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Maharaja Nanda

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Does anyone know the whereabouts of Maharaja Nanda(the Prabhupada disciple from Vancouver) The Dasira Narada group told me they can help him with his addictions by opening his karmic chakras. These are the chakras reached from the back. Sometimes they have to expell wayward spirits to do this(through the toes). Its nice to know that no mater what trouble a devotee gets into, KRISHNA will ulitmately save :)

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Maharaja Nanda (the Prabhupada disciple from Vancouver) UPDATE:

Recent sightings of ‘Prabhu’ have been made in Vancouver; apparently He is reduced to rummaging around dumpsters and such. There was some incomprehensible talk about how, ‘ Maya was out to get Him’.

This situation and others like it can be helped by a proper initiation into the DASIRA NARADA healing group. No matter what His beliefs are, now or then this Energy is a gift from GOD and should not be seen as hovering somewhere in the mode of goodness.

Personally I believe this energy is SPIRIT vibrating the HARE KRISHNA MANTRA.

Only such a conveyance could so radically remove a KARMIC dept so quickly in such a sinner.

It does not matter that the Master fully understand, just as long as He has mastered the technique, and uses this for the benefit of the whole world. Whereas the siksha would

Be able to explain, and direct towards the Master. The person undergoing the healing requires only to allowing the master to initiate and cut the karmic threads.

In My case I felt a reduction in good karma and bad karma both. It turns out that a lot of what I thought were Spiritual thoughts were mere shadows, bliss within the mode of goodness.

Dear Tarun Prabhu, I have personally seen this done “Through the toes”, sometimes with multiple Healers working on other Chakra points simultaneously.

Very Interesting!

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