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Brahma-sutra Help

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Prabhupada said:


"When God comes as an incarnation, He also gives references to the scriptures, just as Krsna referred to the Brahma-sütra in Bhagavad-gita. Although Krsna is God, and His word is final, He still gives honor to the Brahma-sütra because in that work spiritual knowledge is set forth logically and philosophically."


Can anyone tell me more about this Brahma-sutra and where it can be found? Is there one standard or several versions - that people have done - like the Gita? Is it on-line?

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The brahma sutra (or vedanta sutra) is a treatise written by vyasa as a conclusion to vedic knowledge. Vedanta refers to the Upanishads (veda anta meaning "the end of the Vedas"). The Vedanta sutras provide a conclusion to the Upanishads. Prior to Vyasa's Vedanta Sutra, six sages formulated six different schools of vedantic thought, known as the shad-darshanas (six views). Each school used the Upanishads to establish an ultimate source of creation, but they each misunderstood the conclusion of the Upanishads in various ways. For example, one school established the atom as the source of everything, another established the material nature as the absolute source, another established karma as the origin of all. In this way, each school utilized the Upanishads to develop their school of thought, but they all missed the ultimate source, the absolute truth Sri Krishna, or Brahman. Thus Vyasa composed this treatise (the brahma sutra) in response to the six misunderstandings of the Upanishads in order to establish Brahman (Sri Krishna) as the ultimate source of everything.

For more information, please read the following article:


Vedanta and Six Systems of Philosophy


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The gaudiya commentary of Baladev is supposed to have been interpolated with support for caste by only birth. So read with caution. But the original brahma sutras supposedly are free of interpolation and there is only one recension. Any thoughts ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

JNdas, thanks for the informative link. Lots of detailed explanations, but not the text themselves. Great stuff though!


Raga, I'm on a Mac. I downloaded the 105K word document and have to wait to open it since I recently found a bug in my computer and had to rebuild the drive. Thanks!

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