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How to do quotes

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For those who want to quote someone, you can use simple UBB codes to make the quote distnct from your writing.


First you should copy and paste the quote from a message, then put " <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>" before the quote, and put "[ /quote]" after the sentence but without the space between the '[' and '/'. I had to put a space there or it will make the above text as a quote.


There are a lot of other UBB commands which you can use in your messages to add italics, bold, http links, etc. To see them all, click on "UBB Code" at the bottom of the "Post New message" screen.



This is what the quote UBB code does.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


It makes the messages easier to read.


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Oops. I made a mistake there, so lets try again:


For those who want to quote someone, you can use simple UBB codes to make the quote distnct from your writing.


First you should copy and paste the quote from a message, then put "

" before the quote, and put "[ /quote]" after the sentence but without the space between the '[' and '/'. I had to put a space there or it will make the above text as a quote.


There are a lot of other UBB commands which you can use in your messages to add italics, bold, http links, etc. To see them all, click on "UBB Code" at the bottom of the "Post New message" screen.





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Since the forum allows the usage of HTML, it can allow any font provided the font is installed in the system of the user who is viewing it (otherwise it will not be possible to decipher the text). I think you can add a ttf file for sanskrit font in the site. All of us will install it in our systems. I have got sanskrit font file. I think we can all use that.

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While having the fonst installed allows us to read Devanagari, as far as I know posting in Devanagari is not possible on UBB.


In my opinion, there are quite a few people on the forum who may not know Devanagari. Besides even for those who are versed with this script, it is easier to read it in Roman. So I would suggest sanskrit verses, written in Roman alongwith a translation.




yasminsarvani bhutanyatmaivabhudvijanatah

tatra ko mohah kah soka ekatvamanupasyatah


- Isavasya Upanishad 7




For one who clearly understands that all

beings exist in the Supreme, and that He

exists within all of them , and who thus

sees the unity of the Lord as existing

everywhere, what could possibly cause

delusion, or sorrow?


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I do think new people may be confused if we write texts in a font that is not installed universally.


Maybe we could have a separate forum for posting sanskrit texts, with devanagari and english translations? There the poster could use the html commands to post the devanagari. Also it would be best if we could also post the roman transliteration as well, as Shvu suggested. This way everyone is covered.


These are just some ideaas. Any suggestions?


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<FONT SIZE=+0 COLOR=000000 FACE="Baraha Devanagari Simple" >e®d¡¦ddLµdTa. ATy Iy¶¦d e®d¡dd¦dfSddLŠµ


</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=000000 FACE="Arial" > How is the knower itself to be known?



- Brihadaranyaka




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Excellent, It works.


Here is the procedure,


1. Goto www.baraha.com and download their latest software. It is free and has no copyright issues. It also has all the fonts as part of the software.


2. Use this editor to type in devanagari and Roman content. Roman has to start with a </leng> switch. The devangari content, has to be typed in english.


3. After you are done, select the pane that contains the devanagari script. Goto the edit menu and select 'copy as html'. This can be posted after removing the head and title tags. Of course, one can also edit the font, color, bold, italics forms etc prior to posting.


4. For others to view the devanagari, they need that font to be installed on their system. Otherwise they will see garbled text.


This software has help too. So there should be no problems using it.



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<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97">


<META NAME="Template" CONTENT="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\html.dot">


<BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080">


<FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>





Testing to see how the following appears</P>

</FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>


tt! s?iv/turœ vre?{y/m! -gaˆR? de/vSy? xImih ,</FONT><FONT SIZE=2>


</FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>ixyae/ yae n>? àcae/dya?t! . 3</FONT><FONT SIZE=4>-</FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>062</FONT><FONT SIZE=4>-</FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>10</P></FONT></BODY>



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The font can be downloaded from here.

<a href=http://sarasvati.simplenet.com/rigveda/Sans12.TTF> Download</a>



Right click on this url and save the target onto your disk. Then goto fonts in Control panel and install the font from the menu 'Install new font'.




Which editor did you use to type the text? I tried MS-Word and it didn't work well.



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Hi Shvu,

I also used MS - word. I typed in MS Word, saved the files as HTML. Opened the file in notepad. Copied the complete content of the file in this forum.


jndas ji,

Those little lines appear because the font is itself like this. There is nothing wrong with your system. In fact, you must be seeing small horizontal lines beneath some letters also. Somebody has told me that these lines have something to do with pronunciation though he is not aware about the details.

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Those lines are the (accents) of Vedic texts, if I am not wrong.


To type in this text, is quite complex. If I type in Krishna, it does not map to the right spelling in Devanagari. One has to know the transliteration key which is available in the Baraha help. It also says how to get the vedic style text.


For example rama has to be typed in as raama or rAma, to get it right in devanagari.



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