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Is Chakra a complete and total fraud?

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Lets have a little history of the Chakra website. Basically Chakra was established with the sole purpose of being Iskcon’s mouthpiece in their counter-attacks against VNN. VNN made a strong reputation as the Gaudiya Math mouthpiece and as such waged a continuous war of attack, slander and gossip against Iskcon. Seeing the power of the Internet, certain “leaders” in Iskcon decided to create a shill known as Chakra. However, while VNN may be bad, at least they are on the outside and have a consistent purpose (attack Iskcon). The only way Chakra has been able to establish an identity is as the Iskcon mouthpiece (or should I say the mouthpiece of some so called Iskcon “leaders”). But they really don’t have a purpose. Should they be a forum for gossip and aparadha? Should they bring to the forefront positive news about preaching? Should they be fair and balanced?


Let me suggest that Chakra is simply a fraud. They are not balanced and care little about the truth. What they have done was use the name of Iskcon to create an identity, and then utilize the website to insert a left-wing liberal agenda to undermine Iskcon. Their goal is to undermine spiritual principles and to introduce materialistic and atheistic ideas into the thinking of members of Iskcon. Here is just one example of something I found on COM:


At 10:39 PM 9/1/01 +0100, (Bhakta) Mark Miles (Edinburgh - UK) wrote:

>I must admit I am curious about what the responses were... though I realise

>it could possibly have seen Chakra inundated by a million points of view if

>lots of responses (positive or negative) had been published.

Then one of the editors of Chakra replies:

We did post most of the supportive ones, but I think that thread has pretty

much ended now. The negative ones were too homophobic to post. I forwarded

most of those to the authors and tried to correspond with some of the

others myself, hoping they'd eventually produce something publishable. I

think there was one which simply asked how people could be "homosexual" and

"celibate" at the same time, that I forwarded for posting, but the other

editors chose not to post it (or at least haven't done so yet - we have a

backlog of almost 40 articles). I thought that would be a good one to post

because then we could answer it and get an opportunity to educate.


There is a forum for lesbian devotees which was recently advertised

on the women's conference. Anyone who wants more information can write to

Gaurachandra@hotmail.com. I think there is an LGBT forum for devotees too,

but I don't have any contact info or web address.



Ok, whats with this “opportunity to educate”? This tells me very specifically that this website has an agenda. They want to educate people about the normalcy of homosexuality. They want to educate people against the direct statements of the acharyas. They want to educate in order to change the minds of devotees. They have no goal of being fair and balanced. This entire “GALVA” issue on Chakra is just an orchestrated fraud. Four or five gay people all send in positive responses, and every one gets put on the front page with in a matter of days of one another. And NOT ONE response opposed to this propaganda is put up. Oh sure, “We’ve got 40 articles backlogged”. Nonsense. If that’s the case then why is it that 4 or 5 positive responses to the GALVA article were put up with in days of each other. The answer is Chakra is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL FRAUD.

Check out this next quote from COM:


After we posted this article on Chakra we received an avalanche of such complaints, with several people saying that the term "homosexual devotee" was an oxymoron. I agree with you that it's not a good idea to overgeneralize and assume that *no-one* can understand. But I think the experience of most gay devotees I know suggests that the overwhelming majority of ISKCON devotees (at least those who are active in the institution) do in fact have a hard time understanding and being inclusive of gays.



First off what is with this we should not “assume that no-one can understand”. Again, further evidence that this site is just a left-wing propaganda machine. And if there was an 'avalanche' of negative responses, how is it that not a single one got published, and only the four positive letters got published? Very curious.


Who is behind this site? We have one Madhusudani Radha and a Vipramukhya “swami”. What is their agenda? It is to undermine the principles of religion, to “educate” Iskcon devotees away from the scriptures and towards their own atheistic and materialistic conceptions. These two are complete frauds and I would urge all devotees to boycott this trash website known as Chakra. There was a statement on this site a few days back that “an atheist is better than a false religionist”. Well let me say that VNN is better than the atheistic and materialistic Chakra. Chakra is a fraud. It is simply a tool of mental speculators (chief among them this Vipramukhya “swami”) who wish to undermine the Vedic culture and traditions as presented by Srila Prabhupada. Again, I urge all devotees to boycott this trash propaganda website.




[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 09-03-2001).]

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Spot on bro.


I was seeing a difference of opinion on some subjects and started thinking it was becoming an objective site.


I never considered that on some subjects this might be true but on others not.


Missing this I got the impression that the devotee community at large was starting to accept this homosex crap.


Thanks for posting those notes from com.


The greatest enemies are found within.Within ourselves individualy and within any movement as well.


Price of freedom is eternal vigilance.Who said that?randOM knows I bet.

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You see here is the thing. VNN is always respectful of Srila Prabhupada and disrespectful to Iskcon. While Chakra is respectful to Iskcon and COMPLETELY disrespectful of Srila Prabhupada. This is Chakra "See we're balanced. We attack our own Acharyas". This is why you constantly find attacks against Srila Prabhupada on this trash propaganda website called Chakra. Its because it is run by atheists and materialists pretending to be spiritualists. This way they can attack from the inside.



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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

You see here is the thing. VNN is always respectful of Srila Prabhupada and disrespectful to Iskcon. While Chakra is respectful to Iskcon and COMPLETELY disrespectful of Srila Prabhupada. This is Chakra "See we're balanced. We attack our own Acharyas". This is why you constantly find attacks against Srila Prabhupada on this trash propaganda website called Chakra. Its because it is run by atheists and materialists pretending to be spiritualists. This way they can attack from the inside.




I have to respectfully disagree. I know the webwallahs of VNN and they are not anti-ISKCON. They are anti-ITSACON.


They will publish any submission that fits their editorial policy, and have published numerous articles by members of ISKCON. Caru prabhu's (ISKCON Utah) contributions come to mind immidiately.


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Mad Rad is a feminazi with a big agenda. Back in 1999 she was minimising Srila Prabhupada and trying to get all his books re-written. She also wanted to introduce homosex marriage in ISKCON.

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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

Mad Rad is a feminazi with a big agenda. Back in 1999 she was minimising Srila Prabhupada and trying to get all his books re-written. She also wanted to introduce homosex marriage in ISKCON.

In that time she was afraid that she was going to be kick out of her position. I always wondered why, because she lives independent of the temple and as far as I know she doesn't get money from the institution. Makes me think that what randOM says is true, she wanted to remain to continue with her agenda of minimizing Prabhupada.

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Originally posted by atma:

In that time she was afraid that she was going to be kick out of her position. I always wondered why, because she lives independent of the temple and as far as I know she doesn't get money from the institution. Makes me think that what randOM says is true, she wanted to remain to continue with her agenda of minimizing Prabhupada.

I can prove what I say by her own words in the WWW-COM archives.


When I was in grad school at Cal in '94 I lived in the Berkeley temple for a few months, and that is when I met the witch. Years later, in 1999 her whole agenda was exposed on WWW-COM.


Here is a letter that ended the forum (WWW-COM) when us stalwart Srila Prabhupada disciples realised it was time to find better association:


==================copy archive==============



WWW107790 (44 lines)


Tue, 19 Oct 99 11:29 -0400


WWW: Pancha Tattva Dasa (Alachua FL - USA) <panchatattva@com.org>


Topical Discussions, WWW: Mahananda (Dasa) ACBSP (Alachua FL - USA)


Bhuta-bhavana and Mahananda prabhus,


Yes, I agree that some of the posts on this forum are 'way out there.' But am I surprised or shocked - no. I read criticism of

Srimad Bhagavatam on Free Forum by devotees who have embraced modern science and any thing validated by their material

senses as the 'truth.' Why are you shocked that the man who presented the Srimad Bhagavatam to the Western world is now

placed under a microscope to be inspected by their faulty senses and weighed against their mundane values?


Personally, I am more disappointed than anything. I see lots of evidence that these devotees have not understood the most

basic principles of Krishna consciousness. Now they're taking shelter of their material intelligence and criticizing everything. It

would be different if it was just a matter of doubt, and that they were inquiring to have their doubts addressed. But this isn't a

matter of doubt. These persons are expressing their personal CONVICTIONS. (Sorry about the caps, but the emphasis is



Of course, they have spiritual masters, I presume. Have they presented these same concerns to them? Isn't that the process for

clearing away such grave doubts? What do their gurus say? Moreover, would they accept the guru's answer if they won't

accept Srila Prabhupada's?


For me, it's just more evidence that initiation is offered way too liberally in ISKCON.



Your servant,


Pancha Tattva dasa


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A few days back I commented that I would gladly embrace a person who was homosexual and a Vaisnava as a brother or sister. I hereby want to officially retract this statement – not towards people who are homosexual and Vaisnavas of good will, but to the participants of Galva, and those of Galva who have posted to these forums.


I now more fully understand the agenda. Four or five homosexuals have actively worked in league with this Madhusudhani Radha to present a lie to the Vaisnava community. These members of Galva, are not of good will, but rather are actively working to attack Srila Prabhupada, and undermine religious principles. They have manufactured a lie in their presentation, distorted the philosophy, and worked in tandem with Chakra (an atheistic and materialistic website) to spread this lie among Vaisnavas around the world. This is not benign. This is not about acceptance. This is not about proper Vaisnava etiquette. This is about working with Madhusudhani Radha to minimize Srila Prabhupada, and work to destroy the movement from the inside. Such people should be avoided at all costs.


This Madhusudhani Radha I believe earns a living handing out contraceptives to people and teaching them about birth control. Does she also give abortion advice as well? I’m telling you this homosexual lie is only the tip of the iceberg. The eventual goal will also be to introduce abortion into the movement. They will lie and manufacture support to suggest abortion is an acceptable activity as well.


This has really been eye opening. Chakra, Vipramukhya “swami”, Madhusudhani Radha, and the members of Galva have worked in tandem to manufacture a lie. I repeat, I was wrong. At first I was trying to be accommodating (and still find homosexual Vaisnavas of good will praiseworthy). But these homosexual “Vaisnavas” are working to attack Srila Prabhupada. They are working to undermine religious principles. This is not benign. The agenda is to disturb others in pursuit of spirituality and to undermine religious principles.



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Bhagavad Gita 2.63

Krodhad bhavati sammohah

Sammohat smrti-vibhramah

Smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso

Buddhi-nasat pranasyati


From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.


I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize before all the assembled Vaisnavas. In this posting I have made some statements out of anger, and now I wish to ask for forgiveness.


This morning I came to realize that Chakra, a website run by Madhusudhani Radha and Vipramukhya Swami, had actively worked to lie to the Vaisnavas of the world. They consciously and actively presented only one side of this debate on homosexuality and Vaisnavism. I believe this action was very low class.


Discovering this action, I became VERY angry. From this anger I have made statements that might be hurtful to the lives of these Vaisnavas who are homosexual. In this posting I retracted a statement about considering these devotees as brothers. Since making this statement I have felt very bad. It is not in my nature to reject any Vaisnava. So I wish to apologize for such hurtful statements.


My views on this issue have been made clear throughout the various postings in these forums. I do not accept the Galva articles which I see as a distortion of Vaisnava theology. I do, however, believe that we can all work to better our own spiritual lives. We should not use propaganda techniques to work to disturb other Vaisnavas. We also should not work to tear others spiritual lives down or disturb them. We should only build one another up, regardless of our spiritual condition. In my statements I commited offenses to these Vaisnavas and worked to disturb their spiritual lives. I apologize for this before all the assembled Vaisnavas and hope we can worked together for the glory of Sri Radha Krsna, Sri Caitanya, and Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krsna.


Your servant,




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Well, I took it that you were angry only at those individuals who you felt were participating in the Chakra thing, not that you were targeting homosexual devotees. But I would also like to take this opportunity to make sure that no one has been offended by anything I or my alterego Ducky has said here or on the Mela. When I speak against any of the issues raised by GALVA I am not speaking against any devotee or aspirant devotee. I may disagree with some of the points made, which mainly I do not want to see Prabhupada's teachings misrepresented, by anyone, no matter who they are, but I do not close my heart to any devotee.


ys, Jayaradhe

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