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Whatever Happened to the Hippocratic Oath?

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Originally posted by Tarun:

Theistji: hypocritic or hypocratic?

For those resembling hippopotami, Hippocrates' Oath still holds.

I was trying to be clever with some word play.They were hypocrites for sure but from Gaurachandra's post maybe they have even given up the pretense.


What is hippopotami pray tell?



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Whatever happened to Hippocrates & His Solemn Oath?

He caught an express bus out of town & hasn't been seen since.

And yes, he did take his oath with him. Iow, u r on your own.

So whatever u do, don't get sick.

"An ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure." Who said this?

An obvious understatement, nowadays. More like a ton.


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  • 6 months later...

Ashcan, Bushy, Chaingang, Rumpsfelt & Congress (opposite of Progress) allowed this HS (hors-sh-t) bill to pass which includes, among other delightful treats, Drug Czar Lilly's Teflon Escape Clause:

Even if your kid becomes autistic or otherwise ill from Lilly's (or others') vaccines, u can no longer sue Lilly or any other Drug manufacturer.

U r on your own. Understand?

U r forced to have your kid vaccinated to attend public school.

But if your kid adversely reacts to that vaccine, good luck.

U can no longer file any claim in court. Just suffer.

Demoncracy Democracy at its finest hour. Headed straight down the toilet.

Enema anyone?

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Personally I won't receive the vaccine. I'll hide in the woods until they put their syringes away. But to try and appreciate it from their perspective, if they didn't receive immunity from law suits or a limit to the amount awarded then they simply wouldn't make the vaccine and countless more may die.



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How bout these mindless guinea pigs stepping up for Aids vaccine, what if the goons in control panic and enforce that one, if it gets legs.

It's definately seva kunj here we come.

Build a 64 mile great wall of Vrndavan


They shoot the soldiers up with all manner of vaccines against everything nowadays.

Then wonder why they come home like Frankenstein and kill their wives

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  • 2 weeks later...



The Oath


By Hippocrates


Written 400 B.C.E


Translated by Francis Adams


I SWEAR by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation- to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not, in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!










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  • 5 weeks later...

Did u read this 475-page Homeland Security Bill?

One tiny provision legally shields vaccine makers from any side effects occurring to injected Amerikans. This provision even nullifies current lawsuits against vaccine companies by people (VICTIMS) who have ALREADY been HURT BY THESE VACCINES.

Which raises the blowtorch burning question:

Do Republicans keep YamarAj busier? or is my body growing old?

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We should also consider what's in the vaccines and how they're developed. It's like injecting pure sin. Take for example "fetal bovine serum," which makes up the fluid portion of vaccines. To get that, first they rape a cow; then they abort the fetus; next they drain its blood; then they remove the solid components. What's left, the liquid, is fetal bovine serum. That's what the half-killed germs float in. (How they produce these half-killed germs is another story...) Who believes that good health can come from this?



Hare Krishna

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"U r forced to have your kid vaccinated to attend public school."


Actually most states in the U.S. do not require vaccination by law. Generally there are three types of exemptions: medical, religious, and philisophical. Only two states limit the exemption to medical, and many permit all three. However, you won't hear that from the schools or the vaccination authorities. You have to read the law. For instance here in Pennsylvania, we have all three exemptions, but it is almost unknown. A call to the Health Department will probably result in them saying it's mandatory for attending school. However, the law on the books specifically says otherwise, and that's what counts. Of course the U.S. government may suspend the exemptions if they decide to, in which case we'll have to hide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why the heck are you all so enamoured by trying to fix the not broken? That's what vaccination is.

Do you also bring your car to the garage to fix it when it is unning perfectly well?

If so, you deserve to get sick from vaccination, being such a fool!

That they put a limit on the payouts is so that the doctors pay only small fees for malpractice insurance. The cap is 250,000 in Cal, with the doctor paying $1500,- per year premium.

In Florida, he pays a premium of $148,000,-, simply because there is no cap on the payout.

Your life is worth a lot less in Cal than in Florida. Anyway, to the doctor, you are worth no more than his premium, which in Cal does not even buy you a coffin.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

You obiviously have no medical background nor the intelligence to research this issue so that your opinion would at least have some evidence to back things up. How would you like to be raped and carry that baby to term and once born you looked at that child everyday and hated it because of the person who took away your rigth to choose. Or what if that baby was gonna be born never able to function in life, NEVER. I am not talking about retartation or mental illinesses but never able to funchtion. Is it really fair to bring him into the world? So dont speak to anyone about the morlaity of doctors unless you can prove to me that every last doctor is not out to aid his fellow man... and that you cant prove so dont talk.!!!!!

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I guess so. We can always talk about the rare case, the outlier. What if the child is a vegetable? What if the woman is raped? Those certainly are difficult decisions. However, the VAST majority of abortions are due simply because the man and woman were irresponsible. We are not animals incapable of self-control. But many people do infact act like animals and then worse so by killing their unborn child due to their lack of self-control. We have created a culture of death not of life. Doctors should be in the business of sustaining life not exterminating it.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

You sound very sure of yourself...but don't get too prideful of thinking your opinion is the correct answer. Ultimately, we will all be accountable for everything we have said and everything we have done. We can research to find out where our values and morals come from and when we do, we see that they (morals and values) have never changed. Society changed; people's values changed. We live in a world that says,"If it feels good, do it." Look back fifty years ago, and we see that how we live today is very different.


There are many couples out there who are longing to have children. The baby of your "rape" victim you speak of has options and that child should have a future. I know of people personally who would love that child as their own - even the one who would not be acceptable to your standards. And as far as the child that wouldn't be born 'normal'? Who are we to judge what normal is - what are the standards that we should use? The new ones...? The attitude of today's society is "Hurray for me and the heck with you!" Before we all get too big for our britches...let me ask you something? Can you make your heart stop beating and then make it beat again? Do you remind yourself to take a breath each time you breathe? Obviously not - and it doesn't take medical school to make us think about some things that there are just no explanations for...only that we cannot control them by ourselves! We should spend more time wondering why we aren't in control of some of the simple things we take for granted. Obviously, there is Someone far greater in wisdom and knowledge than us, who does have control of these things. If we were more concerned about that Great Authority who governs these things and did what we knew we should do, instead of doing what we want, this world might be a great place to reside. Instead of looking all around us, we should spend more time looking up and regain our focus on what we should be standing for!

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