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Ekadasi Fasting

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Hare Krishna to all of you,

Please accept my humble Obeisainces unto your lotus feet & all glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

I am having one doubt regarding Ekadasi fasting I will be delighted if anyone helps me clearing that.

Few days ago one of my friends told me that on the day of Ekadasi Lord Krishna puts all the sins in grain that's why we should not eat grain on that day.

Also he added that mother "ganga" who make people free from all the sins, whoever takes a holy dip in the river,keeps fast on that day, So why should not we.

I request all the devotees to throw some light on it, so that I can know the significance of it.


Hari Bol,


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Any person who takes a dip in the 'holy' Ganga is likely to catch a cold or contract some disease. The water is that polluted and dirty.


If taking dips in rivers cleaned people of all their sins, then India would have been full of enlightened people. While it is natural for people to stick to tradition, they should also be willing to reject some things which are so obviously false.




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I had filled up a bottle of Ganga water from Mayapur (near Calcutta) around four or five years ago. A few months back I was going through some things and I found it. After more than four years, there wasn't any bacterial growth and the water was still clean.


Ordinary water goes bad in a couple weeks. All sorts of things will grow in it, and the smell will be terrible.


These properties of the Ganga were even known to western traders who would fill their ships with it for long journeys.


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Hare krishna folks,

Actually J N Dasji, there are few problems with some of the people, they just want to speak out something without going into depth,In case of shvu it shows how pessimist he is, always trying to take negative points, also always thinking negatively.

But the question is the essence of "Ekadasi fasting" & not the polluted water of Ganges.

Please can anyone help me in knowing that.


Hari Bol,


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Hi Sushil,


Don't worry about the negative attitudes of a few. Just remember, if you show a glass cup filled half way up with milk, there will be those who say "Its half full" and those who will say "Its half empty", and then there are those who will say "Hey, I like Coke". So then you bring them a cup of Coca-Cola, and they'll say "What??? No ice cubes?" and so you'll go and get the ice cubes. Then they'll take a sip of the ice cold cup of Coca-cola and spit it out exclaiming "This is regular Coke, I wanted Diet Coke. I specifically demanded diet Coke." So its best to just ignore these sorts of people. They have by nature a sour disposition in life, and spend their time trying to find faults in all others. Just try to remain humble and let them go on their way.



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> After more than four years, there wasn't any bacterial growth and the water was still clean. Ordinary water goes bad in a couple weeks. All sorts of things will grow in it, and the smell will be terrible. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Very Interesting. While fish can live in the Ganga, bacteria cannot grow in this water. Evidently there must be something different about water from the Ganga. I will see if I can pull up some more inormation this.



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Sorry for deviating...but I could not resist this.




It just struck me that this forum has all the ingredients of a successul action movie.


Heroes - All the ISKCON devotees. Some are highly evolved philosophically and I will explain how. Their revered Guru was fond of criticizing other traditions. That was all part of a positive attitude in life and is also being faithfully carried out by his disciples...the heroes who needless to say are all very positive in their outlook. However if someone takes a potshot at their cult, they are quick to jump up and scream foul. Anyone who disagrees with their cult has a negative attitude and a sour disposition towards life which brings us to the villains.


Villains - All those who disagree with ISKCON; people who are all set to land in hell. Especially myself who am so villainous that it takes multiple heroes to subdue, the process of which is still going on.


Humor: The heroes apart from all the action, handle the humor too. They sit in judgement of others and yet call themselves as humble servants. They also advice others to be humble! Ever come across better humor than this? Althoug the villain, I cannot help enjoying some of their heroic activites.



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Hey shvu,

I am extremely sorry if I have hurt you, You have full authority to clarify all your doubts. but the facts which has been put by J.N.Das prabhu regarding ganges water is absolutely true, if you still have doubt on it then I will recommend you to collect the ganges water in a bottle & see after few years, you will get your answer.

Please don't mind yaar, I again apolozise if I have hurt you.


Hari Bol,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hare Krishna

I find that the topic is being missed out completely and is becoming a discussion on who is grt. Can we continue with the significance of Ekadesi fasting? I am one of the so many people who want to know about the significance and the procedure to be followed. I will be very happy if somebody can throw more light on this.





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