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What is the Turley suit?

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Texas fatcat lawyers using Gurukula kids, some of whom were actually abused, others not, to attack & squeze laxmi points out of the most spiritual, best organized Vedik VaiSNav movement to ever hit Amerika's shores.

9/11 + ENRON was/is Florida + Texas trying to take on California + New York.

Same exact idea. Check your ISKCON geography & history. What a joke!

Brother, they ain't seen nuttin' yet!

Kaliyuga AvatArI bhaja bhaja bhaja bhai-re!

btw -Texas is the only place I was ever held at gunpoint:

for doing door to door book distribution with Siddhavidya.

Payback time. Grassy Knoll et al!

Turley's in for a turn of events he won't be able to imagine in his wildest.

When matter meets spirit... check "Easy Journey" for details.

ps - If u r Republican & still support cow-slaughter, u should know:

"An Elephant Never Forgets."

Pro-life is your asset. Prayer in school, Vouchers too.

Your rest is running quite red.

Mercy for all God's creatures, else u become one next life.

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Bullet Bob Turley pitched for Championship Yankee teams.

Same family? Maybe.

Gurukulis should immediately drop Turley as their lawyer.

They should find/hire some barrister bhakta instead.

Someone like Arm & Hammer = Armored Indra = Armarendra.

Or Shush Sesa. Or Bullet Balavanta. Or Merchant MRgendra.

There's many to choose from.

Many devotees can see ISKCON Amerika's pitfalls (and pita falls) while noting its overall worthiness.

This way, by hiring a vaiSNav attorney, gurukulis can get much more help sans dismantling, id est, having to sell off ISKCON Real Estate presently being used to practice & spread KC, only to turn around & hand that LAXMI (meant for NARAYAN) over to pay off exorbitant flesh-eater, cow-killer, wine drinker, casino gambler, whoremonger fees.

No good can come from lining mlecchas & yavanas pockets.

Know it for sure. Not zAstrically or otherwise.

It's like cutting down an entire fruit tree to gain a few seeds.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Turley suit? That's a 3 piece suit (T = 3 modes consistency) some GBCs neglected to tend to, forgot about too early.

Considering cyberspace's all-pervasiveness, influence & speed..

early quickly transformed into urley (url - ey), thus T-url-ey.

Suit yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very, very astonished about this kind of illogical reaction. All I did was asking a simple question. And I asked because I just did not know. That's all.

By the way I have found it now. And my view is this. Baby f...ers shall be punished, no matter whether they belong to the Catholics or to any other religion.





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Originally posted by Sirona:

. Baby f...ers shall be punished, no matter whether they belong to the Catholics or to any other religion.


No doubt.And those that protect them and keep them in their priestly posiions.


Like this Cardinal Law in Boston who knowing sent the child raper Shanley to lead other congregations in different areas of the country when the word got out about him in Boston.




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SP warned: "Christian Priests will fall down due to lack of knowledge."

But what's our excuse? Bhagavad-gItA, ZrImad BhAgavatam, CC, Brs..

Manu-smRti, Ayurveda, 108 UpaniSads, 18 PurANas, RAmAyaNa..

Minute independence = Free will; Kaliyuga is very strong

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I was again thinking how this apt bldg owner held SiddhavidyA & I at gunpoint just for doing door to door sankIrtan.

I'm no vaiSNav, yet Sid was & still is.

This means Houston pistol-whippers can expect dark days ahead.

Until they go to Miami & publicly apologize + remunerate Sid:

As Jesus opined, "They'd be better off having never taken birth."

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Originally posted by Tarun:

SP warned: "Christian Priests will fall down due to lack of knowledge."

But what's our excuse? Bhagavad-gItA, ZrImad BhAgavatam, CC, Brs..

Manu-smRti, Ayurveda, 108 UpaniSads, 18 PurANas, RAmAyaNa..

Minute independence = Free will; Kaliyuga is very strong

You are very right Tarunji.No excuse.We like to talk high sounding philosophy but still hang on to the dark notion that other living beings are here for us to use and exploit for our own sense gratification.



Realization?That remains to be seen.



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  • 2 months later...

Bullet Bob Turley pitched for Bronx Bombers aka New York Yankees.

Then Whitey Ford came along to overshadow Turley. Na~Turley.

Na-Turley/Naturally now, 40 yrs later, Turley wants revenge.

R we on the same page? Do I need a pager?

So far I'm not doing fine without one.

Turley wants dough, ISKCON says no,

Only for chapati, puri or samo - sa.

Sa-ns sa-d guru ISKCON cannot flourish, only dwindle.

Hopefully ISKCON will survive. I wish them well, from a distance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Parenting Tip of the Day - Monday July 22, 2002

Wondering what to do if you suspect your child or teen has been sexually abused?


First, go to a private place and talk to your child. Say something like, "I'm wondering if someone has touched you in a way you don't like or don't understand." A child who has not been abused will probably react with surprise and disbelief that you could even think such a thing. A child who has been abused may not admit it immediately. Remember, most abused children have been threatened, bribed, and forced to promise to keep the abuse a secret. The abused child may retreat from you, look at the floor, cry, or show nervousness.


At this point, you might say, "I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with ______, and you've been having nightmares and not eating well. That's why I'm wondering."

We'll discuss this topic further in the next tip.

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