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Evolution and Archeology

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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"All the evidence uncovered to date, are in favor of the theory of evolution, that Homo Sapiens came out of Apes. Homo Sapiens has been traced back to 100,000 years of existence. Beyond that, while other fossils are available, no human fossils have been found. "


This is too big of a topic to get into right now, but the book "The Hidden History of the Human Race" by Michael A. Cremo does a good job of documenting archeological finds that prove humans have existed on earth for millions of years. Basically, any archeological find that doesn't fit into the modern conception of man's origin is ignored. Only those archeological finds that support the present view are accepted by the scientific establishment.


Rather than write something about the book myself, which will be considered biased anyway, I will take the easy way out and attach some impartial reviews from the public which I saw on Amazon.com:



Thorough, Couragous and Balanced, November 25, 2000

Reviewer: poliver@ci2.com from Texas


Cremo and Thompson have done a tremendous job of exposing the high degree of subjectivity that is involved in screening and evaluating evidence of Homo Sapien presence and lineage. The open-minded nature of their approach is unusually refreshing in a field typically defined by hard opinions and condescension.

The authors exhibit tremendous courage in including all reports from the past two centuries that can be considered credible based on eye-witness accounts. When it exists, they also present contrary opinion. Rigid conclusions are generally avoided and the readers are left to decide for themselves how to interpret the evidence.

Criticism of this book ironically follows the same sort of strategy that the authors discredit - namely that full attention is given to the weakest evidence, while the stronger is ignored.

In the past science has always made its most embarrassing mistakes after decades, or centuries, of strict adherence to theoretical preconceptions. The last 50 years of shuffling human ancestors in and out of the family tree (while general textbooks give no evidence of the controversy) is proof in and of itself that we should always try and remain humble to the possibility of our being wrong. It's called open-mindedness and it's a common characteristic of every great scientist.



Scary thoughts, September 26, 2000

Reviewer: Scott Snyder from Danbury, CT


In a sentence: If even a small part of this is true it turns evolution on its ear.

I was given this book by a friend for no particular reason and immediately scoffed at it. As a geologist, I had learned quite a bit about evolution and the filtered information regarding the "accepted" evidence. I eventually started reading it and what I read in this book makes my hair stand on end. The lack of documentation regarding "true" discoveries of human antiquity by the elite of archeology and anthropology is as astounding as the categorical dismissal of other evidence is deplorable. To dismiss evidence of greater antiquity of man because it doesn't fit existing data and "just can't be" is a tragedy of the ages. Makes me wonder how much of this goes on in my own profession.

Read this with and open mind and you be amazed at what you see.

"The eye seldom sees what the mind does not anticipate."


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I also would point anyone curious to the book "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael Behe a Stanford Microbiologist. Several months ago I summarized his views in a post. Perhaps I'll post that again rather than write up a new one. By the way, it is interesting, that recently the scientific community came to the conclusion that the Neanderthal man is not the predecessor to Man. They now believe that it was (in their words) a "dead end" string ie. its genetic coding died off. This is interesting because I remember in high school memorizing the order of evolution of man with Neanderthal man being one of our ancestors. The question was always "Where is the missing link?" The Neanderthal was this big hairy brute, with a slope shelf forehead. Of course through the centuries there have been many scientific blunders like the Piltdown man hoax (I think thats the one, this was where a monkey head was attached to a human jaw to show the missing link, if I remember correctly, I may be wrong). Now not only have they not found the missing link, now they admit they don't even have the link prior to the missing link. This all came out in the national news I'm guessing a year or so ago. Scientists still adhere to the theory of evolution but say that the Neanderthal man lived at the same time as humans, running parallel to them, but its genetic line died off, while man continued forward. Again, I would highly encourage anyone interested to get the book "Darwin's Black Box". Its very interesting, it gets detailed but stays fun and interesting to read.



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