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Hari bol, prabhus! I promised living entity and atma through email that I would tell them about Radhastami at New Jagannath Puri. Well since I just now wrote a description at some length, without planning to, at an egroup, I will repost it here for their pleasure, and maybe others will enjoy it too. Posted Image


Hare Krsna brothers and sisters,


I have said a few times I would describe the festivals I have been to but it almost seems to be a case of "you had to be there" and I

do not know if I can give sufficient description, as Locanananda prabhu does in sharing the Times Square harinams, or Dhamaghosa does in describing the Seattle programs (and where is Makhancora, who also

used to write so wonderfully about these special days?). But maybe I will try a little, I feel I owe some reciprocation as I read here with relish but say so little myself.


I must say I am impressed with New Jagannath Puri, the Berkeley temple. They put so much into the daily puja, and then so much more

into the festivals, and with such joy and enthusiasm, that it really does astound me how they keep it up. The decorations in that large and high-vaulted temple room are always elaborate, and I was lucky enough to be able to make as many garlands as I wanted, to decorate the gorgeous swing that hangs from that ceiling. Tasteful white streamers and thin colourful streamers hung from chandelier to the faux balconies, and

helium-fed giant metallic parrots were tied to these streamers--though one escaped of its own accord during a particularly ecstatic kirtan on the morning of Radhastami and remains to this day, I believe, with its

head at the ceiling, maybe thinking to get to the higher realm.


The abhiseka arch was a joy to watch the assembly of, with magical little white lights and loads of asparagus fern and palm fronds and large deciduous branches. A woman named Carol created beautiful rings of flowers and greenery for this gazebo, as well as many many huge and wonderful vases for the temple room. This temple uses a lot of ginger flowers which look like the crests of some exotic birds.


The Deities looked absolutely wonderful this day, and the abhiseka went on for a very long time, as there were so many substances to offer. At this point in the day the temple wasn't as crowded as later, so we got to go back and pour even more conches full of mango, or banana, or yogurt, rose water, etc., on the beautiful forms of Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda, Who look absolutely sweet in Their simple bathing robes, with no crowns, and Who shine with kindness in

allowing us to perform such intimate service. Sri Gokulanandaji has a very attractive topknot which is not normally seen, due to His crowns and turbans.


A word about the kirtans. There were beautiful singers and much chanting of the mahamantra, along with Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite, and other songs to Srimate Radharani. These kirtans and melodies had a way of sweeping one along with them, so that chanting felt natural and flowing as one gazed at the Divine Forms, and felt Their Causeless Mercy.


After the abhiseka the Deities were again dressed, and I must say I never saw Them look more beautiful or sweet than They looked then. Someone standing next to me verbalized these same thoughts. Radharani had small perfect flat kind of pink roses framing her face, and a line of rhinestones inside that arch, in the depths of Her

hair, and She looked all cuddled up with elaborate clothing and jewels and flowers. I felt Her sweet kindness more than ever before, as if She mercifully made it easier to perceive this, just as many

reported feeling the particularly personal reciprocation of Srila Prabhupada during his last visit to Bhaktivedanta Manor in August

1977. Sri Gokulananda also looked especially sweet, and seemed to take pleasure in giving Radharani frontstage. Forgive me if that

sounds sahajiya. I can only relate my feelings at the time. I do not claim them to be real. But because they are in relation to The Lord, I relish them all the same, and await the day when I will feel more

than the shadow or show of attachments.


The afternoon feast was marvelous, as was the evening one which was cooked by the Hare Krsna Youth (more about them in another post). Actually I didn't have the second feast, but the pappadums were great, and I know from other feasts that these young people know how to cook. Special mention from the earlier feast goes to the gulab jammons. Special mention the next day, Sunday, goes to the gallons of caranamrta from the Radhastami abhiseka. There was a banana-ish and a rose-y one and a yogurty one.


After the first feast the abhiseka commenced, and continued for a good hour or so, maybe even two, who knows. People lined up in eagerness to get a chance to swing these Deities. One old woman did not let go of the rope so quickly, and had the most beautiful smile on her face as she sang and

swung the Deities.


I took a video home of this festival and have seen it twice now; it brings Divine Beauty into my home and heart.


Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda ki jai!

Srila Prabhupada ki jai!

and all glories to the assembled devotees!


your sister,



(edited to remove spaces in the middle of sentences due to pasting this in)



[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 08-31-2001).]

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48 hr warning: check your shelves, pull out & dust off your various vaiSNav songbooks, search through every one, find those mentioning Her Most Holy Name, brush up on your own repertoire, study those few extra SrImaTI GAndharvikA GItI for good measure, ready yourselves in advance for a dawn to dusk Saturday chock full of:

RAdhA KRSNa bol bol bolo re sobai...

And don't forget:

RAdhA-bhajane yadi mati nAhi bhelA

KRSNa-bhajana tava akAraNe gelA...


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<center>Namaste. Here is a beautiful message posted on another board.


Sri Radhashtami Ki Jai!



Posted Image



<center>Posted Image</center>


Radhe, Radhe dear devotees!!

This 'pada' is describing the "Birth Day Celebrations " of my sweet Swamini Radharani.


The source of Srimati Radhika's Advent Lila is "Prema-Rasa-Madira" of Sri Kripaluji Maharaj (2.pg. 81).


Joyously singing this Lila with faltering voice, devotees can meditate upon the blessed event of Srimati Radhikaji's Appearance and transport their hearts and souls to Sri Barsana Dhaam!!


<font color="red">"kIrti ghar, prakaTI kIrti kumAri,



<font color="blue"> brahmAdika svastyayan-pATh kara, astuti kara zruti cAri,

nAradAdi viradAvali gAvata, kahi "jaya bhAnu dulAri!",

tANdava-nRtya karata zivazaMkara, sudhi budhi dehi bisAri,

umA, ramA, brahmANI Adika, Arati kuvari utAri,

lakhata kRpAlu jnAnijana ikaTaka, puni puni kahi "balihAri!"</font>


<font color="maroon"> "O dear blessed souls!

Today is the most auspicious day on this earth planet, because the Supreme Power of Divine Love has appeared as the darling Daughter of Sri Kirti devi Mata, in her palace at Sri Barsana Dhama.


On this most special event, Lord Brahma, the cosmic creator and revealer of Vedas, has arrived to conduct personally the Birth Ceremony and the "Sacred Vedas" themselves have personified and extolling the Parama Antarangika Svarupa Sakti, the Ahladini Sakti of the Supreme Lord Krishna.


Who can chant the Veda-mantras better than Veda Murthis, themselves! </font>


<font color="navy"> The great masters of transcendental music, Sri Narada Muni, sage Tumbura and other celestial singers are performing the KIRTANA and glorifying Sri Radha Rani by their most enchanting melodious heavenly chanting -


<big> "Jaya, Jaya! Sri Bhaanu dulaari!"


"All Glories to the Darling Daughter of King Vrishabhanu!"</big>


What more Sublime Kirtana can be heard by the dedicated souls!</font>


<font color="red">The Cosmic Dancer, Nataraja, Lord Sankara Who is famous for the extremely ecstatic dance of annhilation of the cosmic universe,

submerged in His Divine Love trance (Yoga samadhi), is performing the unique dance called 'tANDava nRtya' displaying the blissful rhythmic waves of motion and gestures!


What more Divine entertainment can be enjoyed by the fortunate souls!</font>


<font color="green">The Divine Consorts of the Trinity, the Pleasure Potencies of Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Siva -

Uma Devi, Rama Devi, and Sarasvati Devi are performing the Arati Ceremony, delightfully waving the lamps of light, adoring Baby Radhika Devi.


Posted Image


What more Auspicious Scene than the collective Worship by the Three Opulent Goddesses can be witnessed by the surrendered souls!


</font> In the concluding verse, the Rasik-Poet, Prema-Rasa-Acarya says that the most astonishing event is -


<font color="purple">the Paramahamsa Jnani Saints, who have been experiencing the Bliss of Impersonal Brahman, renounced their spiritual joy of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (Trance of Absolute Brahman realization).

Experiencing the Bliss of Divine Love and the Personified transcendental charm of Srimati Radharani, the liberated Mahatmas are

proclaiming again and again,</font>


<big><font color"blue"> "O Devi Radhike! O Divine Bliss Personified! O Dearest Soul of the Supreme Soul


</big></font><font color="red"> Without ANY reservation, we SACRIFICE all our Spiritual Attainment and SURRENDER ourselves to Your Lotus Feet eternally!!!"</font>


boliye, bhAnu-lali kI jai!!


<center>Posted Image


Jaya, Jaya Sri Radhe!!!



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  • 2 years later...

The Nectar of the Lotus of Love




by Raghunath Das Goswami



Radha’s body is the embodiment of true love conceived in the most resplendent cintamani gem, anointed with the sweet-smelling love of her girlfriends, and shining with an inconceivable lustrous splendor.


She bathes in waves of the nectar of compassion, a shower of the nectar of youthfulness, and a flood of the nectar of charming loveliness, so that the Goddess of Fortune languorous in lassitude at her side.


Her graceful form is hidden by the silken garment of shyness, decorated with the kunkuma of graceful beauty, and dappled with the black musk of erotic sentiments for Shyamasundar.



She puts on her natural ornaments, fashioned from the best nine jewels: shivering, tears in the eyes,horripilation,becoming stunned, perspiration, faltering of the voice, blushing,madness and inertness.



She is garlanded with the flowers of wonderful virtues, such as her sweet-tongued speech. She is adorned with perfumed powders smelling of her sometimes sober and sometimes restless moods.



Her imperceptible amour-propre is concealed within the coils of her hair. Her forehead is brightened with the tilak of her immense good fortune.



Hearing Krishna's name and qualities are the ornaments

swinging in splendor and jubilation from her ears.

The reddish color of her lips is produced from the betel nut of her obsession for Krishna.



The black collyrium on her eyes is the crookedness of her loving affairs. Her body is perfumed by the camphor of her sweet smile, the joking words spilling from her.



Within the inner apartments of her bodily fragrance is a bed of pride upon which she sits, bemused, while wearing the restless necklace of prema-vaicittya, the love-in-separation felt even in union.



Her breasts are concealed, bound with a bodice of wounded vanity.The sounds of her lute, her fame and beauty, dry up the faces and hearts of her competitors in love.



She leans with her lotus hands on the shoulder of her friend, adolescent youth personified, just before beginning to distribute the mead of intoxicating love for Krishna,

herself the personification of the erotic sentiment.




Please bring back to life this very somber nobody, who is bowing down before you with straw between his teeth,

by sprinkling him with the nectar of your servitorship.




Oh Gandharvika! A truly compassionate person will not reject even a rascal if he is surrendered to him. Therefore please, never abandon this person who is similarly surrendered to you.



Whoever recites this hymn entitled "the nectar of the lotus of love," produced of her mercy, will surely attain service at her lotus feet.


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