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janardana prabhu

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Technology is going too far according to Krishna Consciousness.

Now that we as a group of spiritual people can gather in cyber space such as this, the focus should be to alter the perspective of the modern scientist away from achieving an ever increasing understanding of the fundamentals of matter, and rather turn there attention to equalizing the balance of living condition so that all people everywhere in the world can lead a good life, free of the annoying things that are but ‘want for a little understanding’. In other words do we really need a completely life like virtual presents on the Internet? Is there not a point when the message can be delivered? All messages are sent’ via media’. All messages are received ‘;via media’. That message is of course being pursuant to the Vedic version. That Vedic version being of course, KRISHNA level of understanding, since the only truly defined message or media ‘or both for that mater’ is Krishna Himself. Once this point has been reached there is no reason to waist funds that should go towards feeding the hungry right now! Long-term goals and interests of the global industry family should wait until the short-term goals are reached, like global kindness maybe? Rather than sending bombs, India should send devotees to Pakistan on random feeding and chanting excursions. Technology and its adherents need to be steered just like a dumb bull. Any thoughts?


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My thoughts are that technology is neither good nor bad, just the people who use it. Technology can, in the long run, if used responsibly, help alleviate these problems. With the advent of computers, and email etc... not only do we get our messages out faster, but there is no need to cut down trees to produce paper. But still we should beware of the short term allure of technology. One such case is the so called "terminater seed" (I think thats what environmentalists are calling it). Basically some very clever geneticists have found a way to produce a seed that will double the amount it would normally produce, but renders all seeds from that plant sterile. The concern is that big agri-business in western countries will sell these seeds to poorer countries, who in the short run will get great yields of produce (corn, tomatoes, cotton etc... all will double). But once those nations have used up all of their current stockpile of seeds, then they will be dependent on buying the "terminator seeds" every year from these multinational companies. Thus their people will be at the mercy of western powers just for something as simple as eating. So we can use technology for good, and in a society of law, it will usually turn out alright. Still it is important to guard against any abuse such technology can bring about.



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Thank-you Gauracandra prabhu that’s a perfect example of’ big business’ being blatantly diametrically opposed to the welfare of the common man the non-stock-holder. And yet there lies the method of attack. Just as a devotee will attempt to uproot bad habits and such; these ‘nonfriendles’ are trying to uproot the foundation of our life here on earth, agriculture. The very word we use ”agriculture” imbibes culture as its derivative. And all cultures MUST be lead by the elders of that society. And any fool that thinks its necessary to manipulate matter on that level is stupid, and should lead, by the elders of that society, away from the brink of their own destruction. That destruction of course is of the mind, intelligence, and ego. The soul can never be destroyed. Well at least that’s my opinion.

From Greenpeace site. Family farmers, hunger and development experts, and environmentalists around the world were stunned to learn in 1998 that genetic engineers, with the help of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), were developing a technology that would make it impossible for farmers to save their seeds for re-planting.



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Yes this "terminator seed" is a real demoniac agent of kali yuga, and it is not surprising to see it in the hand of these multinational Societies whose only goal is to have control over humanity with only one idea in head: earning more money.


I have heard that something like the 4 richest persons in the planet have more money than the total money of the 40 poorest country. But it seems that they do not have enough so they go on inventing ways to earn more and more. It is true that what is not going up is going down, so they have to allways develope their technologies to keep the head.


But, as far as this terminator seed is concerne, we can see very big reaction in the world against it. A French "paysan" (farmer) José Bovet was in India recently to help local farmers to fight for their survival, and I have heard that the big Compagny who is propagating these seeds as receive a kind of interdiction to go further.

Maybe this is going back to jump better in the future, but all hope is not loosed.


This age of Kali is may be advancing quikly, but this is not whithout resistance from the forces of the Good.


Concerning this great technology which is Internet, this is for me a wonderfull instrument without which I would have a hard time to communicate with devotees and spiritualist. Infortunetaly it is also an instrument of the devil. It is just like money, we should take it for the best,i.e. use it in God's service



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