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KRSNA's Flute

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open the door of your heart and face east at this time, it is the direction of KRSNA's flute vibration



Just as our earth revolves around the sun, so does our solar system revolve

around a group of stars in the center of our galaxy. The exact center of

our galaxy is located in the constellation Sagitarius at 26 degrees.


On Friday at 3:27 PM [Pacific time] an event is occuring that is of the

GREATEST significance and import to aboriginal and shamanic peoples

everywhere. At this moment, the full moon and sun conjunction will occur at

exactly 26 degrees Gemini, which is in exact alignment with ---GALACTIC



The importance of this event IS HUGE. Our sun is a step-down transformer

of the energies of the CENTRAL SUN, the galactic center,which is referred


in the sanskrit as the EYE OF BUDDHA. In Mayan teachings, as well as the

teachings of most other aboriginal ancient wisdoms we are told that the

intelligence that infills our creation comes from this EXACT spot in the

heavens.[ Science is beginning to catch up to these teachings in the

information coming from the Hubble telescope and other cutting edge

scientific areas .]


WHAT THIS MEANS is that on Friday, there will be an easy and automatic

access to the highest frequencies of encoded light information from the



It is strongly suggested that at some point during the day or night,


you allow direct light to be taken into the optic nerve, through glancing

at the sun and/or moon.


The optic nerve is the only exposed nerve in the human body. It is

directly connected to the hypothalimus and the pituitary gland. The

information embeded in the light rays will go directly into the brain, via

the optic nerve, and inform the chemical processes of the master glands of

the immune system and the master control of the entire glandular system.


It is interesting to note that in the ancient Aztec culture, only the

king and the head priests were allowed to look directly at the sun. IT WAS




this is that only the king and head priest were supposed to be in direct

communication with Hunab Ku, or galactic center. There was a fear that if

others looked at the sun, then they too would have power.


Since Friday falls on a rain day in the Mayan Calendar, there may be

cloud cover. In this case, the light filtering through the cloud cover


still be strong enough .


Most likely there will be a tremendous feeling of BALANCE and stupendous

attunement to higher BEING.


Schedule in a time of quiet and inner receptivity on this day.


It is also suggested that INTENT for healing and enlightenment be the focus

of the thoughts while glancing at the sun or moon.


The reason for this, according to the ancient teachings, is that

intelligence travels both to and from on the light rays of the sun.

Whatever requests we make through the intent in our eyes will reach

galactic center. This is the basis of the practice of DARSHAN in India,


during the Wesak Festival the rishis and great yogis come down from the



mingle with the spiritual seekers. It is said that if a saint or

enlightened master gazes into your eyes [darshan] even for a second, that

spiritual enlightenment will follow. Humans are the only red blooded

mammals on the planet to have whites of the eyes. Shamen explain that

light rays, encoded with informational frequencies are emitted out of the


of the eyes.


This is a perfect time for DARSHAN, the gaze of the master, to be

experienced with the CENTRAL SUN.Be aware that it is a time of both

receiving and transmitting and form your prayers accordingly.


May you be filled with light!



{Note from Isis: I am forwarding this message due to it's importance, but I

would be remiss if I did not remind you that looking directly at the sun

can damage your eyes. This is why during an eclipse you are told not to


directly at the sun. I would say looking at the moon would be much safer.}

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I did notice a very peacefull meditation on that day. here in Vancouver B.C. it was sunny for a change, so I chanted some rounds while allowing the sunlight to filter though my eye lids. I picked up alot of green light which is a healing colour. If anything it was interesting to think that there were a lot of other people simularly meditating at the same time. Although probibly not that many were chanting, any form of healing energy is needed at this time.

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