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Lauren Bush in PETA ad?

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Lauren Bush in PETA ad?

Will Lauren Bush join I’d Rather Go Naked brigade?

The fetching niece of the president has been in talks with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals about the possibility of joining forces with the animal rights group, says a source close to the group.

“We know she’s a staunch vegetarian and we’ve been in talks for months,” says source. “But it’s very awkward for the relative of a famous person to take a stand on a controversial issue, so she has to be careful. Chelsea Clinton’s a vegetarian, and we couldn’t get her to go naked for us. We’re hopeful with Lauren, though.”

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  • 11 months later...

I'm no pet advocate, yet this is rather interesting.

Anger is a brief madness. - Horace, 20 B.C.

Friday December 27, 2002

Dieting Tip of the Day

Purrrrfecting Your Blood Pressure

Although diet, exercise, and medication are the usual treatments for high blood pressure, there is some surprising new help from our four-footed friends. It has been widely reported that people who own cats and/or dogs have had success in lowering or maintaining their blood pressure. In one study, half the group of patients were on a medication and the other half had pets, but both groups were able to lower their blood pressure. However, the pet owners were better able to keep their pressure down during high stress times. Of course, always follow your physician's orders first. However, if you feel you can put the time and effort into caring for a pet, why not try this? A dog will give you unconditional love and affection; and as for cats, their purring will let you know when they like being petted and stroked. This interaction is what reduces your blood pressure. Incidentally, some of the best pets can be adopted at your local pound or humane society. Some veterinarians say to get mixed breed dogs because they are free from some of the diseases and problems that are prominent in pure breed lines.

Health and Fitness Tip of the Day

Don't Ignore Those Funny Feelings

Do you ever experience temporary numbness, weakness, tingling, difficulty speaking, vision problems, or difficulty with balance or walking? If so, you may be suffering from transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), also known as "ministrokes." The symptoms of a TIA are transient, usually lasting less than one hour, and are caused by decreased blood flow to part of the brain. They can be a warning sign of an impending stroke. After a first TIA, 10 to 20 percent of patients have a stroke within three months. Fifty percent of these patients have a stroke within the first one to two days after the TIA. The November 21, 2002 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine featured articles stressing that a TIA is a medical emergency that requires prompt evaluation and possible treatment. Many symptoms, including, but not limited to, those listed above can be the sign of a TIA. If you develop a TIA, call for an ambulance immediately, even if the symptoms resolve. If you think you have suffered from TIAs in the past, notify your doctor at once.

- M. Ellman


These tips are for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical attention or professional diagnoses. If you have health concerns, or want to start an exercise program, please consult your health care provider before embarking on any activity or treatment.

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