.

PUrvapaxin objection that Devas are unembodied overruled.

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virodhaH karmaNIti cen, nAneka pratipatter darzanAt

contradiction, w.r.t. work, sacrifice; thus, if, not, not one = many; due to assumption; from sight

91) If objection is that Deva canNOT b embodied, for his attending many sacrifices simultaneously would then b impossible: on the contrary, for it's observed many bodies can b assumed by spiritual entities for simultaneous presence in distinct places.

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zabda iti cen nAtaH prabhavAt, pratyaxAnumanAbhyAm or


Vedik sound, word, knowledge; thus, cet = if, not, ataH = because = ergo, from origination; perception, revelation; anumanAbhyAm or anumAnAbhyAm = from inference, smRti, tradition

92) If it b objected this view contradicts any Vedik word's eternality, Baladev VidyAbhUSan replies "NO!":

Universal Creation sprouts from THE WORD which is eternal. And both zruti & smRti establish same vAda = siddhAnta = conclusion.

Our Predecessor VedAntAcarya SrIla Baladev VidyAbhUSan has deep substantial explanations & solutions for all our Atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim brothers & sisters... if they'll care to hear.


If higher Bible teachings command Don't Kill, Don't kill animals (Genesis 26, 29; Isaiah 66 etc), Don't eat meat, while lower less austere Bible teachings allow for killing of certain creature, which should we choose?

The high road or the low road?

The road to moxa & prema = liberation & devotion?

Or the road to asat-sanga & saMsAra = entanglement & metempsychosis?

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samAna nAma-rUpatvAc cAvRttAv apy avirodho darzanAt smRtez ca ||1|3|30||

same, equal, YamarAj; name, by form, and, in repetition, re/first creation following MahApralaya, Universal Latency, too, want of contradiction; from seeing, due to zruti; from smRti, also

94) Even after undergoing most extreme external revolution = change (total devastation followed by new total creation), no contradiction exists (concerning Vedik words foreverness) for substantial names & forms remain same (as both Vedas & PurANas demonstrate.

Bible (Ecclesiastes?) states:

"Aiyn chadash takhat ha shemesh"

"There's nothing new under the Sun"

Interfaith at its peak finest.

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madhvAdizv asambhavAd anadhikAraM jaiminiH ||1.3.31||

in honey etc., due to impossibility; disqualification, sage Jaimini

95) Jaimini opines Devas r unfit, id est, in capable of performing meditations such as Madhu-vidyA, because of impracticality.

a) meditator cannot b meditation's object a la fois (except in DvarkadhISa's case).

b) Devas already possess such dhyAna's fruit, ergo niks to gain.

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bhAvaM tu bAdarAyaNo'sti hi

existence (of possibility/qualification to undertake such dhyAnam as madhu-vidyA); but, sage called BAdarAyaN; is (it exists); because

97) Yet ZrI BAdarAyaN maintains that qualification for such meditation exist, for there is possibility of it.

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zugasya tadanAdara zravaNAt tadAdravaNAt sucyate hi

zuka = sorrow, grief; asya = his (JAnazruti); tat = that (grief); anAdara = disrespect (referring to Flamingo who taunted for Brahma-jnAna; from hearing; then; from going/resorting to him (Raikva); is intimated; certainly

98) Raikva addressed JAnazruti as zudra to hint he (Raikva) by mystic power knew JAnazruti was/had become overwhelmed with sorrow upon hearing flamingo's disrespectful speech for which he (Raikva) had come to him upon hearing such speech.

Yet another Vedik Historical Reference.

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xatriyatvAvagatez cottaratra caitrarathena lingAt ||1|3|35||

JAnazruti's being xatriya; avagateH = that being known, grasped; ca = too; in subsequent passage; alongside, by, with Citraratha; from inferential mark

99) JAnazruti being xatriya is learned from/by (hearing) whole story, for concluding portion tells of xatriya AbhipratArin who was Caitraratha, as is revealed by inference later on.


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saMskAra parAmarzAt tad abhAvAbhilApAc ca

sacraments; from scriptural reference - sacred thread preliminary for VedAnta study; that ceremony; abhAva = absence; abhilApAt = from declaration; too

100) Scripture assume purificatory rituals preparatory to Brahma-jnAna; w.r.t. zUdra there is declaration such sacraments r unavailable.

So far, this 100th is by far our most contraversial sUtra.

At once, Karna & so many others come to mind.

Zruti states sacred thread should b received by:

1) brahmaNa at age 8

2) xatriya at age 11

3) vaizya at age 12

Working class keep out.

Don't inform Karl Marx or your local union about this one.

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Amazing: right now, as we type, every single line he speaks is false, bar none. Still, the blind repeatedly stand & applaud. Total waste of time & money. Simply astonishing! Morons gathered backpatting. What a scene! VedAnta allows us to clearly see how Lord Siva has them all steeped under His good wife's 8-armed spells:

tad abhAva nirdhAraNe ca pravRtteH ||1.3.37||

that (sudrahood); absence, negation; in ascertainment; and due to taking steps, procedure

101) Gautam first checked that JAbAl was not sUdra, then proceeded to invest him with sacred thread.

What a conjunction: Flip Wilson's "The Devil Made Me Wear that Dress" on www.wbai.org, Union State Speech spouting Satan's Brew line after lyin', up against eternally elevating non-sectarian codes. A laugher, a cryer & a purifier. What a dif!

A few good speech points - he says he wants to eliminate steroids in sports, promote abstinence/celibacy, preserve hetero-marriage's sanctity, improve prisoner reentry assistance.

Swami PrabhupAd mentioned this Gautam-JAbAl history.

JAbAl requested Gautam, "Please sir, teach me."

Gautam replied, "what is your gotra?"

JAbAl: "I do not know."

Gautam recognized: "None not a brahman has courage to say so."

Such frankness morally outweighed his birthcaste, unlike prsent-day policy.



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zravaNAdhyayanArthaM prati-SedhAt smRtez ca

attending recital; studying object; due to prohibition; recalled in text too

102) ZUdra may not hear or study Veda nor acquire riches for sacrificial performance; Historic PurANik verses attest same. ERgo zUdra's not qualified.

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KampanAt = from trembling

103) All tremble fearing Him, thumb-size Person & thunderbolt refer to Brahman.

SankIrtan devotees even dovetail shivers in guru-seva.

romanca-kampazru tarango-bhAjo, vande guroH zrI caraNAravindam

iow - I said a shake, rattle & roll... /images/graemlins/cool.gif

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Notice how ZrI Baladev VidyAbhUSan has analyzed each in favor of Parama-puruSa.

AkAzo 'rthAntaratvAdi vyapadezAt ||1|3|41||

ether, space; different reasons; Adi = for other reasons; due to designation

41) Word AkAza refers to Supreme Person, not to released soul, for it is designating something different than individual soul, plus others reasons

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suSupty utkrAnty orbhedena ||1|3|42||

dreamless, deep sleep; departing at deathtime; in deep sleep & departing; by differentiation

106) Text designates Supreme Self as different from jIva, whether it be in deep sleep state or departing time = death.


paty Adi-zabdebhyaH

Lord, Protector; the rest; due to words like pati

Mukta-jIva not identical with Brahman, because of words like Lord, etc. applied to Him in that passage.


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