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Girl Babies In China

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Undesirable Girls

China Combats Problem of Baby Girls Being Left for Dead


By Mark Litke


B E I J I N G, Aug. 25 - In garbage dumps on the outskirts of Beijing, scavengers occasionally uncover the unthinkable - newborn baby girls, abandoned and left to die.


Chen Rong has managed to save five little girls she's found. "Innocent children are being killed," she says, "because they are girls, not boys."


Boys More Valued


Historically, Chinese culture has valued male children over females, especially in rural areas, where peasants want boys to help in the fields.


Today, as ultrasound machines have become readily available, China has seen an epidemic of sex-selection abortions - so many, that the ratio of males to females in parts of China has been thrown wildly out of kilter.


For every 100 girls born here, there used to be about 105 boys. Now, roughly 120 boys are born for every 100 girls.


It's an imbalance that some believe will have dire consequences for the future.


"You're going to have millions of men who have no stable family life of their own," says Adrienne Germain of the International Women's Health Organization. "And the frustration and the alienation that comes from that situation can lead a lot of boys and men into broader community violence."


Already, there are so-called bachelor villages cropping up in rural China, populated almost entirely by unemployed men.


Officials say millions of female births have probably gone unreported in recent years. No one knows how many of those babies may have been abandoned or killed.


Campaigns for Women


Chinese leaders are well aware of the problem. They have recently relaxed the one-child policy to allow some in the countryside to have extra children. They've also banned doctors from revealing the sex of a fetus during ultrasound screening. And they've launched campaigns that emphasize the important status of women in Chinese society.


Mao Tse-Tung once said, "Women hold up half the sky," but from China's imperial past to its communist present, it has remained a male-dominated society, and no decree or law is expected to bring immediate change.

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In the last several months there have been such stories as well, about babies (not just girls) being abandoned in trash bins. This is what happens when life is devalued. The only solution I think is to make orphanages and adoption a well known option. Then if nothing else, these children can be given up without problem.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

-what are reasons for why so many babay girls have disappered in china?

-how was this possible? what happened to them?

-what will the future hold for girls in china today?


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Krsna Consciousness is the only answer to their ignorance.

the reason is material insecurity, but actually behind this is a lack of faith in God providing. Plus an impersonal regime that has feared over-population and then policed it with fear, instead of divine guidance.


If the real Science of the Soul is propagated then they won't dare continue this abominable practice. Devotees have to educate whole populations on the existence of Life and the science of transmigration from body to body. It's sacredness to God, and the crime of interferring with another souls evolution.

At present I have a friend preaching these points in China with great success, mosly simple people who are very hungry to learn the Truth.

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Basically the reason is one of simple convienience."Babies are troublesome so just kill them" is the thinking.


In my view the people who hold this view should not give birth at all.


Somewhere it says we take another birth for every birth we give, so that says heaps for celibacy.

Control the urge to propagate your dynasty

Realise we are all unborn and undying.

Die to live-don't live to die.

Twice-born and no more.

We gotta get outa' this place

Get off the treadmill of the human race

Aspire for Krsnas' loving embrace

through the medium of Sri Guru and His Grace

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