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All Glories to the Assembled Devotees

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Originally posted by JRdd:

I would like to express my appreciation to leyh for his sincere and thoughtful posts.



Jayaradhe dasi


Other appreciations may follow; it's an open mike. Don't be shy, you won't be asked to sing if you don't want.

Dear Jayaradhe dasi:

I was really surprised and flattered when I saw your post.Thank you very much.I myself have always looked forward to reading your sensitive and intelligent posts,especially the ones about your experiences with Srila Prabhupada.


I remember that in an earlier post,you responded to my enquiry as to whether you have ever had any personal association with Srila Prabhupada by writing that although you have not had close association with Srila Prabhupada,you have been "blessed with his glance".I'm sure that now,from wherever he is,Srila Prabhupada is still glancing at you and all the other aspiring devotees.


All Glories to Jayaradhe dasi and her spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!


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Ahhhh! now here is a golden opportunity to please Their Lordships.


Yes all glories to the assembled and unassembled devotees, not as some would have us think...... the assembly line devotees.


You can wish all glories to some devotees all the time, some glories to all of the devotees some of the time, but it ain't easy to wish all glories to all the devotees all the time, but that shouldn't stop us from trying cause if they are devotees they deserve them, and have most of them anyway. But if they ain't quite, then they need them, and if they arn't at all then they might just learn to be, by someone else giving them some.

You give all your glories away and it only makes you more glorious.



Western Eastern



up devotees, and the down devotees Ki jaya!



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