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Visayan Remedies

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In my 42 years of existence on this planet-

island, not having the opportunity to travel

abroad, physically, so to speak, I learned

from the book, The Teachings of Lord

Chaitanya, the word Visaya means the " Object

of Enjoyment."

Being a Visayan myself( born in Cebu City,

Cebu( Central Visayas Region), Philippines

on Nov. 3, 1957), I have witnessed since my

grandparents were alive that whenever their

children got ill( no modern doctors around),

they would as soon as possible concoct a

medicinal formula taken from the medicinal

(indigenous) plants found in their garden

by boiling it in water and have the solution

taken by mouth to their child suffering from

stomach pains, anorexia, vomiting, fever,

or cough. These various local remedies were

derived from the herbolaryos practicing the

art of Visayan medicine.

Visayan medicine has been with us since

Magellan and his Spanish crew discovered

our island we used to call, Sugbu- the seat

of Christianity in Asia, where its beloved

Patron Saint(Icon) Sr. Santo Nino is found.

( This Holy Child fits the description of

Govinda- please visit my web site: www.mateo

bizland.com to those who wish to see the It)

Visayan medicine however has become the butt

of jokes ever since modern(western) medicine

has landed on its soil, when Spain, for 400

yrs.), America for 50 years, and Japan, for

3 yrs, had introduced to the island the

westernized versions in the art of practicing


I will therefore post to you from time to

time the Visayan remedies which our ancestors

had practiced, whose origins may have came

from the early natives themselves who

believed in diwatas, dwarves, giants, etc.

Cebu or Sugbu actually was once a part of

the Sri Vijaya Majapahit Empire, a kingdom

ruled by Muslim Datus or Rajahs.

Visayan remedies today are still considered

by the local folks as the last course of

treatment when everything else, including

western(modern) medicine fails, such as in

the treament of cancer, AIDS, etc.

Although I`m schooled in the art of modern

medicine, I still consider some Visayan

remedies as helpful after having experienced

it myself to a number of my patients.

I don`t know if Visayan remedies are of Ayur

Vedic in origin, but you will later find it

out as I give to you their natures.

In practice, I therefore combine my acquired

skill in the art of modern(western) medicine

with some of these Visayan remedies. Just

like practicing the art of mystic yoga with

Krishna consciousness.

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It is interesting to note that the Vaishnava acharyas prior to Ramanuja (Natha Muni and Isvara Muni) practiced mystic yoga. Through perfections in ashtanga yoga they were able to visit Vrindavan from South India every day, which would normally take six months to travel by bullock cart. But as the age of Kali was becoming more prominent, they ceased teaching these procedures in their line, as it was no longer very practical. This was several thousand years ago.


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The word, " Hilot, " is a Visayan dialect

which means to massage aching muscles,

joints , tendon, or nerve. Lately, it is

known as accupressure or reflexology. In

fact, it`s a talent businesses could uti-

lize since the majority always suffer in

one way or the other assorted pains,coming

from the head or foot( Pardon me, my dear

friend Janardana, I hope I`m not a headache

to you ). Yes, I have done hilot myself,

to my wife and children with respiratory

problems, rhuematism or myo-arthralgias,

which I find effective. But you have to use

a medium or lotion( menthol/euchalyptus)for

hilot to succeed. You can not use your

hand to massage a body part by using water.

The purpose here is to prevent the trapped

air coming out from the skin pores after

the massage to return again. The coolness

of the menthol/euchalyptus lotion closes the

skin pores thereby preventing one from

acquiring the so-called, "panuhot" which

are actually a group of air(vayu) trapped

inside a muscle or cavity( intestinal), the

latter we call, " flatulence."

I will be discussing to you, in my next

posting, why hilot relieves cough and its

patho-physiology explained in the Visayan



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