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Am I going to go to hell?

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I work at a convenience store. They sell meat and alcohol. I don't eat meat, engage in illicit sex, gamble or induce alcohol or any other intoxicants (except I do drink soda-pop). After doing a complete mental analysis of the people that live in my region I have come to the conclusion there is no possible way I could convince them all to become vegetarians and to quit smoking and drinking and if I tried too hard they would likely kill me or have me committed to a mental hospital. The only other bad habit I have is that I like to play video games. Other than that I just go to work and go home. I regularly chant Hare Krishna and I feel good but I just want to make sure I am not going to go to hell. I realize some of the elements in my life are not completely auspicious but most of those things I would change if possible but it would not be possible without creating a major social disturbance.

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>>I work at a convenience store. They sell meat and alcohol. I don't eat meat, engage in illicit sex, gamble or induce alcohol or any other intoxicants (except I do drink soda-pop). <<


very good!


>>After doing a complete mental analysis of the people that live in my region I have come to the conclusion there is no possible way I could convince them all to become vegetarians and to quit smoking and drinking and if I tried too hard they would likely kill me or have me committed to a mental hospital.<<


Then do not try. Some more advanced devotee could help them, but only if they are willing to have friendly association with him. They will suffer due to bad karma, nd sooer or later, in this or some future lives they will torn towards spiritualotuy. Try to find a job that keeps you away from such company and where you do are not required to sell meat, wine, porn etc. May Krishna help you.


>> The only other bad habit I have is that I like to play video games. <<


That is not good. it wastes your time, money and spoils mind. Find some games without violence, sex etc.

Read pastimes of Krishna where he fought many asuras.


>>Other than that I just go to work and go home. I regularly chant Hare Krishna and I feel good but I just want to make sure I am not going to go to hell.<<


Not likely, but it is better to increase chanting and decrease not so good activities.


>> I realize some of the elements in my life are not completely auspicious but most of those things I would change if possible but it would not be possible without creating a major social disturbance. <<


Seek association of devotees. Krishna will guide/help thru them.

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surely you will not go to hell because you have uttered the name of krishna. so allow yout mind to rest in peace. now that you are chanting, try to give this gift to as many people as possible with the view to please caitanya mahaprabhu.


in srimad bhagavatham, where a devotee is praying to the lord, "oh! govinda!!! i am not worshipping you to avoid the worst kind of hell or to enjoy the soft skinned damsels of heaven. i simply want your love."

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>>you are in hell right now, we all are...

and with that kind of an activity, then surely it would prolong your stay here in the material world (hell). <<


yes, this material world is not fun.

it is compared to a prison house.


however, still there is law and order required in any prision. so there is need for kshatriyas who maintain law an order in prisions. so, if these kshatriyas quit the prisons, then there will be anarchy. the brahmanas will be killed, etc. then no prisoner will know how to get out of it.


when there is law an order in a prison, there is peace,

and prsoners have freedom to practice dharma

whothout fear and disturbance from asuras there.


so, what of the following is better to do please?


a) to let the world (including hinduism, vaishnavism, bharat, vedic culture, yatra dhamas, temples) go to hell (get eliminated), but get your self out of the hell quickly without caring for others' escape.


b) to stay in the hell for some time to help establish some law and order and peace so that others get chance to practice dharma well and thus get out of the prision sooner.


when yodhusthira reached the hell on his way,

why he said to the vishnu dootas that he prefers to stay there?


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>>no hell, no heaven is a wrong premise, since the concluding fallacy would be (thats granting that the first two are true)---No God.<<


i am pleased you love bhagavan.

those who love bhagavan, also love bhaktas.


when asuras kill or distrub bhaktas,

then kshatriya spirit needs to be invoked

if at all possible. else asuras will rule over suras.

whoud any one want that?

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Everyone in this world must act, and action brings about bondage, unless done in a spirit of detachment. Everyone is forced to act. Sleeping, eating, recreation and so forth should all be done in a balanced way with a view to keep the body, mind and soul conveniently together in pursuing the higher aims of life.


It is a good idea to try to focus on the positive aspects of spiritual life. One who seeks good will not be overcome by evil.

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