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Wisdom Teeth Extraction

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A few years back I went to the dentist for a routine teeth cleaning. He suggested I get my wisdom teeth taken out. I believe these are the very back molars, and basically they were coming in at an angle. Anyways, I put it off because he told me it would be major surgery. But lately I'm finding that my wisdom teeth are causing my back gums to get irritated. As I understand when they take out your wisdom teeth, they have to do both sides, and usually top and bottom. I've been told its best to get it over with all at once, as it hurts like hell, so might as well get all 4 done and over with. Anyone with advice? I don't like the idea of major surgery to remove them (I think they have to put you under).

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Don't worry you will be in safe hands.


Better hv some discomfort now than future complications.Irritated gums are not good they pose risk.


They usually do it under anesthisia.I hope you will be just fine.


I will pray for you to get through this ordeal easy.


[This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 02-23-2002).]

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I haven't decided to do anything about it yet. Two of my main concerns are 1) be put under. I've heard stories (rare, but they do occur) of where a person will get too much and go brain dead and 2) the amount of blood because it is basically riping out the back teeth, and the possibility of disease transmission (like HIV, which has occured with dentists). The gum thing isn't bad, just every so often they seem to get irritated. Still, if anyone's had theirs removed, I'd be curious about the amount of pain involved. I have actually heard that having them removed doesn't always help much, because now there are gums exposed in the open. When you eat, the food now scrapes against your back gums and cause sometimes even more pain. Oh well, what can you do. There will always be pain one way or the other.

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I feel bad at posting here when I haven't even posted on Atma's Preparing for Death thread, but I only follow about two or three threads at a time and that one is so deep and I am just so tired. But I wanted to reassure you, Gauracandra. My mouth is so small that they've removed many teeth to make room. Dentists complain when I can't open wide enough. I don't know if you have a small inside of your mouth, but it does sound like your molars are impacting and it really could create problems later. I am more into alternative treatments, but teeth...I understand that generally our mouths are getting smaller due to some modern habits, being passed down to us. So the artificial sometimes requires the artificial to intervene. Or something like that.


Anyway, I want to share my experience of having all four molars removed at once. When I was a new devotee, I had to go to the teaching section of a hospital for poor people to have mine removed. Students did it! I understood that it was easier to get this done when you are young, like up to early twenties if possible, as it becomes more major when you are older. Still, it was pretty major, to me. I too was frightened of the anesthetic, the IV that puts you under. I prayed to Krsna to make me conscious of Him should I die under the anasthetic. (I must off a bit more reassurance in that I have had to have anathesia since and I think I didn't die.) But I agree that it is one of those things where you are putting your trust in something pretty invasive and even kind of diabolical in a way, and letting strangers work with tools inside your head. The anasthesia often leaves you with some sense intact. I was conscious and heard their jokes as they worked on me. To tell you the truth I was glad I couldn't open my eyes to look. It did not hurt. The worst part was occassionally hearing the breaking of a tooth for extraction (if you have your hearing intact at the time).


They sent me back to Home with pain pills, and I don't think I needed them that much, or for long. So the worst after-effect was feeling these soft spaces in my mouth as it healed. The soft tissue of the mouth heals amazingly fast. Oh also I was able to return home on foot and bus with another devotee who had come with me. I would advise having someone there for when it's over. Actually I got really dizzy right after, when I got up, and they had to lay me down for a little while. But it was no biggie.


If you decide to bring this violence upon yourself, you might want to prepare for it by making your immune system strong, and things like that. Also, there is a homoeopathic remedy for nervousness of the dentist. I can look it up. I just take a while to accomplish things.


Hope this helps you in your decision.


ys, Jayaradhe

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Thanks for the input. I have no immediate plans on going through it yet. Actually, I'm thinking they have to pull out even more teeth. If I'm not mistaken, basically there are 4 wisdom teeth (the two bottom, and two top). But in order to access these, they have to pull out the ones immediately in front, so I think a total of 8 teeth have to be yanked. Thats not something I like.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hare Krishna!


Of course this post is three years old - but I would advuse anyone to please visit www.dental_spy_implants.blog.ca BEFORE you attend to any dentist.


...what we don't know - can hurt us...

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