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It is good to see America pull together in times of need and speak against terrorism. It is heartwarming to witness people helping the victims in the true spirit of humanity.


But it is puzzling to note:


Why does it take a heinous act to awaken spirituality in the hearts of people?


Heinous acts against humans are constantly perpetrated all the time throughout the world. Why should this act be considered worse then others?


In the eye of the supreme, a life lost is a life lost, whether it be American or otherwise.



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I bet part of it is peoples' misconception that America is so powerful as to be almost untouchable.


My daughter was saying that a friend of her said something like "So what? People are dying all the time". And my daughter said, yes, but this time it is a chance to be reminded of that, like a wake-up call. I agreed with her, and added that you really can't in a sense blame Americans for being complacent when they get so few in your face situations like this. I mean they are largely sans gurus to help keep reminding them of the temporal nature of this world....Thanks God for stepping in though. Always offering opportunities for the soul to turn back toward Him. Sometimes people need a great big jolt.

(I say all this as a separate issue from the nonphilosophical side of thess events, fo course--which is that the terrorism should not be allowed to continue, anymore than one would allow an aggressor in the home to take advantage of wife and children.)

Just ramblin, as mudmon says....

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Originally posted by ggohil:

It is good to see America pull together in times of need and speak against terrorism. It is heartwarming to witness people helping the victims in the true spirit of humanity.

I just had to hitchhike home as somehow I missed my bus while talking to someone. I would have had to wait three hours for the next bus and I was, well, hungry (no comments, mc Posted Image ) and needed to get home and stuff. It was only six miles to my town, and I could have wlaked it if not for all the stuff I was carrying, but no one stopped for an hour! I was starting to question the humanity of man then immediately my petty perspective was put in its place, remembering all the acts of humanity witnessed these past few days. So I told it, No, don't even go there. Besides, Krsna is going to send someone special. And then this really nice man stopped. He had Buddha in his car and was obviously a decent kind of person, and I showed him my temple room and Krsna paintings, etc. Who knows what Krsna orchestrates and why. As I sat there propping up my arm, trying to get a ride, I wondered why I expect things to jsut fall into place. Spoiled American mentality maybe? Or something deeper, some impersonalistic perspective? Don't know, but something really wrong there....


My family, though ignoring me, include me on their list of email grhamedhi katha (guess they like to keep up a semblance of not doing the unthinkable: excluding any blood member). I am astounded to observe their dialogues this week (I mean more astounded than usual), expressing direness about getting dryers fixed and air conditioners installed and sh-- like that. My God. Whew!


(edited to fix html)


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 09-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by ggohil:

Why does it take a heinous act to awaken spirituality in the hearts of people?


Heinous acts against humans are constantly perpetrated all the time throughout the world. Why should this act be considered worse then others?


Because it's their "OWN". and I mean these are the same people who think nothing of smashing insects, who torture and eat animals, kill babies in the womb....


Right on:


{quote]In the eye of the supreme, a life lost is a life lost, whether it be American or otherwise.



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I think it is during bad times that we can see the worst and the best of people. When things are moderate, we see people moderately bad, and moderately good. When times are really bad, we see some people really bad, and some people really good. Sort of like Oscar Schindler in comparison to the Nazis. If you actually study his story its far more daring that even what the movie showed. So now we see a bombing has taken place. Some people take time to tend to the wounded, and shelter the homeless. Others, like one hotel chain in the area jacked rates up 100%. Some will be self-less while others selfish. It is during extremes that we can easily distinguish these patterns of behavior.



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