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Hair Tonic for Hair Krishnas

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Natural Health Tip of the Day

Friday February 15, 2002

Hair Tonic

If you have a problem with oily hair, you'll love the wonders of rosemary. Add handful of dried rosemary to around 20 ounces of cold water in pan. Bring to boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain this mixture into bottle when it cools, then dab it on roots of your hair all over your scalp. You can use this before going to bed at night (letting it dry before you retire, of course), then shampoo in morning. Add rest of infusion to your final rinse after shampooing, if you like.

- Carla Joy

* * * * * *

Former NBC Tonight Show host Johnny Carson told many Hare Krishna jokes during his monologues.

He would always pronounce it HAIR Krishna instead of Haray!

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  • 3 months later...

Natural Health Tip of the Day - Saturday June 15, 2002

Nettles For Your Hair

The first step toward beautiful hair is a healthy diet, since your hair reflects your overall health. Beyond that, try nettles. Nettles are rich in the minerals that hair needs to be healthy, including iron, sulphur, silicon, beta carotene, vitamin C, and chlorophyll. Gather young nettle tops and cook them like spinach. Strain off the juice and eat the greens as a vegetable. Cool the juice and use it as a hair lotion, rubbing it into your scalp every other night for several weeks, and you'll enjoy soft, shiny hair.


Natural treatment for Hepatitis C shows great promise!

According to reports by users, colloidal silver is giving great relief from this terrible disease.


Quote of Day

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

- General George S. Patton, Jr.

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