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Mahaprabhu and Brahma Samhita

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no. he found a portion it saved by some hindu at a location in south india. it is an old vedic scripture.


when the musilms were destroying all vedic libraries and scriptuers, some hindu hid it so that it would not come in muslim hands. then over long time, all forgot whare some thing was saved.


by chance chaitanya fonund it.

it must be in possession of gaudiya matha now, i belive.


when he found it, he became ecstatic.


hindus do not make dharma or manufacture scriptures.


dharmastu sAkshAt bhagavat katayam


principles of dharma can only be given by god

(because only he is perfect and has no selfish motive).


the rest of brahma samhita is not found due to muslim barbarism.


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i've been around since 1971 and never read nor heard from Srila Prabhupada that Lord Caitanya wrote any work other than the Sri Siksastakam prayers. Try to follow those instructions and you will advance nicely in Krsna conciousness. Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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there may be more copies at some time,

but the muslims who kept on invading india have kept on buring sanskrit libraires since around 900 AD.

they also would kill brahmanas.


to save scriputures and moortis,

the hindus (brahmanas) would hide them, bury them.

then over time it is forgotten.


by chance some of these moortis and books are found time over time.


as far as i know, what chaitanya found is the only portion of brahma samhita available at this time.

the rest part is still not found, and hardly any one tries to find it.


if you find full brahma samhita,

please let us know where it is.


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As I have heard it, Mahaprabhu found the manuscript of Brahma-samhita in the Adi-kesava temple in South India.


He then told his disciples (whoever was with him) to sit down and make a copy. Thus the original manuscript was copied by the scribes.


It was these copies that were taken to Bengal and copied further for everyone.

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So what really didhappen?


Did Mahaprabhu bring the original to puri?

Did Mahaprabhu's scribe copy it for him and he took that to Puri?

Or did Mahaprabhu compose it?



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Obviously he wasn't given the original, old manuscript.


brahma-saMhitA, karNAmRta, dui puGthi pAJA

dui pustaka laJA AilA uttama jAniJA


"Brahma Samhita, Karnamrita, two books He acquired, and returned with them, knowing them to be excellent." (CC 1.1.120)


bahu yatne sei puGthi nila lekhAiyA


"With great care, He had that book copied." (CC 2.9.241)


Probably some scribe at the temple copied it for Him. He wasn't traveling around with scribes, only Balabhadra was traveling with Him at this time.



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One of the most beautiful songs recorded in Iskcon. Its almost alien when you listen to it, and can really carry you away. Are there any online places to listen to Sri Brahma Samhita for those not aware of it? The commentary by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta is amazing, though I admit I rarely follow it in its entirety.

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