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ABC editing of 'Jesus' causes controversy

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ABC editing of 'Jesus' causes controversy

June 6, 2002 Posted: 3:50 PM EDT (1950 GMT)


Joy Behar's "Jesus" got bleeped from a recent episode of "The View."


NEW YORK (AP) -- ABC says it edited the word "Jesus" out of a recent broadcast so viewers wouldn't be offended. For many, it had the opposite effect.


The bleeped Jesus on "The View" has drawn the ire of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, some conservative media watchdogs and even the women whose on-air conversation was altered.


"It is political correctness run amok," said Elizabeth Swasey, spokeswoman for the Media Research Center.


On the May 23 edition of "The View," Meredith Vieira noted that the daily weigh-ins of her dieting co-host, Joy Behar, had ended.


"Yes, and thank you, thank you, Jesus, is all I have to say," Behar replied.


Her words were aired live in much of the country, but when ABC broadcast a taped version of the show on the West Coast, "Jesus" was edited out.


ABC spokeswoman Julie Hoover said the use ran afoul of a pretty clear standard. The network has no problem with Jesus' name if it is used in a "prayerful and respectful manner," she said. (ABC's Peter Jennings anchored a highly rated news special, "The Search For Jesus," in July 2000.)


But ABC does not allow Jesus' name to be used in an exclamation.


"Under the circumstances, we were concerned it would be offensive to our audience," Hoover said.


The incident comes at a time broadcasters in general are pushing the boundaries of language and content. Expletives rarely allowed on the networks were used this year, for instance, on a May "ER" episode on NBC and on CBS' March special using video from inside the World Trade Center.


ABC's broadcast of a racy Victoria's Secret fashion special in November prompted complaints to the Federal Communications Commission, which ruled that it did not violate indecency regulations.


Five days after the Behar incident, hosts of "The View" noted they had received about 100 letters of complaint.


"It was stupid to beep that," co-host Star Jones said. "They let us say all kinds of things on TV, but they beep Jesus? That makes no sense."


Falwell, in a newspaper column, said he believed ABC's action was wrong. What makes it worse, he said, is that many cable television networks are habitually blasphemous.


"Conservative Catholics and evangelical Christians are expected to accept this double standard and keep our mouths shut," he said.

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Guest guest


Ever since Bush too office ,i have noticed a change in censorship policy on the boob tube.

I am assuming this is due to the influence of the christain right on Bush policy.



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Devout Buddhists, Muslims & Hindus revere Jesus.

Secular Jews hate Jesus. It's really that simple.

Secular Jews want not only (nur nicht) separation of Church & State, but also (aber auch) separation of Church & Media.

That way they can broadcast any damn nonsense they please & call it History.

Par exemple, Civilization & the Jews by Abba Eban.

"This is how it really happened; take our word for it."

And moronic, weak Christians will buy into it like anything.

Secular Jews broadcast Hitler documentaries to increase their own pocketbooks.

They haven't yet figured out a way to exploit Jesus so they avoid.

Same with Hare KRSNa.

Big Colorful Rathayatras on 5th Ave & Worldwide feeding thousands wholesome vegetarian food?

Avoid. Don't mention Hare KRSNa Parade on TV.

Greenwich Village Gay Parade okay.

Greenwish Village Halloween Parade?

Show every costume on Primetime TV.

Hare KRSNa Rathayatra? No. Y?

No gambling, no tobacco, no alcohol, no meat, no fish, no eggs

"This Rathayatra will destroy our tamoguN business so avoid.

These Hare KRSNa people will bankrupt all our lucrative, nefarious niches.

They'll overthrow moneylenders like Jesus did. Oh, how awful!"

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