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Malcolm X Anniversary Today

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When Malcolm X aka Hajj Malik al Shabazz pilgrimmed to Mecca he was surprized to see Blue-eyed Blond-haired Muslims indiscriminately praying alongside darker skinned Muslims of Afrikan, Arab & Asian descent.

They appeared white but they didn't consider themselves white.

Malcolm compared that Muslim white with Amerikan white.

Muslim white means external pigmentation, lighter skintone.

Amerikan white means: "I'm the Boss!"

Izvaro'ham aham bhogI, ahankAra-vimUDhAtmA, take your pick.

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  • 11 months later...

Today we should honor 3, a trifecta for all honest men.

1) avirbhav mahotsav ZrIla BhaktisiddhAnta Sarasvati ThAkur

2) tirobhav mahotsav ZrIla Gaur-Govinda Swami Mhrj

3) assassination anniversary Malcolm X after whom RAxasafella hideously changed his ESSO to EXXON.

Hear their words, all 3 today. You'll be the better for it.

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Haribol, I, too, give tribute to brother malcolm X. He had a grasp for absolute truth, most of which comprises the "aham brahmasmi" model, that is, our relationship with the supreme lord has nothing to do with our temporary position in this world with all its temporary drawbacks.


I was just turning 15 when this assassination took place. A lower middle class white dude who should have only been thinking about sports and girls, this writer was a little politically aware. I somehow was interested in the civil rights movement, and understood the rift between Dr king and malcolm x. Dr King later found out that they were on the same side if the control was relinquished to the same who bind one to the temporary structures and forms.


Many think of malcolm as a violent alternative to Dr King, but this is not the case. Malcolm never did a violent act after the turmoil of youth was corrected by prison life and scriptural study. Malcolm was all about rights, which by the way, are all but gone thanx to the insane cabal that leads us down the road to hell.


So I give tribute to brother malcolm, another who is shot down because he has glimpse of a simpler life of higher thinking.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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FBI operatives Tarun? Try Louis Farrakan and the other Black Muslims, they killed Malcom X.


Some years back a black bodied pujari was trying to convince me Martin Luther King was on Prabhupada's level. I don't think so.


Vaisnava saints walk on water. Worldly "saints" still reguire a raft. Not the same level. No No No.

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actually .from the book i read on

the nation of islam,(founded by a pakistani from

new zealand,whom they worship as god),


the FBI had a lot to do with it, they were very paranoid about black power groups,especially the nation of islam,they had a bunch of people inside the group

as agitators,and helped with the murder of malcom x,

in order to sow dissent and implicate the

the whole leadership,especially muhammed.

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Farrakan all but flatly admitted it recently. He said it was internal business and everyone else should mind their own.


Now if you were to tell me that the FBI wanted him dead WHILE he was preaching violence...


He rebeled against Elijah Muhummad and that brought the wrath of the Black racists down on him.


Different stories around I guess.


Ultimately it was time that got him.


BTW Shiva thanks for recommending the Holographic Universe. Great book. I just finished the stories on stigmata.

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Perhaps you could confirm for me, as I understand it the Nation of Islam is basically a muslim UFO cult. They believe Allah is in a big mothership ready to beam up the faithful, that the black man was the original creation and that the white man was a genetic experiment by blacks which then turned on them. Is this all true? Its pretty goofy. Also, if so, what are the other aspects to their philosophy?

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no, the nation of islam was originally stared by elijah muhammed,his mentor or guru was Wallace Fard, an indian(pakistan today)

muslim from New zealand, upon release from alcatraz

on fraud or theft chrges,or was it bein a pimp,

i don't remember, he eventually met up with muhammed,

eventually muhammed considered him to be god,or divine.


This was the beginning of the nation of islam,although earlier incarnations of it's philosophy can be found in earlier black moorish groups of the time.


It had it's own convoluted form of Islam, preached by Fard,then muhammed, with black men being angels

or good,and white beings devils etc.


Fard was a con man who saw the situation of the black moorish influence and took advantage of the ignorance and hatreds of the black community .


eventually it grew large, the mainstream islamic religions dismissed them as fools, but infused them with cash

when they saw an opportunity for influence

in the U.S.


eventually the nation of islam broke into many

numerous sects, some accepting traditional islam,

others not,


the book i read at the above link, goes into the details.

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We compare the incomparable. We link where there is no linkage.


Malcolm was nation of islam, but he left, taking all real sense away from the cult of EM. Today, NoI is insignificant, and not where Malcolm was at when he was gunned down.



No, Malcolm was not Prabhupada, but, he is not lost on the Supreme Person for his HUMBLE contributions. (I emphasize humble because though he was fiery and very strong, he was also gentle and open to spiritual guidance from within.


Compared to other cults we know, Malcolm was the most unique in that he saw thew lie and DID SOMETHING about it, not like some of the ISKCON rebels who only rebelled later when propping up the kali cela no longer served their purposes.


Malcolm quit preaching on behalf of EM immediately after seeing his fraud, therefore, he was guided by superior GURU.



I would also like to see proof of violence he committed while preaching ISLAM. All violence was against him, not by him.


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About 12 years or so ago I happened across the last 20 minutes of a play on PBS which I think was called "The Meeting." It told of a fictional secret meeting between Dr. King and Malcolm. I've wanted to find a tape or a copy of the play ever since, but I've struck out. I came across it purely by chance on a Saturday afternoon (which means it probably ran earlier that week and I was too busy to notice), and I'm not sure I have the title right and can't remember the author. I do remember that I was in tears at the end.


Does anyone out there know about this play? Maybe Tarun, Streetstraw, or mahak?

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Haribol, Babhru. The only play I remember is the one written by the famous author, James Baldwin, which was filmed with Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis. Dont know the title, but libraries havem.


From my studies, there wasnt a secret meeting but an actual one, but the discussion was private. They agreed on all fronts eventually, as NAACP turned on MLK as well once he came out against the War in Nam, and MLK died only days later.


As far as the other stuff on this thread, everyone is a FULL VICTIM of their own education, so it is not up to one to convince another of nonviolence, this is why quotes and actions were asked for, not rhetoric.


Its just like the well published photos of the Black Panthers with their shgotguns in full view on the California Capitol steps. We get the fear that is being conveyed by the media (not unlike the fearmongering going on in multiples of ten today). What we dont get is that every black dude in that famous photo, with their defiant faces and black berets, all were holding those weapons like that legally, no law was broken by their demonstration. No arrests were made because they were fully legal.


But even the fanatic 2nd ammendment-ers deny the right for black folks to hold such weapons in compliance with the law.


Malcolm said to reject "turning the other cheek" and continued saying its time for the KLAN to turn their other cheek.



But all are victims of their education, so I attempt to convert no one as to my appreciation of this great 20th century leader of human beings. I praise him, and accept him as personal diksa guru (for a combination of both spiritual and political awareness), as whity as I am.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Krsna has given us teachers everywhere. At least we can learn something from everyone. Some stand out more than others. There are alot of people that I admire. At least in some ways. diksa would be strong for me but inspiration is to be found in others.


For instance I admire very much the principled stand and display of strength from a slight gentle woman named Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. Such courage this woman has.



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PrabhupAd described again and again their mentality:

we have these weapons so we have to test them, we have to use them, they must be used.

To hell with our domestic economy.

To hell with all international economies.

Such people, engulfed by unlimited desires, remain blind 24/7 at every step.

Such people know not a word of Ramayan, Mahabharat, Torah, Buddha, Jesus, Koran, nothing.

Someone else above quoted "by any means necessary"

If u & your neighbors r constantly being raped & lynched, what would u do?

Yell out: "Hey! Here's my neck! Hang me next!?"

One Richie Havens song is worth more than all these sub-animal warmongers put together.

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If u & your neighbors r constantly being raped & lynched, what would u do?

Yell out: "Hey! Here's my neck! Hang me next!?"



No Tarun I would intervene by any means necesary. Much to the dismay of my so-called peace loving neighbors on the other side who say "Stay out of it, it's not your business. So what if the leader rapes murders and tortures his citizens. He's not attacking you. It's his house let him do as he pleases".


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