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AUTOMATION is making itself

in such different ways as

setting newspaper type, but

believe it or not, fly a

plane. Bottling, canning,

and packaging are largely

self-acting processes but

all automatic systems and

controls, it`s the milita-

ry which have the best, be-

cause they use the most e-

laborate kind of electronic

equipments for detecting

an enemy, for bombing and

firing guns, and for direc-

ting guided missiles ac-

curately towards the target

say, a perceived enemy sat-

ellite, or warship.


Such automatic machines do

have the many things that

human hands and brains used

to do- doing it faster. What

is more, self-operating sys-

controls can do somethings

that man can not do. For in-

stance, space-travel engin-

eers and scientists figure

that perhaps a human being

may not be able to think and

act quickly enough to control

a rocket when it takes off

and during the period of ra-

pidly growing speed. To solve

this problem, they let the

rocket operate in the automa-

tic mode, not knowing that it

could create mind-boggling

problems that may led to a ca-

tastrophic disaster, if the

that rocket on automatic pilot

no longer obeys the commands

of its human controllers.


It was on 1920 that a Czech au-

thor, Karel Capek, wrote a play

about mechanical men that were

invented to do many kinds of

work. These are robots for farm

work, others for factory work,

and so on. In the end, the ro-

bots learned to think and feel

like human beings. They revolt

and made slaves of the men who

created them. The name of this

fantastic play is R.U.R( Ros-

sums Universal Robot), perhaps

known to a few as URUKRAMA.

It`s a PLAY that is actually

happening today, when it all

began on September 11, 2001.




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