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Super Computer Navigator: Keshava 7130

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Otherwise known as Kalpataru,

the Lord manifested before

Dhruva Maharaj after searching

for something the latter lost.

Dhruva actually was looking

for a broken colored glass and

because he couldn`t find it,

he started to close the holes

in his body while standing

with just one leg.

Dhruva Maharaj is a pure-devotee

of Lord Krishna and was very up-

set not to find what he was

searching for. Thus, he tried

to commit suicide by closing all

the holes in his body until it

would be impossible to breath.

But what Dhruva was doing have

created in the upper planetary

systems faults that made the

heavens rumble as if it was about

to experience an earthquake of

great magnitude. Thus not only

the upper planetary systems about

to be destroyed but also the mid-

dle and lower planetary systems.

Because of these series of ev-

ents, the demigods headed by Lord

Brahma paid a visit to the Sup-

reme Personality of Godhead, Hari

and begged the Lord to pacify

Dhruva Maharaj and bestow him

whatever His pure-devotee was han-

kering for.

In that instant, Lord Keshava ma-

nifested before Dhruva as Sri Kal-

pataru in the middle of a lake.

When Dhruva Maharaj saw the Lord,

he was immediately relieved to

find what he was actually looking

for: seeing Lord Krishna in His

plenary form as Lord Keshava car-

rying a Mace, Concshell, Disc, and

a Lotus flower.

After this great event of a pure

devotee`s life, Dhruva Maharaj did

not ask from the Lord anything.He

was completely satisfied just be-

ing able to see the Lord face to


However, Dhruva Maharaj was awarded

the position as the ruler of the

planet, Polestar, where it serves

as the hub from which all the other

stars and planets revolve.

That planet, Polestar, will be our

destination before we could reach


We must remember that the universe

iscovered by different layers, each

being made up of elements different

from the other.

To get to Krishnaloka, we have to

pierce the universe, just like

puncturing a hole of a theater`s

screen in order to know what`s be-

hind: actors and actresses chang-

ing costumes and re-arranging some

of their props.

Space rocket, USS Urukrama, like

a very sharp needle, shall do it

for us; tear the universal curtain

that is the sky, and our super

computer navigator, Keshava 7130

shall be our GUIDE.

The target: Krishnaloka


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Kalpataru is the name of the

magazine showing Sri Keshava

on its front page. Kalpataru

is like a desire tree that

gives anything the devotee

wants from the all-generous

tree. There are numerous of

their kind in Krishnaloka.

In other words, if Sri Ke-

shava is pleased with us, He

would surely grant our wish:

Take us directly to Fairy-

land located beyond the spi-

ritual sky, Vaikuntha.

Oh, Lord Keshava, please

take us to Krishnaloka, Now!



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Who is Dr. John W. Mauchly?


It was in 1941 when an American

physicist, Dr. John W. Mauchly

started to think that perhaps

electronic devices may help man-

kind in computing how to solve

complex problems in matter of mi-

nutes which may take a human

being years to solve even just


In the hope of finding out for

himself, Dr. Mauchly served the

staff of the Moore School of El-

ectronic Engineering of the Uni-

versity of Pennsylvania,USA, so

he could inspire the institution

to construct a computing machine

using electronic tubes similar

to those used in our radios and

TV sets.

After a considerable study, a gp.

of engineers and technicians at

the Moore School produced the 1st

electronic digital computer on

February 1946, months after the

cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

Japan were razed by atomic bombs.

The development therefore of the

first digital computer was a well

kept secret during the war, a

computer named ENIAC, which is an

abbreviation for Electronic Nume-

rical Integrator and Calculator.


The Birth of ENIAC



In 1951, ENIAC was later moved to

the Ballistic Research Laboratories

in the US Army`s Proving Ground at

Aberdeen, Maryland.

ENIAC, in other words, is such a

complicated piece of electrical

equipment that no single person

knows every bit of its wiring. Am-

ong its nearly 18,000 electronic

tubes, it could multiply, in fact,

together two ten digit numbers in

1/350th of a second, while a good

human calculator equipped with a

pencil and paper takes about 3

minutes to caluculate. This makes

ENIAC 3,500 times as good as an

ordinary desk calculator. However,

one must consider also the time

the time it takes for the machine

to find out from its instructors

what it is supposed to do and print

the result when the task is over.


ENIAC VS. Human Memory



Just as we keep useful bits of in-

formation in our memories to be re-

called when needed, so does the com-

puter that has stored in it informa-

tion it may use to solve a problem.

But a problem would require many

steps that depend on one another. If

it can store in its memory the re-

sult of step and hold it there as

long as necessary, then it can re-

call the information from memory when

necessary for another step. In that

way, the digital computer is superior

to human memory for it does not for-

get the bits and pieces of informa-

tion it has stored.

The computer`s ability to store in-

formation is made possible by using a

magnetic tape, magnetic drums, cath-

ode ray tubes, and calcuim of mercu-

ry in which numbers are stored in the

form of waves moving at the speed of


To "read" the information that has

been stored in the tape, the Compu-

ter, like ENIAC, uses each head of

the tape that contains a coil, a tiny

electromagnet which is spaced across

the tape to form a track. As a result

the tape can be used over and over

again for stroing different sets of

information since any message on it

is automatically "erased" when some-

thing new is written.


Retrieving Information



To get a piece of information from

the tape into the airthmetic unit of

the computer, there is a particular

number of magnetized on the tape that

the computer needs which require the

head to run over the entire length

of the tape to find that number.

Similar in principle to the magnetic

tape is the drum which contains 50

tracks on its surface. The drum that

is mounted on a shaft whirls around

up to 3,000 turns per minute under

the reading and writing heads.





Still faster than the magnetic drum is

the method of making "pictures" in the

form of electrical change on the face

of a cathode ray tube, similar to te-

levision. The pictures on the tubes of

the computer, however, can be "seen"

only by an electronic beam and not by

the human eye.





In other words, the arithmetic or com-

putin part of the computer lies in the

electronic tubes which are capable of

"switching" a curret "off and on" in

less than a millionth of a second,

when properly used. This enables it to

count by means of electrical impulses:

To add, multiply, subtract, and divide.

Nothing mechanical is involved in the

process, but only the movement of the

electrons. This is what makes it so



The Message



After an answer is found, the computer

may send the data to a storage unit or

it maybe automatically printed on the

screen. The speed in which some machine

can print the message was more than ten

times greater in 1961. Imagine how fast

this message is printed now.


After the War


When World War II was over, electronic

digital computers like ENIAC were put

to use solving all sorts of scientific

problems. And one of the most impres-

sive of such a large scale computer sys-

tem, after the invention of IBM 703, is

known as the SAGE computer, a machine

that uses radar data to give the Air

Force a round the clock chart of all

aircrafts that fly all over the world.

Unfortunately, that didn`t work when

two commercial aircrafts, Boeing 767s,

crashed into WCT`s Twin Towers in Man-

hattan, New York, USA on September 11,

2001. Why the SAGE computer failed to

detect these runaway planes prior to

the crash can only be answered by God

Himself( Lord Keshava).


Source: Book of Knowledge


[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 09-14-2001).]

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