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Kashmiris Go On Strike over Falwell's Remarks

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Kashmiris Go On Strike over Falwell's Remarks


SRINIGAR, INDIA, October 7, 2002: The Kashmir valley observed a total shutdown on Monday following angry protests by mobs protesting remarks reportedly made by a Presbyterian minister in the US against the Prophet Mohammed. A derogatory reference to the Prophet reportedly made by Rev. Jerry Falwell during a 60-minute interview on CBS television was published in the local daily Al-Safa News on Monday, angering a large number of Kashmiris. The daily published the entire interview, adding to the anger among the people. The local traders' federation joined the protests by calling for a shutdown of markets across the Valley. The public response was so spontaneous that markets, traffic, educational institutions and banks closed much ahead of the traders' appeal. Youths came out on roads and started throwing stones in downtown Srinagar, bringing life to a virtual halt in this densely populated area of the state summer capital.


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It is disappointing that this guy Falwell's words should have so much effect worldwide.He is a staunch sectarian.I sometimes agree with him and often disagree,but in no circumstance do I accept him as speaking on behalf of Christ.


He does some good things like opposing abortion etc.

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This is the hazard of emotionalism becoming fanaticism.Without real philosophical understanding it is very dangerous.Look what just happened in Moscow with those Chechen Islamists taking 700 hostages in that theater.Bombs strapped to their waist, they were ready to kill all in the "name of God".Pure maddness.

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