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Brahma-Sutra Bomshells....Sruti is the bottom line!

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Brahma Sutras




Atmatvopasanadhikaranam: Topic 2


He who meditates on the Supreme Brahman must comprehend It as identical with himself


Atmeti tupagacchanti grahayanti cha IV.1.3 (480) But (the Sruti texts) acknowledge (Brahman) as the Self (of the meditator) and also teach other (to realise It as such).


Atmeti: as the Self; Tu: but; Upagacchanti: acknowledge, approach, realise; Grahayanti: teach, make others comprehend, instruct; Cha: also.



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Brahma Sutras




Karyadhikaranam: Topic 5 (Sutras 7-14)


The departed souls go by the path of gods to Saguna Brahman


Karyam baadarirasya gatyupapatteh IV.3.7


To the Karya Brahman or Hiranyagarbha or Saguna Brahman (the departed souls are led); (thus opines) the sage Baadari on account of the possibility of its being the goal (of their journey).


Karyam: the relative Brahman or Hiranyagarbha; Baadarih: the sage Baadari (holds); Asya: his; Gati-upapatteh: on account of the possibility of being the goal.



Viseshitatvaccha IV.3.8


And on account of the qualification (with respect to this Brahman in another text).


Viseshitatvat: because of being specified in Sruti, on account of the qualification; Cha: and.



Samipyattu tadvyapadesah IV.3.9


But on account of the nearness (of the Saguna Brahman to the Supreme Brahman it is) designated as that (Supreme Brahman).


Samipyat: because of the nearness or proximity; Tu: but; Tad: that; Vyapadesah: designation.



Karyatyaye tadadhyakshena sahatah paramabhidhanat IV.3.10

On the dissolution of the Brahmaloka (the souls attain) along with the ruler of that world what is higher than that (i.e., the Supreme Brahman) on account of the declaration of the Sruti.


Karyatyaye: on the dissolution of the Brahmaloka (Karya: of the effect, i.e., the universe, the relative Saguna Brahman); Tad: of that; Adhyakshena: with the ruler-president, i.e., Hiranyagarbha or the four-faced Brahma; Saha: with; Atahparam: higher than that, i.e., the Supreme Brahman; Abhidhanat: on account of the declaration of the Sruti.



Smritescha IV.3.11

And on account of the Smriti (texts supporting this view).


Smriteh: on account of the statement of the Smriti, as Smriti agrees with the view, according to the Smriti; Cha: and.



Param jaiminirmukhyatvat IV.3.12

To the highest (Brahman) (the souls are led); Jaimini opines, on account of that being the primary meaning (of the word ‘Brahman’).


Param: the Supreme (Brahman); Jaiminih: the sage Jaimini (opines or holds); Mukhyatvat: on account of that being the primary meaning (of the word ‘Brahman’).





Darsanaccha IV.3.13

And because the Sruti declares that.


Darsanat: on account of the Sruti texts; Cha: and, also.


Na cha karye pratipattyabhisandhih IV.3.14

And the desire to attain Brahman cannot be with respect to the Saguna Brahman.


Na: not; Cha: and; Karye: in the Saguna Brahman; Pratipatti: realisation of Brahman; Abhisandhih: desire. (Pratipatti-abhisandhih: the desire to attain or realise Brahman.)






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