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A&Es Mysteries of the Bible

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Originally posted by shvu:

Bless you, again.


Being a religious person, you should not use such language. You are tarring the name of the Gaudiyas. You will set a bad example to youngsters, who are not as 'grown up' as you are.




Oh sure such bad bad language.."shit"

are you some moralist?


how horrid he said "bite my ass"


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who you kiddin you fake..




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Originally posted by Avinash:

Dear Jijaji,

When some historians do studies (archaeological and others) to conclude that most of stories written in Ramayana, Mahabharata and Puranas are either completely wrong or grossly exaggerated, then they are blamed to be having some ulterior motive. It is said that we should give more importance to what is written in these scriptures over what is told by these ‘western historians’. Don’t you think that, by applying the same logic, if we want to know about Jesus, then we should give more importance to what is written in Bible over what is told by the Islamic scholars?


As you have pointed out, some of Islamic historians consider Jesus as a mortal prophet. They believe that he was never underwent crucifixion. So what? If you tell them that Krishna was God, they will immediately call you a liar. According to them, God does not come on Earth. Most of them consider stories related to Krishna as complete lies. There is very little probability that you will find some Muslim who can consider Krishna as a prophet. But they do not agree that He was God. Will you agree with them?

The only resaon there is some consideration of these Islamic scholars is that when Jesus went to India he passed through many Islamic countries before he made his way to India. It has nothing to do with their theistic conclusions at all. It's just that his passing through those countries have been recorded by them centuries ago.

I do not give a rat's ass about what they say about Sanatan Dharma!





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Originally posted by jijaji:

The only resaon there is some consideration of these Islamic scholars is that when Jesus went to India he passed through many Islamic countries before he made his way to India. It has nothing to do with their theistic conclusions at all. It's just that his passing through those countries have been recorded by them centuries ago.


Although I'm not happy to give shvu any ammo, I want to point out that there were no Islamic countries in Jesus' time because there was no Islam.


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Although I'm not happy to give shvu any ammo, I want to point out that there were no Islamic countries in Jesus' time because there was no Islam.

Thanx Stonehearted. Whoever said you have a heart of stone?


What Jijaji means here are the countries which lie between Syria and India.





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Originally posted by stonehearted:

Although I'm not happy to give shvu any ammo, I want to point out that there were no Islamic countries in Jesus' time because there was no Islam.


Duhhh.............no kiddin!


I referred to them as Islamic countries because that is what they are called today...


Thanks for the observation however Mr. Stone!


And thank you shvu for the clarification!


¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji Posted Image

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*




[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 12-31-2001).]

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