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For the prabhus with Folio and books, would you please tell me who is the diksha guru of Srila Haridasa Thakur?


A friend was telling me about his discussion with a senior devotee about siksha and diksha guru and he was going on and on about different gurus and the importance of them and that night I dreamt about Haridas Thakur and in the dream somebody told me about his diksha guru but I don't recollect the name and last night I had the same dream. I think that I'm dreaming about Haridas Thakur because I'm feeling guilty about my bad chanting Posted Image

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Atma Rama,


I have searched for some time (always pleasant to hear the glories of great devotees), but have been unable to see anything. One place refers to Lord Caitanya as the 'master of Sri Haridasa Thakura", but that may just be everyone's master/servant relationship.


Somewhere in the back of my mind there was an internet article which suggested the he was not officially initiated (being Muslim), but I have not confirmed that anywhere.


He and Sri Advaita Prabhu were dancing and rejoicing when Lord Caitanya was born, so that might suggest that Lord Caitanya is not his spiritual master. Gaura did however, apparently make Haridasa the namacarya.


He was also known as Brahma Haridasa, reflecting the revelation that he was an incarnation of Lord Brahma. Perhaps then he needed no initiation, having already been initiated internally by Sri Krsna. Sri Caitanya also told him that he was actually Prahlada Maharaja.


There is a search facility on this internet site for the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata.


Well, I enjoyed my Haridasa day. Thank you. It should roll into a good one today. 160 rounds a day! No more sleeping, but it will keep those prostitutes at bay until I firm up my resolve.



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Thank you gHari prabhu for your info. I did look in the internet site of the Caitanya Bhagavata and was really nectar. Thank you again for give me a good day.


Here a little excerpt from that site:


Haridasa is affectionate and compassionate towards all living entities, and he descends as the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord in each of the Lord's incarnations. He is totally free from any fault or offense towards the Supreme Lord or His devotees. Even in his dreams he never commits an offense. A moment's association with Haridasa can purify any living entity and assure him the eternal shelter of Lord Krsna's lotus feet. Even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva constantly desire his association.


"Haridasa appeared in the family of a lowly Moslem on the order of the Supreme Lord, just to teach human society that material designations like caste, creed, birth status, and family position are all illusory and pursuing them is futile. If a pure devotee of the Lord is born in a low-class family, he is no less worthy of worship; that is the injunction of the scriptures. On the other hand, if someone is born in a sophisticated family but does not worship the lotus feet of Sri Krsna, then his high birth is useless for he lives just like a resident of hell.


"Just to prove the truth of these scriptures, Srila Haridasa took birth in a low-caste family. Prahlad Maharaja, one of the greatest devotees of the Lord, had previously appeared in a family of demons, and Hanuman, the greatest devotee of Lord Ramacandra, took birth in the monkey species. Similarly, Srila Haridasa appeared in a family of Moslems.


"The demigods desire the touch of the pure and transcendental form of Srila Hari dasa Thakura, and Mother Ganga also prays that her water will be sanctified by his presence. But one need not touch Srila Dasa Thakura; simply by seeing him, one is automatically freed from the eternal cycle of birth and death. Furthermore, one who sees a devotee who has taken shelter at the lotus feet of Srila Haridasa Thakura is also granted freedom from material bondage. Neither a thousand mouths nor a thousand ears would be sufficient to describe and hear the wonderful qualities of Srila Haridasa. You are a fortunate soul for your inquiry gave me an opportunity to glorify the pure devotee and gave you the opportunity to hear the transcendental topic. From the moment a person speaks the name of Srila Haridasa Thakura, his ascension to the supreme abode of Lord Krsna is guaranteed."



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According to Advaita Prakasha, Hari Das was initiated by Advaita Prabhu.


But in my opinion, he never received Pancharatrika initiation.


Hari Das was quite a bit older than Mahaprabhu. Most of the events that are described in Chaitanya Bhagavata took place before Mahaprabhu was born.

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