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Vaishnava Disputes

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I recall an incident that I witnessed at Krishna Balaram Mandir at Raman Reti in 1976, when I served there as a pujari. One morning after the snana-seva puja, the head pujari (N Das) came over to the Gaura Nitai (GP Das) pujari to give some instruction. N Das felt that GP Das had improperly dried off Their Lordships with the towel by starting at the feet and working upwards. GP Das felt that since the arotik articles are offered starting at the feet first, that he should serve in that manner, with humility starting at the Lotus Feet. N Das asserted that since GP Das would dry his own body off starting with the head and working downwards, he should do the same for the Deities. GP Das asserted that because the Lords' bodies are divine, there should be no consideration of what would apply here on earth.


Was one of them right and the other one wrong, or were they both right on account of their intentions being pure - it was all for the seva and not for personal gain?


When seeing arguments between devotees, we should not just sit in judgment and view them as merely quarrelsome, especially when the motives are purely bhakti-related. Otherwise, we risk commiting Vaishnava-aparAdha in mind or words or deed. It is quite possible to disagree on points of siddhAnta or practice without losing respect for one's opponent. Even professional athletes in the boxing ring maintain friendship and respect for the guy that they intend to knock the daylights out of in the ring. So, why should that be difficult for those that are supposed to be situated in zuddha-sattva-guNa?


Any suggestions how we can improve relations between factions here?


ys- Rati




[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 06-10-2002).]

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Oh I love this post, and the story in it too. I can't add much to it now, you have said a good mouthful as it is, lots of food for thought, if more thought like this it would be as you wish.


On a side note, I too have had a dilemma over this very matter. I think one solution could be having a separate towel for the feet. My mom always had us using a head towel, and a body towel. Keeping them separate. I love the arguments given by both devotees. Our late Godsister Vilasini once told me that there were two cooks in New York temple who would discuss things like whether to peel the grapes or not, and were so dedicated to serving the Lord nicely, that it was a joy to watch them in their simplicity of devotion.


Thanks for a great start to a great day. Wish I had time to check out the other nectar on these forums.



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