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  • 2 years later...

Haribol, Audarya Fellowship readers. I bumped this from the first page of audarya fellowship because I finally got around to donig some new work on the site. Note the availability of 18 Pearls of Ancient Vedic Wisdom by Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, which is still being worked on and still has a chapter or two missing.


Also, readers of Audarya are encouraged to send me articles for the Quiz Page at mahaksa_d@hotmail.com. I started this one in rememberance of the ol days in which all the temple members prepared and delivered a class to the assembled devotees. The Quiz, the story of King Yudhisthira being put to the test by His Father DHARMA, has many topics for discussion.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I am not Christian so don't really know much about Jesus Christ. Nice to read from you. Its very personal site. I just did mine. {Brand new}.


Its too much hard work. I am just going to put it up. Hope for the best eh. Its more a Presentaion I didn't do nothing. Anyway enough about mine, easy preaching or what? Just sit back. And watch the clicks.

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Really nice quotations about guru tattwa from Lord Jesus Christ are available on the guru tattwa essays section.


By the way, Pankaja, maybe you would like to tackle one of the topics on the Quiz section. Lots of topics there, and the intent is to give us all opportunity to practice our skills at writing (and making sense at the same time.)


I just found a very rare writing by Srila Prabhupada about the Quiz, the story of King Yudhisthira and the Crane who was none other than Yamaraja, and hope to present it alongside the project, ASAP.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasaq

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  • 4 months later...



The Nescience Boat (From the Ragged Edge, 1973)



We are asking, "Why are we here, for what reason have we come?


Why is this age of iron so bad?


What wrongs have we done?


And Maya, she keeps laughing, as she clutches our weary throats,

Guiding us through these hell bound waters on our own nescience boats.


Always falling down right here, then falling again over there,

All our attempts to save ourselves spoiled by her illusory snare.


We may find satisfaction, the truth, the light, we aren't alone.

Maya Laughs, tricks us and cheats us, keeps us from going home.


Learning through a gradual process about these tricks going on,

There is where Maya waits for us, singing attractive songs.

She surely laughs at us when we take another fall,

Maya always tightens the grip, throws us up against the wall.


O Supreme Personality, You are the One Who glances,

Creator of all the things I need so I can serve these senses.


But I served these senses yesterday, as rats, as dogs, as goats,

In this human form, may I fall to You, please sink this nescience boat.


Maya only follows Your order, in Your service always plays this game.

At Your Feet in total submission, in recognition of Your massive Fame.


Anyone begging for Your shelter is never bound by Maya's iron chain

Maya never sings of distraction in the presence of Your Holy Name.


Until I decide to serve You and Your Names to set me free,

I have to submit myself to Maya who keeps me down eternally.


And She will surely laugh and tighten the grip around my throat.

Guiding me through the last great river to Hell on the nescience boat.


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  • 6 months later...

Just a quick note about a project tah was stopped in limbo for many months is now continuing. The internet novel, Kipu'Ka, can be viewed at http://www.geocities.com/mahaksadasa/k1.html


The last chapter of part 3 is new, and part four is getting typed daily, when possible.


This novel is all I gotta say, it is the lab work of the science we crave. Fiction, yes, but not a lie.


Dont let stuff get in the way, because Srila Prabhupada affirms the gradual process, negates fanaticism of false renuncviation, recommending gradual replacing bad habits with sadhana bhakti poractices. This is a love story, a life story, a music story, a surf movie, a horticulture lesson, with armageddon looming as it does in the reality of non-fiction. Fiction? yes, true? Yes. Hope I dont get stuck on the typing again, I longhanded this book in 1994-1995, when I worked for the Rastafarian Reggae festivals in Canada.


Typing this book keeps me from finding fault with the Krsna Church and the revisionists alike, so Its good therapy. But Ill get political here now and then, maybe respond to other themes shared by Babhru, Theist, and gHari (always gHari, who, BTW, has the best website, just go to his posts for the hot keys to the Kingdom of God.)


hare Krsna, ys in cooperation.

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