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Herbal cognitive enhancers

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One herb that has been used for thousands of years as a brain tonic and aid to mediative practices is Calamus Root, known also as Sweet Flag and in sanskrit as Vacha.


It is said to purify and revitalize the brain and nervous system.


From the book The Yoga of Herbs by Vasant Lad and David Frawley on Calamus:


"It clears the subtle channels of toxins and obstructions.It promotes cerebral circulation, increases sensitivity, sharpens memory and enhances awareness.It is sattvic and one of the best herbs for the mind along with brahmi[gotu kola]."


It is said to counter the ill effects of ganja.It also promotes memory.Along with its chemical components that strengthen the nuerons it also increases cerebral circulation bringing a rich supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain cells.


A well feed neuron is a happy neuron.


Some hippies have read that calamus can give you visions, so they are trying to get high on this herb.To get this effect they try to chew large amounts of the root, which has a HORRIBLE taste.On top of that in moderate doses it acts an an emetic which means it induces vomiting.


For cognitive enhancement buy the root in small pieces and grind in a small coffee grinder into a powder and either take with orange juice or encapsulate in Vegi-caps.Take one or two caps or just a third of a teaspoonful.Adjust the dose as you develop a feel for its action.Start on the small dose side and increase as needed.


I have purchase pre-powered root and it seems much less effective, so take the time to grind it yourself.


According to yogi lore it clears and strenthens the subtle nadis,ida pingala and shushumna, and thus has been a favorite of some practioners of kundalini yoga.


The first effects are noticed an hour or two after ingesting, at least that is how it works on me.Give it a daily try for a couple of weeks.Don't take late at night or it may interfer with sleep.It has stimulating properties but as a nervine it acts to calm the nerves as well.No coffee type jitters.


It is also very inexpensive as you use such small doses.


Jaya Dhanvantari!


Happy herbing




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  • 9 years later...

I tried to purchase Calamus / Sweet Flag from Mothers Market. They said they can get Blue Flag extract in drops and I can mix with water. I looked on the internet and Blue Flag is also known as Calamus or sweet flag. Will the extract have even greater effects or worse? Please advise if you know.




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