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666?!? AGAIN

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If it isn't god turned upside down sideways and backwards, a g being a 6 upside down, an o being a 6 sideways and a d being a 6 backward, perhaps the Fristian scientists will one day ponder this Http://www.observer.com/pages/frontpage3.asp The guy looks enough like Lucifer to me. Nostradamus predicted 3 world wars, named the 3 antichrists Napolun (Napoleon) Hister (Hitler) and Mabus (Saddam or Hamas Ma jority leader B U.S.) The beast shall rise up out of the sea (Bible scholars agree it is a politician) Take power from the dragon (this war is a Frist idea) Heal a mortal headwound (that of the republican party via Trent Lott. He officially took his seat on the 6th, there were 6 accident victims he "performed great wonders with" Who is like unto the beast? The first letter if his name is F the 6th letter of the alphabet. CHRIST_FRIST A murderer is on the loose because a detective was called a bigot too. O.J. Simpson

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