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Chanting of Maha Mantra

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Krsna or Rama it dosen't matter.Chant whatever way you like.There are no hard & fast rules.


Please don't bother about any power.Bhakti bhava is our goal that is devotion.Chant Rama and Krsna and you life will be sublime.



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My question is still as early, why the Mantra is sung as Hare Rama by ISCKON only where as in Vedas it starts with Hare Rama.



My answer (which would be obvious from browsing through the document) is that in many places in the Vedas it is given as Hare Krishna first.


It is not only in ISKCON. The entire Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition chants the Maha-mantra in this sequence, following the example of Sri Caitanya.


In regards to Kali Santarana, there are different editions of this title published with a different sequence for the mantra. If one were to research into the original sequence of the mantra, he would have to study old manuscripts of writings predating Sri Caitanya instead of arguing on the basis of recent editions or current practices.

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I too have heard that the reason Sri Caitanya preferred to recommend this beautiful sequence is that certain Vedic verses suggest that only very elevated persons sing these hymns. God's order is to everyone, in every species to take to the Mahamantra; to somehow or other become attracted to Sri Krsna and return home, back to Godhead.


Be kind. Chant for a tree tomorrow.

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While here RAmAnanda RAya describes Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, perhaps he is indeed equally describing the Holy Name (from His official biography, the Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya Lila 8.35):


kAhAG tumi----sAkSAt Izvara nArAyaNa

kAhAG muJi----rAja-sevI viSayI zUdrAdhama


kAhAG--whereas; tumi--You; sAkSAt--directly; Izvara nArAyaNa--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; kAhAG--whereas; muJi--I; rAja-sevI--government servant; viSayI--materialist; zUdra-adhama--worse than a zUdra, or fourth-class man.

"You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, NArAyaNa Himself, and I am only a government servant interested in materialistic activities. Indeed, I am the lowest among men of the fourth caste.


mora sparze nA karile ghRNA, veda-bhaya

mora darzana tomA vede niSedhaya


mora--of me; sparze--by the touch; nA--not; karile--You did; ghRNA--hatred; veda-bhaya--afraid of the injunctions of the Vedas; mora--of me; darzana--seeing; tomA--You; vede--the Vedic injunctions; niSedhaya--forbid.

"You do not fear the Vedic injunctions stating that You should not associate with a zUdra. You were not contemptuous of my touch, although in the Vedas You are forbidden to associate with zUdras.


tomAra kRpAya tomAya karAya nindya-karma

sAkSAt Izvara tumi, ke jAne tomAra marma


tomAra kRpAya--Your mercy; tomAya--unto You; karAya--induces; nindya-karma--forbidden actions; sAkSAt Izvara--directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tumi--You; ke jAne--who can know; tomAra--Your; marma--purpose.

"You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself; therefore no one can understand Your purpose. By Your mercy You are touching me, although this is not sanctioned by the Vedas.


AmA nistArite tomAra ihAG Agamana

parama-dayAlu tumi patita-pAvana


AmA nistArite--to deliver me; tomAra--Your; ihAG--here; Agamana--appearance; parama-dayAlu--greatly merciful; tumi--You; patita-pAvana--the deliverer of all fallen souls.

"You have come here specifically to deliver me. You are so merciful that You alone can deliver all fallen souls.



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So therefore Krsna is all-pervading in different mürtis. Therefore in the Vaisnava-sampradäya some of them, they worship Rädhä-Krsna, and some of them worship Sitä-Räma. And some of them worship Laksmi-Näräyana. Some of them worship Rukmini-Krsna. There are so many devotees. But all of them are the same, Vaisnava. All of them are the... But not demigods. Vishnu. So chanting, bhakti-yoga means to chant Vishnu. Sravana kirtana vishnù [sB 7.5.23]. And Vishnu has got so many forms. So either you chant Hare Räma or you chant Hare Krsna, it is the same. There is no difference. Sometimes they first of all place Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare. And sometimes they place Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna... There is no difference. Sometimes they say,No, it should be Hare Räma first. Sometimes they..., No, Hare Krsna. But that is not very important, childish. Any, either you say Hare Räma or Hare Krsna, the same. So this is to be done.




An interesting question that should never become an argument that divides vaisnavas contentiously.

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