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Vatican Excommunicates Seven Women 'Priests'

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Here is the thing about this as I see it. I really don't have a problem with the excommunication. If one believes that women should be allowed to be priests then you can try to reform from within or leave and preach outside. But if you violate the standards set, then you should be willing to accept the results. If you don't accept this line, then any person can engage in any activity they want, and the Catholic church should just accept it. I don't accept that logic.



Vatican Excommunicates Seven Women 'Priests'

Mon Aug 5, 8:24 AM ET


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Reinforcing its opposition to female priests, the Vatican ( news - web sites) said Monday it had excommunicated seven women, including a nun, who were ordained in June in a ceremony on a boat in Austria.


An Argentine bishop, not recognized by the Holy See, ordained the Austrian, German and U.S. women in a ceremony, witnessed by 300 people.


This prompted a warning from the Vatican last month, giving the women 12 days to repent.


"Because the women ... did not give any indication of amendment or repentance for the most serious offence they had committed...they have incurred excommunication," Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, a papal right-hand man, said in a press release from the Vatican.


He had earlier branded the ordination "an affront to the dignity of women," saying women had a specific role in the church which was distinctive and irreplaceable.



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atmaji, what do you mean by "accept" and the "gurus"?


Guru says chant Hare Krsna.You hear that and begin to chant.That is acceptance.I know there are other instructions that will come and also there is the question of depth of acceptance etc.,but I don't see how anyone who chants Hare Krsna, with Vaisnava understanding,can be apart from guru.


Do you mean ecclesiastical type guru's?If so they should never be accepted in the first place.


One may not be able to maintain a position in a religious organization by not accepting the pronouncements of the church/temple hierachy.If that's the case go elsewhere.


What I am trying to say, is that it seems to me one can be a follower of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada apart from the sanction of the ecclesiastical system just as one can be a follower of Christ apart from the Catholic Church.


y/s, dried twig


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Or how about "Can you not believe in Jesus and still be a Catholic?" You may think this is a silly question, but I remember a few years back one Catholic priest was excommunicated for just such a thing. He preached that he did not believe in the Virgin Birth, did not believe that Jesus died and rose again, did not believe that Jesus was God, and did not believe that Jesus was coming back as per Revelations. Basically he just believe Jesus was an ordinary man, who was crucified and died. But he wanted to be a Catholic priest... okaaaayyyy... why? At some point you have to stand for something. The Catholic church has certain standards and beliefs. If you don't believe Jesus was born of a virgin, fine. But don't expect that the Catholic church should bend to your will.

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