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Indian moonshine deaths reach 25

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Indian moonshine deaths reach 25

October 7, 2001 Posted: 2:04 AM EDT (0604 GMT)


CHENNAI, India (Reuters) -- The death toll from a batch of illicitly brewed liquor in southern India has reached 25 with another 30 people still in hospital in critical condition.


Forensic tests had shown that the victims consumed pure methyl or industrial alcohol (methanol), served to them on Friday night at an illicit bar on the outskirts of Chennai -- formerly known as Madras -- Deputy Inspector General of Police K. Rajendran said.


"Anyone who drank two glasses or more immediately developed dizziness, complained of blurred vision and began vomiting violently and their families rushed them to the hospitals," Rajendran told Reuters.


He said police were hunting for the husband-wife couple suspected of having brewed the moonshine.


Dozens of poor people die in India every year after consuming cheap local brews, often laced with poisonous substances such as methyl alcohol, rectified spirit and varnish, which are added to provide a quick "high."


Last month, at least 11 people, including some wedding revellers, died after consuming a local brew near Chennai.


More than 50 people died in Estonia last month after drinking moonshine distilled from methyl alcohol, which is used for industrial purposes and is highly poisonous if consumed.


Last November nearly 100 people died in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, after drinking a deadly home-brewed liquor laced with methanol.


A further 400 people were taken to hospital and some lost their sight, an effect of acute alcohol poisoning that spawned the expression "blind drunk."

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