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Interfaith League of Devotees

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Is he welcome back at New Vrindavan? I would be really surprised considering he has continued his deviations from his prison cell via his organization. Wow! I would have thought he would be placed under close supervision by the state and made to stay at his organization HQ in NY. Anyone lese hear anything? This is frightening if he is at New Vrindavan.

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As far as I know, New Vrindavan is more or less under ISKCON and has nothing to do with Kirtanananda. (I recall a letter from the New Vrindavan authorities refusing Narayana Maharaja permission to use their facilities sometime back, which would indicate this is the case).

I don't believe that date of Feb 2002 can be accurate. We would have heard something about it if it was. Anyone else know anything?

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I didn't hear about Kirtanananda but what was funny to hear during Ratha Yatra was about Bhavananda getting married to one of Tamal Krsna M's disciples. A sexless marriage, he needed a domestic partner.

Not that I care for any of this people, just sharing the gossip /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

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I found out that the rumor is just that. Kirtananda is still in prison and, therefore, not at New Vrindavan. I know there have been mant attempts to have him released early based on his health, but I don't think he is as ill as they want us to think. I'm sure his health isn't getting better due to his pre-existing physical condition though. I got the info. from one of his still dedicated followers in Moundsville, WV.

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