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100 Warnings Against Mundane Mellows

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Prakrita-Rasa Shata-Dushini


A Hundred Warnings Against Mundane Mellows


Srila Bhaktisuddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada


Translations by Dasaratha-suta dasa


O brothers! No material efforts can ever produce the awakening of rasa,factual transcendental mellows.

The pure devotee of the Lord never sings the glories of any mundane mellows that are born of the dull material world.


The true disciples never desire to ask their spiritual master for instructions regarding material mellows.

The genuine spiritual master never gives his disciples any material mellows, which are devoid of rati, transcendental loving attachment to the Lord.


The Lord's real devotee never knows any difference between the holy name of Krishna and transcendental mellows.

Therefore the devotee never says there is a difference between the holy name and the mellows of devotion.


The holy name is never revealed to one who is situated in the bodily concept of life and thinks in terms of "I" and "mine."

If one doesn't reject the enjoying mentality, the transcendental platform will never be attained.



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Devotional service unto Lord Krishna can never be performed by engaging in the mundane enjoyment of material sense-objects.

Material things can never acquire the attributes of the transcendental at any time.


The true devotee never engages in activities of materialistic sense gratification.

Material enjoyment and devotional service to Krishna are never the same under any circumstances.


Selfish enjoyment of one's own senses in mundane lust is never called prema[love of Godhead]by the genuine devotee.

A bonafide spiritual master never tells his disciple,"You are absorbed in the mellows of divine rasa."


The genuine spiritual master never claims,"I am absorbed in the mellows of divine rasa."

The guru never talks idly with his disciples on subjects of gross worldly mellows.


By singing the glories of worldly relationships born of mundane mellows, no one has ever attained benefit in their spiritual life.

The genuine devotee never proclaims that Lord Krishna's incarnation is mundane.


The devotee never says that the holy name of Krishna is material, for Krishna cannot be known by means of matter.

The pure devotee of the Lord never recognizes any difference between the holy name and pure rasa itself.


The bonafide spiritual master never teaches that there is a difference between the holy name of Krishna and rasa.

Even after attaining actual rasa, the regulative principles of devotional service are never concluded.



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By employing pretentious means, no one can ever make transcendental mellows appear in the holy name.

The backwards conception that Krishna's name comes from rasa can never be true.


Rasa,devotional mellow, can never be first present and then develop into rati,transcendental attachment, or sraddha, proper faith.

The Srimad-bhagavatam[or the realized devotee]never sings any opinion other than- rati develops from sraddha.


The pure devotee of Krishna never speaks of anything other than rasa, transcendental mellow, that is endowed with rati, loving attachment.

The guru never claims that rati and rasa are present within the preliminary devotion[sadhana bhakti].


The awakening of transcendental emotional ecstasies[bhava-bhakti] is never said to occur before the pratice of regulated devotional service [sadhana-bhakti].

The performance of regulated devotion with faith limited only to such beginning regulations[vaidhi-sraddha] can never give rise to spontaneous devotional practice[raganuga-bhakti].


When bhava, the ecstatic mood of divine love actually sprouts, then the need for following scriptural rules[vidhi] does not remain.

Mere faith in spontaneous devotional service, however, does not produce the actual awakening of transcendental loving attachment[rati].



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If transcendental attachment has not yet developed within the heart, a devotee is never said to have attained the stage of ecstatic bhava.

The followers of spontaneous devotion[raganugas]never say that neophyte students of devotion[sadhakas] have experienced the awakening of bhava.


Genuine devotees on the level of spontaneous devotional service never say that neophyte students of devotion have attained rasa.

The pure emotions characteristic of the goal of spontaneous devotion are never attained without first experiencing the correct progressive development of spiritual attachment[rati].



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Only when the seed of intense divine emotion sprouts forth pure bhava, then there is no longer any need to adhere to scriptural rules and regulations[vaidhi bhakti]

One should never consider ruci[the taste for devotional service] to be the same as rati[transcendental loving attachment in devotional service.

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Divine rasa can never be factually attained merely by talking of spontaneous devotion[by claiming "I am a raganuga-bhakta."]

A beginning student who should still be further purified by following the scriptural injunctions is never said to be on the level of performing spontaneous loving service unto the Lord.


No one can ever experience the sprouting of pure ecstatic emotions without first following the regulated injuctions of the scriptures.

One who does not give up materialistic faith can never attain the stage of spiritual attachment in devotional service.


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If divine ecstatic emotions have not yet awakened, there is no possibility of one becoming a rasika, a true relisher of devotional mellows.

If materialistic emotions are not entirely rejected, one can never become a true rasika.


Without first developing pure attachment[rati], the attainment of devotional mellows[the greatest wealth] can never be possible.

Without first climbing the branch of a tree, the fruits can never be reached.


If one still has unwanted material impediments[anarthas] present in their performance of devotional service[sadhana]. then rasa can never truly awaken.

When the holy name of the Lord is chanted from the platform of pure ecstatic emotins[bhava], then the cheating mood born of pretentious devotional mellows can never be present.



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Without knowledge of transcendental truth[siddhanta], no one's heart can ever be spiritually attuned with Lord Krishna.

If one lacks knowledge of his relationship with Krishna[sambandha],then the proper execution of devotional service in relationship to Him[abidheya] is impossible.


One who lacks knowledge of sambandha,the relationship between Krishna and the living entities, can never attain prayojana, the supreme goal of life[namely pure love of Godhead, Krishna prema.]

One who is distracted by bogus philosophical conclusions about devotional service[ku-siddhanta] is not performing actual devotional service to Sri Krishna.


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One who is lazy in properly understanding the Vaisnava philosophical conclusions can never become free from anarthas, the unwanted bad habits and philosophical misconceptions that impede devotional service.

One who mistakes Krishna as belonging to the material plane can never render actual service to the Lord.


The genuine devotee never maintains materialistic conceptions about the holy name of Krishna.

If the deviations that impede devotional service[anarthas] have not been expelled, then the chanting of the holy name will never reveal the beautiful form of the Lord.


As long as anarthas remain, then the chanting of the holy name will never produce an understanding of the transcendental qualities of the Lord.

As long as anarthas remain, then the chanting of the holy name will never factually engage one in Krishna's service.



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Revelations of the Lord's transcendental form, qualities, and pastimes are never manifest in the absence of His holy name.

The holy name of Krishna is never separated from His transcendental form, qualities or pastimes.


The genuine spiritual master never asserts that the revelation of the Lord's holy name is separate from His form.

The genuine spiritual master never claims that the revelation of the Lord's holy name is separate from His qualities.


The true followers of Rupa Gosvami[rupanugas]never claim that the revelation of the Lord's holy name is separate from His pastimes.

The rupanuga's never teach that the holy name of Krishna and Krishna Himself are two separate things.



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The true followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never say that the stage of realizing transcendental mellows[rasa] precedes the development of loving devotional attachment[rati].

The bonafide spiritual master will never profess that the realization of such mellows precedes the development of pure faith[sraddha].


The followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never preach that transcendental attachment is reached before one develops pure faith.

The rupanugas never teach that the perfection of devotion[siddhi]can be reached by abandoning the consecutive order of developmental stages on the path.


The followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never leave the path of the great devotees[mahajanas]and run to pursue a "new" path.

One who commits offenses can never realize the holy name of Krishna at any time.



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The Lord's devotee never interprets the holy name with any mundane, materialistic conception.

The devotee never chants the holy name of the Lord in an offensive manner.


The followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never ascribe material qualities to the holy name by means of mundane intelligence.

The followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never consider the Lord's transcendental form as material because they don't possess materialistic mentality.


The followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never analyze the Supreme Lord's qualities with material intelligence.

The followers of Srila Rupa never consider the characteristics of the Lord's associates and paraphernalia to be mundane.



The followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami never equate the Lord's transcendental pastimes with materialistic activities.

Lord Krishna never becomes a mere object of sense gratification that is lower in quality than Himself.



to be cont.



[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 07-06-2001).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

One should never consider other than the following:Everything made of matter is an anartha and should be rejected.

Transcendental knowledge of Lord Krishna can never be obtained through any mellow that is controlled by attachment to matter.



One should never say that Krishna's holy name or transcendental form are mundane.

One should never say that Krishna's divine qualities or sublime pastimes are mundane.



One should never become bewildered by the anartha of material bodies and mistake Lord Krishna's form to also be a material body.

One should never try to analyze the Lord's divine names' forms, and qualities with materialistic intelligence.



One should never consider any of Krishna's transcendental names, forms, qualities or pastimes to be mundane.

Similarily, one should never claim that any material names,forms or qualities could be Krishna's.



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Other than the pure transcendental names of Krishna, which are completely free from all material contact,nothing else should be spoken.

Other than the pure transcendental forms of Krishna,which are completely free from all material contact, nothing else should be seen.


Other than the pure transcendental qualities of Krishna, which are completely free from all material contact, nothing else should be heard.

Other than the pure transcendental pastimes of Krishna,which are completely free from all material contact,nothing else should be served.


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