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timingila fish

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Sounds from the deep baffle scientists


Mysterious giant beasts may lurk in the darkest depths of the ocean, making whale-like noises that are baffling scientists.


Researchers have nicknamed the strange unidentified sound picked up by undersea microphones "Bloop".


While it bears the varying frequency hallmark of marine animals, it is far more powerful than the calls made by any creature known on Earth.


In 1997, Bloop was detected by sensors up to 3,000 miles apart, New Scientist magazine reports.


One suggestion is that the sound is coming from giant squid, which live at extreme depths of up to two and a half miles.


However Phil Lobel, a marine biologist at Boston University in Massachusetts, US, doubts that giant squid are the source of Bloop.


"Cephalopods have no gas-filled sac, so they have no way to make that type of noise," he said. "Though you can never rule anything out completely, I doubt it."


The system picking up Bloop and other strange noises from the deep is a military relic of the Cold War. In the 1960s the US Navy set up an array of underwater microphones, or hydrophones, around the globe to track Soviet submarines.


The listening stations lie at a depth where sound waves become trapped in a layer of water known as the "deep sound channel". Here temperature and pressure cause sound waves to keep travelling without being scattered.


Scientists believe most very low frequency noises - given names such as Train, Whistle, Slowdown and Upsweep - can be explained by ocean currents, volcanic activity , or the movement of Antarctic ice. But Bloop remains a tantalising mystery.


Story filed: 03:47 Thursday 13th June 2002


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This is very interesting. I read about it on CNN too. So it seems there is a giant aquatic animal that has yet to be discovered. I have heard about the Timingila fish, but don't know much about it. Any references anyone knows of? Like a description, stories etc.... enquiring minds want to know Posted Image

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a program on yesterday about giant aquatic animals. They showed some real life versions, like a 30foot squid. The thing is in the past the sailors used to talk about sea monsters, and it is easy to dismiss them as fantasy. But I think they were talking about reality, but perhaps the stories got exaggerated over time.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey. My e-mail address is drumila@hotmail.com In the ancient scripture Srimad Bhagavatam. There is mention of the timingila fish. It is so large it eats whales for food. My spiritual master was once asked this question. Why do so many planes and ships disappear in the bermuda triangle. He said it was the timingila fish. He said its so large he can leap out of the water like a fish on a lake and snatch a plane out of the sky just as a fish leaps out of the water to snatch a fly. He said its tail never even leaves the water. Cool huh?

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Dear Drumila, How does your Guru know about the fish? Has he seen one?



I suspect you are the same person who has been asking me what gives Srila Prabhupada the authority to speak about Jesus, has he seen yada yada, was he there at that time, etc. All I can say is that I am sorry your faith is so dependent on what you can feel, touch, taste, see, smell, etc., Am also sorry you don't seem to have anything better to do than try to covert those who will never convert. But I wish you well.

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Dear Pritaa,


I am not the person you are referring to. The only things I have posted recently are the two topics about tilaks? Sorry for any confusion.


-Your Servant

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Oh my, well, I think you must be the same person who I keep getting mixed up with Shiva, and now with this Xtian fanatic. ha Sorry, but you did word that post similar to his. Anyway, if you have any questions about Prabhupada, you can ask but also need to understand the position of a pure devotee. Also, I have not read your questions about tilaka yet, tho I suspect I know what they are, and where they are. Maybe tomorrow. :-)

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