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Identifying the sat-guru

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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"I have been wanting to ask you this for sometime. You say 'Sat-Guru'. How does one identify a Sat-Guru out of several Gurus that we have? Is there a a method for this, because if I do come across one sometime, I would like to be in a position to identify him. It will also be useful to other people who read it."



The lakshanas of the sat-guru are revealed in the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in a coded conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna. Arjuna begins by asking five questions to Lord Krishna as follows (2.54):


sthita-prajnasya ka bhasa

samadhi-sthasya kesava

sthita-dhih kim prabhaseta

kim asita vrajeta kim


"Arjuna said: O Krsna, what are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is thus merged in transcendence? How does he speak, and what is his language? How does he sit, and how does he walk?"


Of course these questions are a code which we must analyze internally. There is no particular language of a self-realized soul, nor is there a particular sitting posture or walking style. These words refer to something deeper, yet observable.


Arjuna's desire is to identify the characteristics of the self-realized soul (sthita-prajna), and thus his questions focus on those things a neophyte sadhaka can observe. He does not ask Krishna what is the inner thought of the self-realized soul, or what is his mystic vision. Why? Because these things are only observable to the sthita-prajna himself. They cannot be identified by external vision.


Arjuna's questions, though coded, are for the purpose of practical observation. He is teaching us how to find the sat-guru.


In verses 55 to 72 of the second chapter of the Gita, Lord Krishna systematically answers these five questions of Arjuna. In each verse Lord Krishna hints to us that it is an answer to Arjuna's question by using a synonym of "sthita-prajna", such as sthita-dhih, prajna-pratishthita, buddhih paryavatishthate, brahmi sthitih, etc.


If we seriously desire to find the shelter of a sat-guru, we should carefully study these 19 verses of the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita with devotion.


Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada possessed all of these divine qualities of the sthita-prajna. Those who have found shelter at his lotus feet are very fortunate souls.


In recent times the great rasika bhakta, Sri Gaur Govinda Swami also possessed these lakshanas of the sthita prajna. I would advise those interested in spiritual advancement to associate with these great souls through their divine instructions. Though everyone may not have the great fortune to serve these mahatmas personally, we can all serve them by following their instructions.

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Thanks for the Information, I will read those verse in the Gita today. Since you say Gaur Govinda Swami possessed these qualities, I take it that he is no longer alive. Do you or anyone else know of some-one who is alive today and confirms to the Sat-Guru Lakshanas as described in the Gita?



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Thanks for the wonderful posting.I was reading about the Satguru posting and thinking when will I get a guru but the eight verse prayer to Jagadguru is an answer to my request.I had missed that posting before and thanks so much for that.


Here is some information I had collected from the web about a year back and found it last night as I had hand written and preserved it for future reference.There are some changes from the original as I am posting the abridged instructions for easy reading.

The instructions are more in a gopibhava and hence the devotee has to enter in that mood


1.In any situation a)wealth b)misfortune,she always remembers its part of the lila.

2.Never falsely identifies with richness and her spiritual value is how deep her devotion is felt for hari.

3.She goes on maintaining her secret relationship.

4)She skillfully atends to worldly obligations.

5)She acknowledges that attention always leads to accomplishment.

6)Even in times of stress she thinks Hari is doing what he wants according to his play.

7)Every situation should be assimilated to a lila occurance to remain in the state of rememberance.


Thank you and anticipating more postings.

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