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The Sadhu and the scorpion

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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The Sadhu and the scorpion


A Sadhu was rescuing a scorpion that had fallen into a pond. Every time he lifted it out of water, it stung him but he would not give up until it was saved. One of his disciples asked why he was persistent in saving the scorpion that stung him. The Sadhu replied: "The `Dharma' or nature of scorpion is to sting; the nature or Dharma of a Sadhu is to rescue a being from distress - and in this case sure death by drowning. If the scorpion does not give up its Dharma why should I give up mine and give up saving it?" The `Dharma' of fire is to burn, of water is to be cool, of wind is to blow. So, the Dharma of man is to be humane. So one should go on doing one's duty even if obstacles, impediments and difficulties intervene in discharging it.

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prabhuji this is very nice. we must conform to dharma, for it is the one which saves us.

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah

But how do we answer those who say it is not relevant in kali yuga?

Especially when our own dharma security is at stake and hence there is a build up of 'suicide squads'? They are also indirectly safeguarding dharma. How shud they be explained?



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