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April 7 - Papamocani Ekadasi

Break fast on April 8 between 08:26 - 09:47 for California.



The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna,

replied, "0 best of kings, for the benefit of everyone

I shall gladly describe to you the glories of this

Ekadasi which is known as Papamocani. The history of

this Ekadasi was once narrated to the emperor Mandhata

by Lomasa Risi. King Mandhata addressed the risi, '0

great sage, for the benefit of all people, please tell

me the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark

fortnight of the month of Caitra, and please explain

the process for observing it. Also, please describe

the benefits one gains by observing this Ekadasi.'


"Lomasa Risi replied, 'The Ekadasi that occurs during

the dark part of the month of Caitra is named

Papamocani Ekadasi For the faithful devotee it removes

the influences of ghosts and demons. 0 lion among men,

this Ekadasi also awards the eight perfections of

life, fulfills all kinds of desires, purifies one's

life of all sinful reactions, and makes a person

perfectly virtuous.


"'Now please listen to a historical account concerning

this Ekadasi and Citraratha, the chief of the

Gandharvas [heavenly musicians]. During the spring

season, in the company of heavenly dancing girls,

Citraratha once came upon a beautiful forest bursting

forth with a great variety of flowers. There he and

the girls joined other Gandharvas and many Kinnaras,

along with Lord Indra himself, the king of heaven, who

was enjoying a visit there. Everyone felt that there

was no better garden than this forest. Many sages were

also present, performing their austerities and penance

The demigods particularly enjoyed visiting this

celestial garden during the months of Caitra and

Vaisakha [April-May].


" 'A great sage named Medhavi resided in that forest,

and the very attractive dancing girls would always

attempt to seduce him. One famous girl in particular,

Manjughosa, contrived many ways to allure the exalted

muni, but out of great respect for the sage and fear

of his power, which he had attained after years and

years of asceticism, she would not come very close to

him. At a spot two miles from the sage, she pitched a

tent and began singing very sweetly as she played a

tamboura. Cupid himself became excited when he saw and

heard her perform so nicely and smelled the fragrance

of her sandal-paste unguent. He remembered his own

unfortunate experience with Lord Siva and decided to

take revenge by seducing Medhavi.'


"'Using the eyebrows of Manjughosa as a bow, her

glances as a bowstring, her eyes as arrows, and her

breasts as a target, Cupid approached Medhavi in order

to tempt him to break his trance and his vows. In

other words, Cupid engaged Manjughosa as his

assistant, and when she looked at that powerful and

attractive young sage, she also became agitated by

lust. Seeing that he was highly intelligent and

learned, wearing a clean white brahmana's thread

draped across his shoulder, holding a sannyasi's

staff, and sitting handsomely in the asrama of Cyavana

Risi, Manjughosa came before him.


"'She began to sing seductively, and the small bells

on her belt and around her ankles, together with the

bangles on her wrists, produced a delightful musical

symphony. The sage Medhavi was enchanted. He

understood that this beautiful young woman desired

union with him, and at that instant Cupid increased

his attraction for Mahjughosa by releasing his

powerful weapons of taste, touch, sight, smell, and



"'Slowly Manjughosa approached Medhavi, her bodily

movements and sweet glances attracting him. She

gracefully put her tamboura down and embraced the sage

with her two arms, just as a creeper winds itself

around a strong tree. Captivated, Medhavi gave up his

meditation and decided to sport with her-and instantly

his purity of heart and mind abandoned him. Forgetting

even the difference between night and day, he went

away with her to sport for a long, long time.


"'Seeing that the young yoga's sanctity had become

seriously eroded, Manjughosa decided to abandon him

and return home. She said, "0 great one, please permit

me to return home."


"'Medhavi replied, "But you have only just arrived, 0

beautiful one. Please stay with me at least until



"'Fearful of the sage's yogic power, Manjughosa stayed

with Medhavi for precisely fifty-seven years, nine

months, and three days, but to Medhavi all this time

seemed like a moment. Again she asked him, "Please

permit me to leave."


" 'Medhavi replied, "0 dear one, listen to me. Stay

with me for one more night, and then you may leave

tomorrow morning. Just stay with me until after I have

performed my morning duties and chanted the sacred

Gayatri mantra. Please wait until then."


"Manjughosa was still fearful of the sage's great

yogic power, but she forced a smile and said, "How

long will it take you to finish your morning hymns and

rituals? Please be merciful and think of all the time

you have already spent with me."


"'The sage reflected on the years he had been with

Manjughosa and then said with great astonishment,

"Why, I have spent more than fifty-seven years with

you!" His eyes turned red and began to emanate sparks.

He now regarded Manjughosa as death personified and

the destroyer of his spiritual life. "You rascal

woman! You have turned all the hard-earned results of

my austerities to ashes!" Trembling with anger, he

cursed Manjughosa "0 sinful one, 0 hard-hearted,

degraded one! You know only sin! May all terrible

fortune be yours! 0 rascal woman, I curse you to

become an evil hobgoblin pisaca!"


"'Cursed by the sage Medhavi, the beautiful Manjughosa

humbly beseeched him, "O best of the brahmanas, please

be merciful to me and revoke your curse! 0 great one,

it is said that association with pure devotees gives

immediate results but their curses take effect only

after seven days. I have been with you for fifty-seven

years, 0 master, so please be kind to me!"


"'Medhavi Muni replied, "0 gentle lady, what can I

possibly do? You have destroyed all my austerities.

But even though you have done this sinful deed, I

shall tell you a way you can be released from my

wrath. In the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra

there is an allauspicious Ekadasi that removes all

one's sins. Its name is Papamocani, 0 beautiful one,

and whoever fasts on this sacred day becomes

completely freed from having to take birth in any kind

of devilish form."


" 'With these words, the sage left at once for his

father's asrama. Seeing him enter the hermitage,

Cyavana Muni said, "0 son, by acting unlawfully you

have squandered the wealth of your penances and



"'Medhavi replied, "O Father, kindly reveal what

atonement I must perform to remove the obnoxious sin I

have incurred by privately associating with the

dancing girl Manjughosa''


"'Cyavana Muni answered, "Dear son, you must fast on

Papamocani Ekadasi, which occurs during the dark

fortnight of the month of Caitra. It eradicates all sins, no matter how

grievous they may be."


"'Medhavi followed his father's advice and fasted on

Papamocani Ekadasi. Thus all his sins were destroyed

and he again became filled with excellent merit.

Similarly, Manjughosa observed the same fast and

became free of the hobgoblin curse. Ascending once

again to the heavenly spheres, she too returned to her former position.'


"Lomasa Risi continued, 'Thus, 0 king, the great

benefit of fasting on Papamocani Ekadasi is that

whoever does so with faith and devotion will have all

his sins completely destroyed.'


Sri Krsna concluded, "0 King Yudhisthira, whoever

reads or hears about Papamocani Ekadasi obtains the

very same merit he would get if he donated a thousand

cows in charity, and he also nullifies the sinful

reactions he may have incurred by killing a brahmana,

killing an embryo through abortion, drinking liquor,

or having sex with his guru's wife. Such is the

incalculable benefit of properly observing this holy

day of Papamocani Ekadasi, which is so dear to Me and so meritorious."

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  • 4 months later...

YudhiSThira MahArAj inquired, "O JanArdan, protector, of all living entities, please tell me which EkAdazI occurs during BhAdrapada (Aug-Sep) month's dark fortnight."

Supreme Lord ZrI KRSNa replied, "O king, hear me attentively. This sin-removing, sacred EkAdazI's name is ajA. Any persdon who fasts completely this day & worships HRSIkeza, Master of senses, becomes free from all his sin's reactions. Even one who simply hears about this EkAdazI is freed from his past sins. O king, there is no better day than this in all Earthly & Heavenly Worlds. This is true sans doubt."

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There once lived a famous king named Harizcandra, who was world emperor and a person of great truth & integrity. His wife's name was CandramatI, and he had a son named LohitAzva. By destiny's force, however, Harizcandra lost his kingdom. He even sold his wife & son. This pious king himslef became menial servant of one dog-eater, who made him guard a crematorium. Yet even while doing such menial service, he did not forsake his truthfulness & good character. He resembled soma-rasa, which even when mixed with another liquid, does not lose its ability to bestow immortality.

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"This king passed many years in this condition. Then one day he sadly thought, 'What shall I do? Where should I go? How can I be delivered from this plight?' In this way he drowned in an ocean of grief & sorrow.

"One day a great sage happened by, and when the king saw him he happily thought, 'Ah, Lord BrahmA has created brAhmaNas just to help others.' Harizcandra paid his respectful obeisances to the sage, whose name was Gautama Muni. With joined palms the king stood before Gautam and narrated his pitiful story. Gautam Muni was astonished to hear the king's tale of woe.

He thought, 'How has this mighty king been reduced to collecting clothes from the dead!' Gautam became very compassionate toward Harizcandra and instructed him on the process of fasting for purification."

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All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Maharaja Yudhisthira said, "O Janardana! What is the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the waning moon in the month of October/November? Please explain this to me."

Lord Krishna replied ,"O lion among Kings! The name of this Ekadasi is Rama Ekadasi and it vanquises all one`s sinful reactions. Now please ear the glories of this sacred Ekadasi.

"Long long ago there was a famous king named Mucukunda.He was a good friend of Indra, the King of Heaven. He also had friendship with personalities like Yamaraja, Varuna, Kuvera and Vibhisana. This king was very truthful and always attached to devotionnal service of Lord Visnu. He ruled his kingdom with proper code of conduct.

In due course of time, king Mucucunda begot a daughter. She was named after the best river, Candrabhaga. In due course of time , she was married to a handsome person named Shobhana, who was the son of Candrasena. One day Shobhana came to the house of his father-in-law on the day of Ekadasi. Candrabhaga became greatly worried and contemplated," O my Lord! What will happen now? My husband his very weak and cannot tolerate hunger. Moreover my father is very strict. On the day before Ekadasi my father usually sends his servant to annonce that no one can eat on the day of Ekadasi."

When Shobhana heard about this custom, he said to his dear wife"O dear one!What should I do now? What can I do so that my life is protected and the order of the King is not transgresed?"

Candrabhaga replied,"O my Lord! What to speak of the human beings, even the elephants, horses, and other animals in the kingdom of my father will not be allowed to eat anything today. O husband, how then can the human beings possibly eat? Orespected husband! If you must eat today, then you will have to go back to your house. Therefore consider carefully and take a decision."


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After hearing the words of his wife,Shobana said,"What you have said is indeed true, but I wish to observe this Ekadasi. Whatever is destined for me will certainly happen."

Considering in this way, Shobana decided to observe this sacred Ekadasi, but he became overwhelmed with hunger and thirst. When the sun set, all Vaishnavas and pious human beings became very happy. O lion among Kings! They happily spent the entire night chanting and worshiping the Supreme Lord. But it was intolerable for Shobana to pass that night and thus he died just before sunrise. King Mucucunda completed Shobana`s funeral rites with royal prestige by burning him with fragrant sandalwood. According to the order of her father, Candrabhaga did not burn herself in the funeral fire, in other words, she did not die with her husband. After completing her husband`s sraddha ceremony, Candrabhaga continued to live at the house of her father.

O King! Meanwhile, by the influence of observing Rama Ekadasi Shobana became King of the beautiful city of Devarupa, wich was situated at the peak of Mandara mountain. He began to live in an opulent residence with pillars made of gold and bedecked with jewels and walls decorated with gems and crystals. A beautifull white umbrella was held over his head, wich was decorated with a golden crown bedecked withjewels. His ears were decorated with earings , his neck with a necklace, and his arms with golden armlets. Decorated in this way,Shobana sat on the royal throne. He was always served by the Gandarvas and apsaras and appeared just like Indra The King of Heaven.

One day a brahmana named Somasharma, a resident of Mucucundapura, arrived in the kingdom of Shobhana in course of travelling to the holy places. «considering Shobhana as the son-in-law of king Mucucunda, the brahmana approached him. As soon as the king saw him, he stood up with folded hands and then offered his respectful obeisances to the brhmana. Thereafter Shobhana inquired from him about his well-being and the well-being of his father-in-law, Mucucunda, his wife, Candrabhaga, and all the residents of Mucucundapur. He informed the king that everyone was living in peace and harmony. In graet amazement, the brahmana sais"King! I have never before seen a beautiful city as this. Please tell me how you have obtained such a kingdom."

The king replied,"By the influence of observing Rama Ekadasi, wich occurs in the waning moon of oct/nov, I have received this temporary kingdom. O best of the brahmanas, please advice me how my kingdom can remain permanently. I think because I observed the Ekadasi without faith hence I have received this unsteady kingdom.Please explain these topics to the beautiful Candrabhaga. I think she is capable of making it steady."

After hearing these words of king Shobhana the brahmana returned to Mucukundapur and told everything to Candrabhaga in details.When she heard the whole incident she became extremely joyful and said to the brahmana, "O graet brahmana! Your statements appear to be just like a dream!" Then he said"O daughter! I have personally seen your husband at Devapuri plus his entire kingdom wich is as bright as the sun, but he told me that his kingdom was not steady. Therefore you should try to make his kingdom steady by any means." Candrabhaga said,"O respected brahmana, please take me there, i will make his Kingdom steady on the strenght of my piety.Please make some arrangement so I can meet him for by helping the separated to meet, one accumulates piety."

Tereafter Somasharma took Candrabhaga to the asram of Vamadeva wich was situated near Mandara mountain. After hearing the story from the bright-faced Candrbhaga, Vamadeva initiated her with Vedic mantras. By the influence of the mantras and the piety accumulated as a result of observing Ekadasi, Candrabhaga obtained a spiritual body. Therafter she happily went before her husband.

Upon seeing his wifw, Shobhana became extremely pleased and satisfied. Candrabhaga said" O my respected husband,please hear my beneficial words. I have been strictly observing Ekadasi fromthe age of eight at the house of my father. May that accumulated piety make your kinkdom staedy and let it continue to prosper until the time of annihilation. Therafter having received a divine body decorated with ornaments, She began to enjoy the association of her husband. By the influence of Rama Ekadasi, Shobhana also received a divine body and began to enjoy with his wife at the peak of Mandara mountain.

Therefore O King this Rama Ekadasi is just like a wishfulfilling cow or a touchstone.

Lord Krishna continued, O king I have thus explained to you the glories of this auspicious Rama Ekadasi. A person who strictly follows the vow of this Ekadasi is undouptebly freed from the sin of killing a brahmana. Just as black cows and white cows both give white milk similarly Ekadasis of the waning and waxing moon both award liberation to the followers. Anyone who ears the glories of this Ekadasi becomes liberated from all sinfull reactions and happily resides in the abode of Lord Visnu."

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