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VedAnta-sUtra: 3rd adhyAya

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VedAnta III

3rd adhyAya, 1st pada - Invocation:

na vinA sAdhanair devA, jnAna vairAnya bhaktibhiH |

dadAti svapadaM zrImAn, atas tAni budhaH zrayet ||

God does not manifest His Highest State unless there

be proper sAdhana/practices,

Consisting of wisdom, dispassion & love. Ergo, let the

wise have those sAdhanas.

= = = = = = = =

Interjection: Alice Walker, author of The Color

Purple, is now speaking from her home in

Mendecino, CA broadcast on WBAI Pacifica Radio about

her new book Warrior Marks.

Its documented subject is so grossly violent, though thoroughly true, I cannot even

type it.

Instead I’ll just type its initials: FGM

You may not agree with her views but she said some

interesting things.

= = = = = = =

“My employer is/are the ancestors. Now I study

gardening & dharma.

My parents were Mississippi sharecroppers. We lived in

a shack.

We were very poor but we didn’t know it.

My mother would can/jar/preserve fruit, so our home,

though modest,

appeared like a jeweled palace, because sunshine would

pass through

all these fruit-filled jam jars stacked against our


My mother had that ability to transform any place into

a special place.”

This description by Alice reminded me of ZrI KRSNa

BhagavAn’s Dvarka-lila Palaces.

Actually, fruit jars are worth more than jewels.

De Beers is busy stockpiling diamonds. So many in

fact, you’d be shocked.

Actually diamonds are almost worthless. Their price is

artificially inflated.

KRSNa clearly points this out in Bhagavad-gItA.

Extremely foolish women like Marilyn Monroe glorify

diamonds with song & dance.

And men who are even more foolish become trapped like

rats in a maze of chasing diamonds to impress such


Kaliyuga depends on such illusion. Stick with it.

Don’t become intelligent. Remain a fool lifelong.

It’s a dog’s life, at least for some.

Never abandon your Kaliyuga idea & practice. Eyes Wide


= = = = = = = = = =

VedAnta-sUtra III adhyAya

III.1.1 tadaNtara pratipattau raMhati saMpariSvaktaH

prazna nirUpaNAbhyAm

that (body); different; in obtaining, going to;

raMhati = departs;

enveloped by subtle elements; from question; from


To achieve another body, soul goes accompanied by

permanent atoms,

as appears from question & answers in Chandogya text.



III.1.2 tryAtmakatvAt tu bhUyastvAt

Due to 3-fold consistency; but; due to preponderating

That water which envelops Soul, being 3-fold, denotes

all other elements by implication.

And text specifies water, for it preponderates in

human body.


III.1.3 prANa-gatez ca

Of sense organs, due to going out, and

Since Soul goes out with PrANas, all element mus

accompany it.


III.1.4 agnyAdi gati zruter iti cen na bhAktatvAt

Fire-demigod & others; about entering; due to

scriptural statement; as/thus;

if; not/no; due to metaphorical nature of, for

referring to partial

If may be said that scriptural texts mention various

senses going into various planets, like fire,

and ergo, senses do NOT accompany Soul, when it leaves


To this we reply, senses going to elements is

metaphorical only.


= = = = = =


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III.1.5 prathame ‘zravaNAd iti cen na tA eva hy upapatteH

at first, in beginning (1st oblation in 1st fire); due to not being mentioned, for want of mention;

thus; if; not, no; tAH eva = those very, same (waters); because of; due to agreement, fitness

If it be objected that water is not mentioned in 1st oblation, ergo soul does not go accompanied

by water, we reply that even in 1st oblation, water is verily meant by word zraddhA,

for that is most appropriate word in that passage.


III.3 6 azrutatvAd iti cen neSTAdi kAriNAm pratIteH

Due to this not being stated in scriptures; unproved; thus, so; referring to those performing sacrifices;

Due to being seen in zrUti, being understood

If it be said that word Jiva is not mentioned at all in that section, we reply, it is not so,

for whole section is to be understand


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III.1.7 bhAktaM vAnAtmavitvAt tathA hi darzayati

Metaphorical, partial; or; due to their not knowing self; tathA = so; hi = because;

shows (scripture)

Jiva called SomarAj is said to be Deva’s food in figurative sense only,

because they do not know Self, for thus Zruti declares/shows.


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III.1.8 kRtAtyayenazayavAn dRSTa smRtibhyAm

Of what is done, karma; atyaye – at end, exhaustion; anuzayavAn - with karma’s remainder;

from Zruti & smRti

Soul returns to Earth with karma’s remainder, as is proved by SmRti & Zruti texts.


III.1.9 yathetam anevaM ca

YathA - as; itam - gone, went; anevam – thus not by different steps; and

Soul descends partly by same path as it ascended and partly by different path.


III.3.10 caraNAd iti cet nopalaxanArtheti kArSNAjiniH

Through conduct; thus, so; cet - if; upalaxaNa - arthA = meant to imply, connote;

iti - so, thus; says, holds, thinks KarSNajini

If it be objected, “reincarnating soul’s next birth will determined by its conduct”,

not by unexhausted karmas’ remainder, we say no, it not so.

According to KArSNAjiri, word ‘CaraNa’ or ‘conduct’ is illustrative of karmas

not exhausted in Heavenly Realm.


III.3.11 Anarthakyam iti cet na tad apexatvAt

Purposelessness, thus, if not that (conduct); due to dependence

If Karma be all objects’ cause, then good Karma would be purposeless.

It would not be so, we reply, for right to perform Karma is dependent upon good conduct.


III.3.12 sukRta duskRteveti tu bAdariH

Good deeds; bad deeds; eva – only; iti – thus; but, says Badari

But Badari opines that phrases ‘ramaNiya-caraNa’ & ‘kapUya-caraNa’ mean good & evil works.


III.3.13 aniSTAdi kAriNAm api ca zrutam

Of those not performing sacrifice; also, and; stated in Zruti, declared by scripture

Scripture declares that sacrifice’s (etc) non-performer ascends to gladness/blissful planets too.


III.1.8 kRtAtyayenazayavAn dRSTa smRtibhyAm

Of what is done, karma; atyaye – at end, exhaustion; anuzayavAn - with karma’s remainder;

from Zruti & smRti

Soul returns to Earth with karma’s remainder, as is proved by SmRti & Zruti texts.


III.1.9 yathetam anevaM ca

YathA - as; itam - gone, went; anevam – thus not by different steps; and

Soul descends partly by same path as it ascended and partly by different path.


III.3.10 caraNAd iti cet nopalaxanArtheti kArSNAjiniH

Through conduct; thus, so; cet - if; upalaxaNa - arthA = meant to imply, connote;

iti - so, thus; says, holds, thinks KarSNajini

If it be objected, “reincarnating soul’s next birth will determined by its conduct”,

not by unexhausted karmas’ remainder, we say no, it not so.

According to KArSNAjiri, word ‘CaraNa’ or ‘conduct’ is illustrative of karmas

not exhausted in Heavenly Realm.


III.3.11 Anarthakyam iti cet na tad apexatvAt

Purposelessness, thus, if not that (conduct); due to dependence

If Karma be all objects’ cause, then good Karma would be purposeless.

It would not be so, we reply, for right to perform Karma is dependent upon good conduct.


III.3.12 sukRta duskRteveti tu bAdariH

Good deeds; bad deeds; eva – only; iti – thus; but, says Badari

But Badari opines that phrases ‘ramaNiya-caraNa’ & ‘kapUya-caraNa’ mean good & evil works.


III.3.13 aniSTAdi kAriNAm api ca zrutam

Of those not performing sacrifice; also, and; stated in Zruti, declared by scripture

Scripture declares that sacrifice’s (etc) non-performer ascends to gladness/blissful planets too.



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III.1.14 saMyamane tvanubhUyetareSAm ArohAvarohau tad gati darzanAt

SaMyamane - in/after (Yama’s) punishment in Hell; tu – but, further;

anubhUya – having experienced; itareSAm – of others (who don’t perform yajna);

Aroha/avarohau – ascent & descent

(coming to mundane world, then descending to still nether regions);

tat – of them; gati (about their) courses; darzanAt – owing to/from scripture

305 - But, among those (sinners), going means to Reform City.

Having suffered there, they return to Earth. Such is their up & down,

ascent & descent. And this is path described in scripture.

III.1.15 smaranti ca => they remember, declare in smRtis; and

306 SmRtis also declare same fate for sinners.

III.1.16 api sapta => moreover, too; seven (Hells)

307 Moreover, according to smRti, there are 7 Hells.

III.1.17 tatrApi tad vyApArAd avirodhaH

308 tatra – there (in those Hells); api – also; tad (of those jIvas in Hell) or of Him;

due to/from activity, guidance; avirodhaH - no contradiction

There is no contradiction because His activity is present there too.

III.1.18 vidyA karmaNos tviti prakRtatvAt

309 of knowledge; of action; tu – only, but; due to these being topics

Yet sinners never go to Joy World, for topic relating to 2 paths in ChandogyopaniSad

is confined to jnAnis & karmis, having no reference to vikarmis - sinners.

III.1.19 na tRtIye tathopalabdheH => not in 3rd, such; is being perceived to be

310 5th oblation is not needed for those who go to 3rd place,

for it is thus declared in scripture.

III.1.20 smaryate’pi ca loke => is recorded in smRti; as well as; in world

311 SmRtis record that in this world, 5th oblation is also not necessary in their case.

III.1.21 darzanAc ca => due to direct perception/being seen; and

312 We see beings originate independent of sexual union; scriptures so describe it.

III.1.22 tRtIya zabdAvarodhaH saMzokasya

3rd term, avarodhaH - including; of that which springs from heat, due to horrific feeling

313 Heat-born is included in 3rd word (namely udbhijjam of above text).

III.1.23 tat sAbhAvyApattir upapatteH => with those others; sAbhAvya = similarity;

ApattiH – attaining, entering into; upapatteH – it being reasonable/possible

314 Descending soul becomes similar to ether & so on; there is reason for this.


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> III.1.24 nAticireNa vizeSAt = na - not, aticireNa - very long after,

> vizeSAt - due to special (inference) it being distinctly stated.

> 315 Soul does not stay very long in its stages

> through ether up to rain,

> due to special statement to that effect.

> III.1.25 anyAdhiSThite pUrvavad abhilApAt

> 316 anya – by another soul; adhiSThate – in what is

> occupied; pUrvavat - like previous,

> in manner already explained; due to scriptural

> statements

> Souls merely cling to plants, which are animated by

> other souls, and do not become plants,

> because statement here is similar to that in

> previous cases of ether & so on.



Can you translate this? Well in a way I can


What is cling? I don't have the

diccionaire here.

Doesn't every plant has soul?

You are trying to confuse me with this Vedanta.


> III.1.26 azuddham iti cet na zabdAt – impure,

> hurtful, unholy; if; not; on scriptural ground,

> from Word

> 317 If it be said every sacrificial act

> is unholy, we

> say it is not, for scripture declares it so.

> III.1.27 retaH-sig yogo’tha – seed sprinkler,

> generator; conjunction with; atha – first, or after

> 318 Then soul unites with being who performs

> fertilization act.


So the soul unites first with the male?


> III.1.28 yoneH zarIram – (after entering) mother;

> obtaining gross body

> 319 Soul next passes from father into mother, then

> obtains gross body.

That's interesting.

Please don't send me that Ayurvedic Urine stuff.


> Thus ends VedAnta-sutra’s 3rd adhyAya, 1st pada.


Or you need more evidence?

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3rd adhyAya 2nd pada

vittir viraktiz cakRtAnjaliH puro

yasyAH parAnanda tanor vitiSThate |

siddhiz ca sevAsamayaM pratixate

bhaktiH parezasya punAtu sA jagat ||

May that love (bhakti) for Supreme Lord purify world.

He has Supremely Blissful Body, in His Presence stand Wisdom & Dispassion

with folded hands, obedient to his call;

Occult powers are ever attendant to Him too, seeking opportunity to serve.

3.2.1 sandhye sRSTir Aha hi = in intermediate state/sphere; creation;

Aha = says (scripture); hi = because

Because scripture declares that in dream-state also, creation is by Lord 320

3.2.2 nirmAtArancaike putrAdayaz ca => nirmAtAram = maker; and; some; sons; and

321 Because one text class declares Lord to be dream world Creator too, as of sons & rest.

3.2.3 mAyA-mAtraM tu kartsnyenAnabhivyakta svarUpAt (svarUpatvAt)

produces from His Will + impressions stored in soul’s mind; but; kartsnyena = fully, wholesale;

being destitute of tangible forms occupying space, partially (not fully) manifest

322 MayA = God’s Will is only means by which He creates dream-objects.

(They do not consist of objective matter), for they’re NOT perceptible to all;

they’re seen only by dreamer. (John Lennon et al)

3.2.4 sUcakaz ca hi zruter Acaxate ca tad vidaH

indicator, suggestive; and, because, from Zruti = Veda; Acaxate - say, affirm;

and, tadvidaH = those who know what

323 Dream creation indicates good & evil (hence it’s unreal).

Scriptures teach dreams to be indicative & experts thereof declare same.

3.2.5 parAbhidhyAnAt, tu tirohitaM tatohyasya bandha viparyayau

para = of Highest/Lord; abhidhyAnAn = by will; tu = only; is withdrawn, hidden;

tataH = from that (Lord); hi = for; asya = of this (Jiva); bandha-viparyayau = bondage & release

324 Dream consciousness is sublated by Supreme Lord’s Will alone,

because from Him proceed soul’s bondage & liberation.



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