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Cows and kindness

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Here is another persons view.


Cows milk is the poison that is slowly killing and weakeneing our society. The proteins contained in cows milk are foreign to us. Their meat, on other hand is delicious and causes very little (if even any) allergic reaction to us. The Hindus in India, a very spiritual group, need to re-evaluate some of their beliefs. Although re-incarnation is in fact true, we do not come back as animals. Raise the animals as kindly as practible, however, so not starve with the false data you now have.

Let's see. The protein in cow's milk is foreign to us, but the protein in cow's meat isn't? Not the brightest argument.


Cow's milk is a transformation of the cows blood. I remember many years ago a science documentary that showed cows milk under a microscope and compared it to cows blood. Quite interesting. The Vedic view is that it is better to take the cows "blood" in a nonviolent manner as milk, rather than kill the cows and eat their flesh. Perhaps the difference in cultures is the emphasis on compassion. Eastern religions, whether Hindu, Buddhist, or other sects, tend to stress universal compasion as one of the ideals for man.


In India the cow is considered as part of one's family, at least it is supposed to be. And as such it is treated with great respect. Not only cows, but even other lower forms of life are to be respected and protected. For example, it is a traditional custom to draw designs (called 'kolam') in front of one's house every morning with rice flour. The purpose, besides decorating the entrance, is to provide food for the ants that live on one's property. This is part of the pancha-yajnas that a householder must perform.


As far as the health effects of meat on humans, that has been sufficiently documented. It is quite clear that meat does cause many health problems, including such cases as cancer. Milk on the other hand does not cause any such problems.


It is common among some people to suggest animals should be raised kindly prior to their slaughter. This is quite an absurd suggestion. How can kindness exist where one's ultimate aim is to slaughter an innocent creature for the satisfaction of our tongues, and for the profit it brings. I for one would certainly not want anyone to show me a similar type of "kindness". As the saying goes, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?"


Personally I think kindness can be shown in a much better manner. For example, to me kindness would be to allow nature to exist free from the domination of man. Humans may be the caretakers of the planet, but with that position comes a responsibility to protect. Humans are in reality a part of nature, just as the animals and plants are also parts of nature. For there to be harmony in the world, there must be universal love and respect for all living entities. My personal opinion is that mechanized slaughterhouses do not help in increasing man's love and respect towards nature. On the contrary it creates in us a false pride; the concept that we can exploit nature according to our whims.


Life is valuable, for once gone it cannot be restored. We should come to respect all life and try to live in harmony with other living entities. The spiritual spark within the animal is no different than that within the man. It possesses the same consciousness, the same feelings; it experiences the same pain as does man; it also has the same ability to love and hate. Though the external body is different, the soul inside is not. Those who can see beyond the external bodily covering, and see the true spiritual self within all living entities will naturally develop love and compassion for all.


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