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Allergy Season

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Ok, so its allergy time again (I think, atleast for me lately) so I thought I'd share a remedy someone gave me. Basically, I've never had allergies until 2 years back. They don't last long, but they are very annoying.


A friend suggested the following fix. Go to your local drug store and purchase some Ocean nasal spray. Then spray two shots into each nostril, and then blow your nose.


Basically the solution is just like ocean salt water. It sprays a fine mist which coates your nasal passages. The theory why it works is that the salt water dries up the membranes in your nose thus stopping them from running all the time.


This won't fix the itchy eyes, but I've found it to be helpful. Not perfect, but it does clean out your system. The good thing is there is no side effects, no drowsiness.

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Start eating honey every day.

It contains pollen(raw honey),and it will build up an immunity to hayfever.

also ma-huang(ephedra) is the chinese herb most recomended by the chinese herbalists,it will clear out your lungs and sinuses,and it will not make you drowsy,just the opposite.

some anthropologists think that indian ephedra(pretty much the same as chinese),after being found (residue)in ancient sacrificial bowls,along with ganja,is the elixer soma.

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Actually the only problems that have been reported ,is when people take those over the counter pills.

They contain a very high dosage of caffeine.

Do not mix caffeine(causes hyper tension),with ephedra,it will make you anxious,irritable,and raises the heart rate to a very fast level.

By itself ephedra is very safe and has been used for thousands of years,without bad side effects.

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Originally posted by shiva:

Actually the only problems that have been reported ,is when people take those over the counter pills.

They contain a very high dosage of caffeine.

Do not mix caffeine(causes hyper tension),with ephedra,it will make you anxious,irritable,and raises the heart rate to a very fast level.

By itself ephedra is very safe and has been used for thousands of years,without bad side effects.

The over the counter sinus medications contain pseudoephedrine and no caffeine.Although what you may find in some health food stores for weight loss stimulation etc. may contain various dangerous combinations.Like ma-huang and kola nut or gaurana etc.


The following is from Chinese Tonic Herbs byRon Teegurrden:



To prepare Ma Huang, blend ten one inch twigs Of Ma Huang with a small amount of cinnamon.Boil the Ma Huang first for 15 minutes then add the cinnamon for another 5 minutes.Let it steep for a few more minutes.This tea promotes circulation, warms the skin, hands and feet, and in case of fever, will promote perspiration.


"Ma Huang is used with licorice root to strengthen the Lung energy and warm the body.Used with cinnamon, licorice, and ginseng, it is known as "Genghis Khan Alertness Tea" since it was used by the Guards of Ghengis Khan to stay awake(they were beheaded if they were caught dozing off while on guard duty).


...Be sure to use very little Ma Huang-it is very powerful".


He also writes"It has long been used by Taoists and Chan(Zen) monks before meditation before meditation since it sharpens the awareness without causing agitation or a "come-down" effect.


Shiva prabhu, do you know what the Indian version is called?


It grows in American deserts and here it is called Mormon Tea.



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The amount you should use depends on the form and age of the herb.

The fresher the herb ,the stronger.

I have taken in it a powder form,which is weak.

The stick form is much more potent.

Yes i know about mormon tea,I did not know it was the same as indian ephedra,have you tried it?

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Originally posted by shiva:

The amount you should use depends on the form and age of the herb.

The fresher the herb ,the stronger.

I have taken in it a powder form,which is weak.

The stick form is much more potent.

Yes i know about mormon tea,I did not know it was the same as indian ephedra,have you tried it?

Fresher being stronger makes sense.No I haven't tried Moromon Tea myself.I do use the chinese form though because it is so cheap.I had never heard of Indian ephedra and was wondering about its name.


I sometimes buy the twigs and brew them a little longer then the receipe above and it is strong.But also calming if you don't take too much.Nice combo,Calm and alert.


One herbalist won't sell me more then a little at a time.he knows my tendacy for excess.He said "You already use ginseng like a vegetable, that's enough". Posted Image


I happened to take a pinch of the powder this morning.I be crusin'along.


It has a wonderful quality of deepening ones breathing pattern.You just find yourself taking in long deep breaths without consciously intending to do so.


This herb is getting a bad rap in the media because of the overuse and abuse by the overweight and overtrainging weight lifting groups.


Some groups are trying to get it banned in the USA.

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The indian ephedra I refered to,is found in and around India.

Anthropologists have found sacrificial bowls at sites all around that area.

They have found ephedra resin and ganja resin in the bowls.

They claim that these two herbs are the oldest recorded finds of ancient foods,and possibly the first cultivated plants.

As long as you do not take caffeine it is safe,and I find that it increases endurance,strength,and flexibility,making any type of streching or exercise much easier.

though taking it at night ,can cause you to have difficulty sleeping.

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here are some other strength and vitality inducing herbs i recommend.

Dates-very powerfull,not in an ephedra way,but gives much vitality,the sweeter and softer the better.

Aswhagandha-some studies have shown it is better then ginseng.

Saw palmetto-it is an anabolic,not a steroid.It causes growth in tissue.

first noticed by colonialists in america when the natives fed their horses with it,they noticed a marked improvement in the horses vitality,coat and temper.

It has the same chemical compound as propecia the hair loss medicine.

It is the most prosribed herb for prostate health in men.

And in women causes breast growth.



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  • 1 month later...

Did u say breast growth?

I know a few who could, who should, who would if only they knew.

Nothing knew under the Sun. No news in The Sun. Try Bhagavatam.


Natural Health Tip of the Day - Sunday July 7, 2002

Allergy - Pulsatilla

Suffering from allergies? If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may find relief with homeopathic Pulsatilla: thick yellowish nasal discharge; watery discharge in open air; and sneezing, which may worsen in a warm room. Someone needing Pulsatilla generally feels better outdoors or in open air.


EMAZING Quote of the Day

Toughness has been rather out of fashion as a masculine virtue...There can, in fact, be no depiction of genuine toughness (not brutality but a sort of excess of substance, of soul-stuff) without [the] concomitant indication of [an inner] wound, else the piece become simply the pornography of fascism.

- William Gibson

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Another good one for hay fever is New Era's (or Nelson's, in England and sometimes in America)homeopathic tissue salts. If you take these in season, the next year symptoms will be improved or gone. But I appreciate the discussion here on going deep, to heal the causes of these sensitivities, and build strength in the system.

I am afraid to take ephedra, if it does decrease appetite. I once had a herbal blend (in pill form) containing this, for vitality, but it made me not want to eat so I stopped. Similarly, about the wholesale prescribing of herbs as a safe cure all for everybody, I was taking licorice root pills for a couple of months, and my potassium levels went really low, so my doctor asked what herbs I take, and when I said licorice he said it is unsafe for me at this time as it takes the pot. out of the system.

Talking of strengthening the system, is there something that helps build the appetite? Everything is getting more and more tricky for me, keeping alive.

thanks, Jayaradhe

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Do allergies affect the throat? Right now I'm having a very soar throat, but I don't feel ill or anything. My eyes aren't itchy, no runny nose, watery eyes etc... But my throat for some odd reason is very soar, and I believe it is allergy season. Any recommendations? I figure I can drink warm liquids, but solid foods actually hurt to eat (swallow).

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thanks, theist, for the heads up on Devil's claw. I have to look into it first, to make sure some of its properties don't contradict what my body needs to have and do right now. Like I went to buy saw palmetto yesterday, and did another reference check at the store, to find it is a diuretic. I am on diuretics for a serious, life-maintaining reason, but it is also leeching needed things out of my system, as is another medication, lactulose, so I can't do more of that type of thing. I used to think any herb was okay for anyone to take, apart from golden seal in pregnancy. I am finding more and more than such is not the case, at all. So I think anyone who has chronic illness should doublecheck their herbal needs, because what a healthy body can handle, a dis-eased one may not be able to.


thanks, JR



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Dear Gauracandra prabhu,


Yes allergies can affect the throat. For me hay fever even affects my stomach, and also makes me ache all over. I wonder if allergic symptoms are specific to a particular person's weak areas. It's too bad you are suffering with this. One thing is, if the allergy is pollen-caused, wear a wide brimmed hat outside, if that isn't too big of a fashion statement, maybe it is, for guys. But hats keep the pollen off. Also sunglasses keep it out of your eyes. when you get home, before entering the house, brush your hair outside (or swipe it with your hands) to get any pollen off; you may even want to wash your hair, if the season is heavy. We get pine up here, and it is huge huge pollen, and really tuff on a lot of people around here. Somehow I did not have to suffer as much this year. I think a prolonged fast in the winter may have cleansed some related toxins out of my system. Herb or health food stores also carry remedies that are either specific (naming the plants) or general, and will also have ones appropriate to your geographical location. But you might want to check your local pollen count, daily if you want, this is usually available on the phone but you can set it to show on your homepage if you have one. If there is no pollen, but you are suffering, then you can at least eliminate that cause. If there is, then you have more idea what to go for.


I'm sure theist and Shiva have better recommendations, but some helpful tips for relieving the sore throat could include gargling with salt water, taking slippery elm, letting honey slide down your throat (don't drink water right after this). If it is accompanied by a cough, this excellent remedy from my Grandmother (and probably her own grandmother) will give remarkable results. A friend of mine had a chronic cough for almost a year, and she tried this on my mother's recommendation, and it stopped! Here's the recipe:


equal parts of:


lemon (or vinegar, as my mom was given it as a child)



Yes, butter! Gently heat these up together, and take maybe a couple of tablespoons or so at a time. Heat it up each time you take it. I guess Pratyatosa's microwave would be quite handy for this. Posted Image


Hope you feel better quick,

ys, JR

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Health Tip - Saturday July 6, 2002

Allergies - Euphrasia

Suffering from allergies? If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may find relief with homeopathic Euphrasia: a "watery" runny nose, burning or stinging watery eyes; and cough. Your eyes may also be particularly sensitive to light, and your cough may occur only during the day.


EMAZING Quote of the Day

I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample, an olive was in it.

- Rodney Dangerfield

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