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The Hindu Holy Book?

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Is there one book considered to be the Hindu Holy Book like the Christian New Testament or Holy Bible?

The Hindus consider many ancient texts to be divinely written, but among them the Bhagavad Gita is considered the most essential and universally accepted. Bhagavad Gita literally means "the song of God". It was spoken by the Supreme Lord, Krishna, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra to His devotee Arjuna 5,000 years ago.


Yours in service,


Jahnava Nitai Das,

Bhaktivedanta Ashram




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  • 2 years later...
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Do Hindus claim that the Bhagavad Gita they read today is the same one that was written 5,000 years ago? That is; after making copies of the original one 5,000 years ago, and making copies of those copies, and copies of those copies, and on and on through the years; do they believe it has been perfectly preserved to this day?

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  • 3 months later...
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Two books: The most authentic and original of all is Geeta, which proclaims a life adorned by a balance of spirituality and duty.The other one is by Adi Shankaracharya, I believe called the Vedanta-Sutra, or his commentaries on Upnishads.


Understand that the Bible is not a scripture----it is a sacramental story, a story of faith, not knowledge. I am by no means belittling it, it is a wonderful book, but unlike Geeta, it provokes little thought, because it is full of proclamations. E.g. when it says "In the beginning, God created..........." what do you do? Either believe it or not.



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