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Chakra healing

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simular to chi-gong, Dasira Narada movement has five masters who are 3rd generation teachers,all are Vietnamese,who opens the chakras of anyone that will use there healing ability to help others. there moto is to help those who are in times of need.

has anyone contacted one of these five masters. if not I have an important task to inform all of you. not only will your Krsna consciousness improve you can develop the ability to heal others with just using your hands and spirit. for more information send me your email adress to: dasiranarada@hotmail.com

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there are different levels of power

situated in the body: the lower, middle,

and upper chakras. that chakra located

in head(upper) should be developed to

its full capacity by fixing the mind

on the beauty of Krishna and render to

Him your devotional service. that way,

one is freed from the fruits of his actions.

thus, he transcends, birth, old age, diseases

and death.

after leaving his body, he goes home, back

to Godhead.

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very nicely put Melvin. although some say the prime chakra is the heart chakra, the place where both RADHA AND KRSNA reside.

when Hanuman was 'dis'd, he store open His chest to reveal the divine forms of RADHA AND KRSNA within.

Such a person, may or may not, have all his chakras open. but for a devotee the path of the sun (heart chakra) is fully open.

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Thank you

for your email.

I have to admit I don't know alot about this group. They started renting the

front portion to my shop, (I rent the back), about 2 years ago. Henry, a

grade ten master, brought the movement to Canada, he is one of a few that

speaks english, he asked if I would like to join the group about a year ago.

I had been concidering the implications of me being a devotee, a follower of

Srila Prabhupada, taking on 30 min. meditation. A daily void! But after

listening to my tapes I realized we are only talking about health here. Also

the group says it is not disrespecful of any religion or belief.

I said yes and whent thru a three day course with about 30 other people,

all veitnamese.for two hours I listened to an interpriter to the lecture.

then each new member goes to the front and the master manipulates two

chakras at a time for only about 30 seconds. He opens two chakras each day

for three days. this first 1 and 2 level he doesn't open the root chakra.

I can tell you it was amasing! I had a hard time trying to sit there

relaxing, keeping my mind blank, when I could feel this energy enter the

chakras he was opening for what seemed a long time.

By the end of three days of this I was spirtualy high. when I meditate now

I don't even blank my mind out, I think of KRSNA! Why not! such thoughts

keep the mind still, materialy. I haven't fully explained this to the group

yet since there not really devotees yet, but I can assure you there is no

voiding out for me or anyother devotee who goes thru this.

I am now at grade three. at this level you can transmit, thru your chakra

system ,enough energy to heal others. in fact you are only allowed to go to

this level ,or higher, (there are more than 10 levels) if you agree to use

your abilty to heal others. When you do heal 40% of the 'channeled' energy

stays with you and 60% goes to the person you are healing.

There are five masters who can open chakras in this group all are

veitnamese, some are monks, but the master at that time did not want all

five to be monks so the local master, presently in seattle, was a business


If you are futher interested, I will try to locate a group near you.

with more to come HARI bol




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my dear janardana,

i agree with you friend on focusing the mind

within the heart where Radha-Krishna resides.

but it says also that by chanting Hare Krishna one maybe able to push Radha-Krishna`s view to the top(the Mind) in

samadhi. it says the mind is very hard to

control, like one`s enemy because it can

always engage itself in abominable activities

hence if i put Radha-Krishna`s view in my

mind then i could make it my friend in

helping me write books dedicated to Lord

Abhay Charand De`s mission of inundating the

world with Krishna consciousness.

In turn, i`d be healed of my disease.


my humble obeisances,


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Those who practice discipline and faith in the forest,

the peaceful knowers who live on charity,

depart without attachment through the door of the sun,

to where lives the immortal Spirit,(KRSNA), the imperishable soul.

Having tested the worlds won by works,(THE MIND)

let the seeker of God arrive at detachment.


What is not made is not attained by what is done.(21-VEDA)

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in the kaliyuga age, it`s hard for the mind

to be detached. that`s why lord chaitanya

prescribed the chanting of the hare krishna

maha mantra to keep the mind from wandering.

having realized, after many births, it is

part and parcel of the supreme whole, krishna

it at once carries out what krishna have

instructed it to do, to write books

glorifying the pastimes of krishna and

distribute it to the world-at-large so that

all will be cured of their ignorance. "

that`s the only way for the mind(self) in

the kali-yuga age to be freed from the

illusory energy, which is maya," says lord

chaitanya mahaprabhu.

reality is when one carries out the mission

of his spiritual master, to write about the

glories of radha-krishna, krishna-balarama,

in languages that can be understood by the

common tao(man).

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yes! yes! Lord Chaitanya is so kind, even a dog can be liberated by chanting! It is the quality of the vibration that is critical. as far as maya i don't think you understand yet; you are not the mind, or intelligence, or ego. you are simply a jiva. try to understand that before you go any further or you will just be fooling your-SELF. also you should accept anything that helps your chanting that is the point.

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The apparent method for understanding

Krishna consciousness is the path of

devotional service. This sublime reality

begins by hearing directly from the Lord

Himself through the sound incarnation which

has emanated from reading books like

Srimad Bhagavatam compiled and written

by Vyasadeva, chanting the Hare Krishna

maha-mantra prescribed by Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu, remembering Govinda`s pastimes

with the gopis and the cowherd boys of

Vrndavan and most especially His intimate

relationship with Srimati Radharani, and

worshiping the Krishna-Balarama Deity inside

the temple.

This process of remembering the Absolute

Truth is called ABHIDEYA( Wow! I have this

idea). It is an experience where the devotee

doesn`t like to deviate to another form of

consciousnesss. As it progresses, there`s

within him this desire to spread the

Supreme Lord Krishna`s glorious pastimes

by using one`s mind to write articles about

His pastimes or activities, a way of

relishing and nurturing his relationship,

eternal or temporary, with Him.

As soon as these transcendental dealings

take place, Krishna gradually becomes the

scribe`s personal asociate which is the

latter`s source of bliss.

To write books dedicated to Krishna is to

establish the scribe`s long lost relation-

ship with Him. Reviving it will therefore

enable the scribe to execute the devotional

service of inundating the world with books,

freshly edited in languages it could be

understood by the common tao(man), that

describe Krishna`s loving relationship with

His pure-devotees.

It`s the ultimate goal one should achieve

in his lifetime: This unconditional love

of working(writing) for Krishna without

expecting anything in return.

That is the real purpose of my samadhi. The

rest are only supplements (chakra healing)

to the actual medicine( Krishna conscious-


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Dear Melvin, your words seem to make sense. but if you are not pure then your words will be subject to the four defects, and thus rendered impotent. One must inquire from a living spiritual master at this point, he can help you distinguish which of your desires are factualy pure or just some cheap from of SELF gratification. What is the greatest offence in chanting the holy name of the lord? also only an acharia can write and only on the order of his spiritual master.

but it is an overall good desire, now work to clense the heart of all material desires so that your words will have a transendental effect on the readers just as Srila Prabhupads are, and will for another 10,000 years


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my humble obeisances to you my friend,

janardana prabhu. i`m sorry if i have

not pleased you. i`m 100% surrendered

to krishna-balarama and i have no desire

but become a fool by writing about hare

krishna. yes, i`m not a pure-devotee

and i have no acharya to guide me and

love me, but all i know is that i love

krishna very much if this is enough for

you to become secure in offering you

this humble trust and love as your eternal

friend. with you, in swami`s fold, we

could work-out well in planning how we,

with jnds, could inundate the world with

love for the cowherd boy of vrndavan,sri

govinda. have a nice day and hare krishna.

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AGTSP pamho Dear prabhu,


I pray you are not trying to break my heart with your

Divine words.

I fully agree with you, and as far as writing,

, If you can melt the heart of the reader, as you have done

With mine today, then write on.

My main purpose in posting messages is that this

Dasira Narada group have opened spiritual pathways

In my charkas. I have become more Krsna Conscious.

And have had some success with healing physical injuries.

I feel very fortunate that I might be able to assist the devotee

Communities by introducing this form of therapy, which does not use any external apparatus, just the channeled healing energy from Dasira Narada.

This is the science of the soul in contact subtle and gross energies. If the soul is a singularity then why the varigatedness, rather we are energy beings vibrating at different frequencies and levels. Our individualities are born out the subtle differences on multiple levels.

Sickness occurs when the subtle energy cannot ‘ring’ in each charka. Try to imagine that we are all a standing wave and the vibration is Krsna’s Flute, If an out side force enters, that standing wave pattern will shift. Our bodies require this underlining energy to melt the rocks that are the minerals underlying the organic processes of the body.

Also the twelve minerals of the ‘blood’ correspond to the twelve houses of the zodiac, which in each person has another layer of effect.

Anyway thank-you for post I can understand that you have a pure heart, that the door of your heart is open and facing east, the direction to the imperishable soul KRSNA.


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Aprakrta dasa of www.vedaveda.com call

me Narada dasa. I`m a government physician

in my material form.

My dear Janardana Prabhu, with my experience,

from the time I passed the Philippine

Medical Board Exams on Dec. 1986, maybe I

could share to you what I`ve learned from

treating diseases. Man, since time began,

have battled it but failed because he never

knew he`s not the body, but an atma

who is part and parcel of Krishna, and

therefore an eternal being. Only in his

ignorance he gets sick with all sorts

of diseases mainly coming from his mind.

Treat the sick mind with Krishna`s medicine

of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra

and the result would be the gradual healing

of his sick body. There is no cure better

than this.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure if I should continue explaining the DASIRA NARADA healing group here or not. melvin seems to want the last word for some reason. Even though he doesn't have a clue what I'm trying to reveal here. but for the benefit of the others who have asked for more information, I am now gathering some information.

I discovered that of the five teachers, only one of them is outside Vietnam, one is possibly in china or taiwan. master THUAN lives near Seattle Wa. He does not speak english.

I can testify that after going though the meditation classes, I have noticed an improvement in my KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. A devotee should be interested in anything that helps. And also a side benefit, that I have, or can channel, healing energy. more to come---- HARE KRSNA!

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My dear Janardana Prabhu,

Hare Krishna! Yes, you can continue with

your chakra healing. I`m supporting you

on this. In fact, I have very little idea

as to what it`s all about. All I know is

that in medical anatomy, I think chakras

are similar to the plexuses found in the

spinal vertebra, examples of which are

the sacral plexus, the lumbar plexus, the

solar plexus, etc. Do these refer also to

the chakras? And how I could apply them to

my practice? Hare Krishna!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hare Krsna Janardhana Prabhu,


thank you for all you help, reading your emails high lighted one thing and thats that chanting the holy name of the Lord is the jewel of everything, anything done to aid this chanting is indeed inducive to our Krsna Conciousness. therefore this chakra healing is a science just like vaastu or ayurveda set upon purifying us into the mode of goodness, one cannot perform devotional service properly until he is in the mode of goodness, as Srila Prabhupada says that we must first come to the mode of goodness, anything done to accelerate this process is indeed encouraged. We have to use the modes to purify us. If one thinks that simply by chanting all day like bhajanandis that we will get purified yes thats right, but Srila Prabhupada also says that we can chant for a tousand years and we can be still at it! coz it really depends on our conciousness on how we chant. Once again thank you for all you have taught me, i will need more info on this science of healing.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Dear all,

I already study the similar technique - Universal Energy. I think this is the fatest spiritual way.

To find information about this technique, please goto:

www mel-hq com

www mel-ozie com

www mel com my/default.htm



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Guest guest

Yes prabhus! Chakra healing is very nice. And if one is chanting the holy name and avoiding offences,it is sure that hes/shes chakras are purified. Simply by giving some little attention to your chakra system, you can improve its condition. By chanting mahamantra, everything will be cured. Try to help others, but first help your self. One who is injured in the battlefield, cannot help others, he must became back into normal condition again, and then he can help others. So let us all chant Hare Krishna Hare Rama and become spiritualy healthy!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Please note that if you open your chakras by yourself (meditation, mantra, chants,etc.), it's very slow process and cannot open them 100%.

By attend Universal Energy course, from Level 3 all your chakra will be opened 100% except the first chakra (Kundalini), you can understand why we not practice the first chakra and Kundalini streng, it's very dangerous.

For higher levels you will learn other strengs: Pyramids, Solar Light, Star Light, God Light, soul of the cell, soul of living creature. Master said that this practing method is already practiced by Atlantis monks (from 200.000 years before) and Egypt monks (from 10.000 years before).

For more information please goto web sites above, if you practice this method, your life and your spiritual way will improve to the new level. Trust me!!!


This method also related with modern science, in the future, it will be super science (as you see Atlantis science). But it different with Atlantis because we practice this method to bring love to humanity.


I'm Level 6 student, practicing with doubled pyramid, very interesting.

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  • 2 years later...

Dear Friends,


This is an old post; however, I have studied for 10 years under Master LUONG MINH DANG, who I believe may be one of these Vietnamese "3rd generation teachers ... who opens the chakras of anyone that will use their healing ability to help others"


I am exceedingly surprised to hear that there may have been five successors of the teacher known as Dasira Narada II.


Master Dang told us that he was the only one and the first person in the world to teach the technique of Opening Chakras 100% in order to faciliatate the flow of Universal Energy' throughout the body and improve health.


It was explained to students that only Master Dang taught the techniques of Opening Chakras 100%, that it had never been done before in history and on the planet Earth.


In the early years (1989-1992) Master Dang told us that he had been taught by Dasira Narada II, and that He was the successor Dasira Narada III.


In 1993 the Master explained that in fact, he had learned the technique of Opening Chakras 100% and energy healing directly from His invisible Master (meaning God, I think).


Master Dang died in August 2008. Over the years he became a very famous and deeply beloved Master to students in over 60 countries.


Those students continue the work of teaching others the techniques of Opening Chakras and transfer of energy to improve health in order to help all humankind to live healthy and fulfilled lives.


If anyone would like further information about this method of energy healing, they may contact mel-staff (at) mel-global.com.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello Dear ( janardana prabhu )

I am connected with one of this master that you wrote, He is Master lung minh dang ) and thanks of God that he show him to us :)

I am exceedingly surprised to hear that there may have been five successors of the teacher known as Dasira Narada II.


Master Dang told us that he was the only one and the first person in the world to teach the technique of Opening Chakras 100% in order to faciliatate the flow of Universal Energy' throughout the body and improve health.


It was explained to students that only Master Dang taught the techniques of Opening Chakras 100%, that it had never been done before in history and on the planet Earth.


In the early years (1989-1992) Master Dang told us that he had been taught by Dasira Narada II, and that He was the successor Dasira Narada III.


In 1993 the Master explained that in fact, he had learned the technique of Opening Chakras 100% and energy healing directly from His invisible Master (meaning God, I think).


Master Dang died in August 2008. Over the years he became a very famous and deeply beloved Master to students in over 60 countries.


Those students continue the work of teaching others the techniques of Opening Chakras and transfer of energy to improve health in order to help all humankind to live healthy and fulfilled lives.


If anyone would like further information about this method of energy healing, they may contact mel-staff (at) mel-global.com.

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